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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. it may be time for the next impact study to be released. i think that when tcid became the woodlands township, the old tcid info was removed from the town center website. my realtor bought in autumnwood in '03 shortly after i bought my house off n. timber top. i spoke with a keller williams agent last week who told me that people are buying off of box turtle and doing complete renovations, sparing no expense. i've seen this in doe run. apparently, the 300k and up sector is turning over and going up faster than the lower price ranges. i'm anxious to see how 1 dewthread does. if it sells anywhere near asking price it will be a heads up to flippers. like you, i don't think they can sell it for that. did you get the comp list?
  2. i think corbin713 has to find something with a newspaper article that's more than 50 years old.
  3. it is wonderful. they are taking catering orders now. i seem to remember a march date, but don't quote me on it. the interior is going to be amazing.
  4. ya'll are making me excited about the rice u GHPA walking tour next month.
  5. are any of these stories connected to current figures? that would be really interesting.
  6. corbin713, welcome to the forum. you picked a good place to ask that question. we have some real history buffs and a couple of librarians. harris county might be the easiest county for you as well. can you elaborate on the criteria for your story? and, when is it due? if you do not get a response in the next day, i can IM a couple people who may be just who you should speak to. i'll watch the thread to see if anything is coming up.
  7. i think the parking lot is immediately south in the original clearing. however, there is an area to the immediate west that has been cleared with a harvey construction sign facing waterway ave. there is nothing about this on the harvey website or any woodlands media. anyon in "the know"?
  8. so far........new roof and excel. guess i need to kick it up a notch.
  9. welcome to the forum kittyhawk. happy to have you. it's good to see maxconcrete too. i haven't seen you around. great input as always.
  10. i believe that many people are holding on to these properties expecting them to accelerate in value as demand grows around town center. this could be the reason for the large amount of rentals and quick sales. i purchased in '02 with the same expectation. you may be able to find the town center impact study on the town center website. however, i could not find it today. the info could be on the new woodlands township website, but i didn't have time to check it out. i can email the neighborhood comp list after work, sometime this evening.
  11. the woodlands college park the woodlands high school ? new caney? i'm stumped.
  12. welcome to the forum andrea! i'm glad to see you registered. i have a recent comp. report for north timber top. if you do not have it, i can email it to you. a cousin, who is a realtor, sent it to me. i'm interested to see what they paid for 1 dewthread. it is on the market for 199k. it is a complete renovation. thanks for the other bits of info. also, there is an annual impact study TCID puts out. last year, homes within one mile of town center were doing really well when comped with the same home two miles or further out.
  13. funky, eclectic decor. the modern thing has been in high gear for quite awhile. it's getting old (imo). not sure if modern is going to go out quickly or be a more long term trend. i think a tea bar on washington would be well received. cwmr4's suggestion about shopping the fairview tea place is wise. good luck and keep us posted.
  14. sunday afternoons. just don't go out the night before.
  15. the tour was way cool. a couple of yelpers made it out. in fact, the yelper who i met first is our own "groovehouse". hope he will be contributing more often to our space here at haif. the buddy i brought from the woodlands area had lunch with me at van loc before the tour, mo mong after the tour and then hollywood vietnamese after that. guess we had a fixation on vietnamese. lots o drinkie drinks and great conversation. wish you were there! k next month ghpa tour is rice u. anyone wanna meet up for that?
  16. the easiest thing for me to do is to cut and paste a blog i wrote a few years back: a lazy sunday afternoon in montrose ever stay out too late on a saturday and not know what to do with yourself theā€¦ Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  17. yay! today is the day. i'm thinking about coming in town early for some van loc before the tour. will not have internet access after i leave. feel free to meet me there. will be with a buddy. should arrive by 12:30 at the latest. btw, i'm a large guy who will be drinking vietnamese beer or a heineken. there is an old picture of me on yelp.com. just add 80 lbs. i'll be wearing a black shirt, jeans and i'm not shaving.
  18. how exciting to wake up this morning and see another great post of pictures by boris. it's getting to where i see "boris" and have a surge of pending instant gratification, knowing that i'm about to see plenty of great pictures. thanks again boris! if you haven't already, don't forget the gallery. (still kicking myself for not buying in the heights in 94)
  19. white trash night, progressive darkwave.......oh yeah, not that power tools. yes tools are cool. buying a new tool and bringing it home is half the fun. i figure (when i come in the door with a new tool) i look like my weimeraner when she comes to the back door with a stick too big.
  20. i'm not sure any candidate has the power to change the status quo. hillary certainly doesn't have the clout to build consensus across party lines. i'm not sure i want mccain to build consensus. i've had the thought in recent days that i wouldn't mind obama if the congress and senate were controlled by the republicans (and with a stronger margin). it wouldn't take long to see whether his (obama's) rhetoric has any legs. frankly, i'd just as soon write myself in as to vote for the lot of 'em.
  21. true (laughing). very few are willing to pay an extra 15% or so for a house far better than your average builder can produce. but i digress. hadid is designing trophy architecture. her practice really doesn't apply to architecture for common folk does it? or does it?
  22. unfortunately, us common folk as architects have created the cookie cutter subdivisions, uninspired office buildings and strip centers. you may see an architect's stamp on those plans, but a builder or "designer" created the plans. the mighty dollar rules. seldom do we see inspired architecture in the realm of do it yourselfers. one can dream (in a perfect world) that everyone had the opportunity to manipulate their own environment in a way which was best suited for the way they live. the way things are, reality, is that we have to enjoy what comes from "on high"; hadid, piano, gehry and so on.
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