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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. i had a similar experience. i was visiting with friends in the ORU cafeteria in 1983. we were in deep discussion about the nature of things. there was a pudding cup in the center of the table. we were some of the only people left in the caf. the pudding cup shattered in all directions. there was no evidence of anything hitting it. it was as if it exploded. i've never been able to figure out how it happened.
  2. i read an article in the past about someone tracing the bayou from way out west and going all the way to the port. they were on foot part of the time (west of the loop). great pics. thank you. i love a new view. it seems almost surreal, like a river was photo shopped with houston buildings in the background. awesome.
  3. if by supernatural you mean, unconditional love? yes. if you mean paying it forward, yes. if you mean an inexplicable desire to love the unlovable, yes. any time i've felt i touched or felt the divine, it had to do with being unselfish or experiencing unconditional love. mystical fantasies of a breeze or a "presence" are simply mental concoctions to deal with the unusual. here is a "supernatural" experience for ya: i was in a several month long depression. didn't know i was depressed. i had all these ideals of how god would bless me if i would just serve him more. suicide became a regular theme of my thought life. christians ticked me off. i didn't want to be near anyone. a good friend recommended a book called "inside/out". the book defined the shallow, ugly nature of prosperity christians who waited and pleaded for god to give them success. in chapter eight or nine, the author discussed the cry baby, arrogant christian who couldn't stand on their own two feet because they were waiting for a supernatural event to take them to freedom. as the author walked me through the old testament book of Job, i had a true paradigm shift. i was being a big baby!! i was waiting for life to give me a break and blaming the world for being all wrong. i swear, the world shifted on its axis. i cried for about an hour. the room spun......really...i couldn't think straight. many things i had been taught to believe were an illusion. i had to make may own way. that, my friends, is a supernatural experience to me. i, immediately, asked god to forgive me for being an ass-wipe and proceeded to see how to reconcile myself with reality. eventually, i apologized to many old friends i had offended by being high-minded and ignorant and relegated myself to more humble pursuits. have i experienced supernatural phenomena, yes. is it mystical? can't say. all i know is that intellectual objectivity and solid info can change your world view. for me, that is supernatural.
  4. i never said that the woodlands wouldn't exist or isn't a part of houston. i did say that it is distinctly different. theniche summed it up nicely, "Therefore, it is my belief that the entirety of our region, including Houston and The Woodlands, owes its growth to factors beyond anybody's willful control, and that it is faulty reasoning to say that one could not exist without the other, or vice versa.".
  5. all i can say is it's really freakin' cool to work in the woodlands town center! if you like development, as i do, it is great fun to watch us oncology rise from the forest while ground is being cleared for the next nine story office building right next door to where the twenty story condo tower will be. the new gourmet grocery & cafe is being completed just a few steps away from americas and four other amazing new restaurants and bars. friday after work is superior as everyone decides which cool place to patronize. and, the convenience of walking home, if you've had too many brewskies..........priceless. not just another bedroom community................. btw, the new americas design is uber cool. find me in one of the floor level booths on a friday evening after a hard day of work.
  6. there are other options that do not "bleed" upward. there are other options that do not "flood" the world with light. the high mast lights show a lack of determination to reduce light pollution. i hate them.
  7. i call that "reinventing the box". it's simple, interesting and attractive. if it's no more expensive than you're average box.........then all the better. i like the rendering. hope the finished product is more attractive.
  8. good news for tetra. thanks for sharing. do you know who designed the building or where we might find a rendering?
  9. i noticed the crane on the southbound feeder sunday. the building has to be 8 or 10 stories at least. the construction co is harvey.
  10. if i should make the drive........IF...........i get a wild hair and want to drive 40 minutes to have too many adult beverages, i will be a large man with a half ass grin in a camp shirt & jeans, hoping to meet an unusual bunch of like minded individuals. doubt i can make it, but you never know.
  11. the history of the woodlands is a grand idea that embraced nature in ways that few other communities have done while still being profitable. more than 7500 acres are preserved as an homage to nature. it is uncanny how surreal the tall pine forest can be during different seasons. it's undeniable.......the difference. it seems only natural that a museum of natural science would be a success here.
  12. anadarko lexicon genetics baker hughes chicago bridge and iron hewitt huntsman corporation american financial us oncology chevronphillips just to name a few.
  13. sorry trae, the woodlands is not like sugarland, pearland or katy. the woodlands is recognized internationally as one of the most successful experimental communities in the world. do any of the areas you list have 30-40 thousand jobs and multiple international headquarters? don't think so. are sugarland, pearland and katy recognized by the united nations as ecologically sensitive communities? nope. are people from the east coast and mexico moving to the woodlands because they want to be near houston. no. before you make unsubstantial comments on the woodlands you should take time to read the following: the woodlands communities in bloom a museum in the woodlands was inevitable.
  14. owwww. sad but true. as i look out west from the 9th floor of a town center office building, all i see are trees. 90 thousand people.......from the 9th floor....nothing but trees. really cool. almost.......a hidden city. just like george & cynthia mitchell envisioned.
  15. there must be a cost threshold at around 30 stories. that sux for us sim city fans who want taller.
  16. just when you thought radio was boring......something new shows up. for local houston bands and music not on the mass media radar......this is what it's all about! love it. Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  17. museum district location near downtown houston.
  18. i seem to remember discussions on this board two years ago about a pending crisis due to almost fraudulent lending practices by builders "helping" people qualify who shouldn't have in the first place. the overbuilding occurred because people who shouldn't have qualified for loans did. building only occurs because money is being handed over. the builders wouldn't have been able to build so much had they not had loose lending practices in place. would be nice for some of the former homeowners to come forward and say that the builder helped them qualify by lying. but, i don't see that happening. good point ricco. i wonder if cars are being repo-ed more too? that could certainly water down my loose-lending practices hypothesis by builders.
  19. knee jerkin' trae? the woodlands and those of us fond of it are very aware of our connection to houston. it is symbiotic, not parasitic. and, btw, i'm in THE woodlands because i grew up in Conroe, a city with a unique history spawned from the search for oil and being at railroad crossroads. conroe existed/exists without houston yet thrives because of its location. the woodlands was created "because" of its location and the dream of a better hometown. it's good for everyone. it isn't us vs them. no need to get worked up about it. did i just get worked up about it?
  20. what woody speaks of is true. the fact is, people are congregating everywhere. for the museums to follow is a natural, progressive and beneficial circumstance. it's good for everyone and should be repeated west, east and south of houston.
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