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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. heard a rumor today that tinseltown, the parking garage beside it and the lot where the ice rink is usually located is being developed into mixed use at some point. that's a rumor from a new source. take it with a grain of salt. the empty lot at six pines & lake robbins will be surface parking while the condo tower & other building are built for worker parking.
  2. once again, i had no intention of saying that i loathed the people of china pursuing freedom. those are your words. i made a simple, off the cuff remark, because i hate driving around local protesters and the conversation becomes about some huge ordeal that is far from the truth or spirit of my initial remark. this is why i stay away from many conversations on haif. thanks redscare and memebag, you've reminded me to keep my mouth shut. and as for you woolie..........remark deleted. we do not encourage that kind of language.
  3. bachanon


    i like the new look. also, i will be putting my money where my mouth is on those stickers.
  4. i wonder if "b" office space is in demand or if it will be "a".
  5. nice. people like you, wernicke, make haif great.
  6. behind the condo tower is going to be a parking garage with retail. the condo tower and hotel also have retail slated for the bottom floors. is this a new poster on the square? it's different than the one on the waterway avenue bridge.
  7. just a note, many people in 200-400k range, 30 year old homes in the north millbend area are sinking big money into their homes. i'm not sure if these are new purchases or current home owners spending the money. i've noticed much activity over the last year or so. i called a realtor in the area to see her opinion and she said that expectations are high in that price range. if you can stand renovations and having to be creative in exchange for close proximity to the hardy and town center........? if you want something shiny and new, you'll have to move deep into the woodlands and will suffer home value issues for awhile (because of the amount of 250-400k homes being built).
  8. cool thanks. i didn't want to fight the people and the parking. i work right there, so i plan to enjoy it on quieter nights. great pics.
  9. the protests at tienanmen square and the civil rights movement are/were different worlds than we live in today. sorry, i'm thinking of anti-rail and anti-war protests inside the loop that have caused me discomfort (ok, and a chuckle). if my neighbors were being beaten and civil disorder were necessary i wouldn't care where i lived, i would take to the streets. i think many are living in the past and wishing for the energy and spectacle of those times. or, some think that their pet peeves can muster value from the idea of "public protest". some protesters, friends of mine, simply need to feel necessary and rebellious. i tend to exorcise my pet peeves over a pint or on haif, rather than use my freedom to garner media attention.
  10. i asked a pm realty construction manager about the buildings and he said that he was unaware of this. he may be being mum.
  11. perhaps one's life has to be at a level of simplicity or prosperity to have the time to stand on a public corner all day yelling at traffic. i don't enjoy being a nuisance to common folk. i can't think of any thing i hold dear that requires getting on a soapbox and trying to convince others in a public place. if i feel strongly enough about something i will not support the economics of it. i will not put my energies, votes, cash, influence towards those things. protests are for those who feel the sky is falling because of their pet issues. i'd rather live in a community where protest occurs within the bounds of common courtesy and.......a master plan. i do not think that protests that kept the rules within, say, "town green park" would be banned. there are many public spaces that organizations can reserve for public events. perhaps the town center concept needs to provide a "speaker's corner" like hyde park in london. i'd be all for that. if, as someone suggested, the mall is a form of a town center, those could use one too.
  12. i loathe protesters. shall we start another thread?
  13. waterway square facts the link takes you to the woodlands township page on waterway square. it has a great evening shot of 24 waterway and the fountain.
  14. i so relate to that. i feel differently now.
  15. i'm so attached. it's really strange.
  16. btw, this is my niece's baby. not mine. although, i do feel like the grand dad.
  17. check out my blog and gallery pics of the newbie. she is so freakin precious. blog gallery
  18. yes, but what if these town centers provide a format for concentrated growth? great if they pop up everywhere; each part of town having a more defined identity with social events and community activities. i used to go in to houston for everything. i don't have to now. all of my needs are met here. isn't that a good thing? of course, i miss the menil, mo mong, nippon and zimm's. there are some things you can't replicate.
  19. i agree. i think the success of places like the woodlands town center are being capitalized on by lesser developers. the woodlands town center is not one development but many in a specifically planned location. performing arts, museums, shopping, restaurants, library, offices, hotels, residential, government offices, hospitals and so on. market street and the mall are simply located in the greater "town center". i chuckle every time i pass by shadow creek ranch on 288. the development around memorial city and "city centre" have more potential as town centers, IMO. if they could connect the two with a some smashing public spaces...........but i digress. a mall or shopping center does not a "town center" make.
  20. what mall is a town center? what town center is made to look like a 1950's movie? personally, i couldn't care less what they call it. i'm jazzed that developers are seeing the need for public spaces that draw people together (and concentrating growth). growing up in conroe, going to private school, the only social gatherings took place at church or school. living near the woodlands "town center" provides constant social interaction. i'm running into neighbors, family and coworkers everywhere i go. it's great. free concerts, festivals, public events galore. i love it. waterway square opens this month. yet another place for people to gather. twenty story condo tower, more mid rise offices. constant activity. yes, i drank the kool aid and i love it.
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