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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. i disagree on williams tower! i think it is in the same league with some of the towers you say you like. is it the glass that you do not prefer? philip johnson took a page from old school designs and glammed it up a bit. i think it retains the same class as the era in which it gives nod. i can't see how BOA in atlanta is not on par (or less so) than williams tower. i'm wondering if you prefer stone over glass?
  2. lmao! this is so true. i love this city and perhaps it is these facts coupled with the people, and the crazy entrepreneurial spirit, that keeps me addicted to this town. awesome statement. still chuckling. thanks!
  3. growing up in a fundamentalist environment, i understand where these people are coming from; however, there are voices of conscience, imaginary voices and what i call "a knowing". there have been times when i was young and naive and thought god was talking to me. i've come to believe that it was merely my idea of what my image of god would say. imaginary voices are, well, imaginary. "a knowing" i've only experienced two or three times in my life during times of peril or great consternation. "a knowing" i might describe as an instant paradigm shift that is diametrically opposed to my world view at the moment. it is as if the world has shifted on its axis and i am just catching up. it has always been a corrective moment of redirection that, in retrospect, has been to my benefit. we can argue whether or not "a knowing" is god talking, but pat robertson telling viewers what is ahead for the year is arrogant, pseudo-psychic-friends and offensive to this believer.
  4. actually, it was posts #14 and #17 that started the downhill direction away from polite discussion. i too wish for more craftsmanship in building projects, especially here in houston. however, it simply isn't feasible in most cases. yes, beautiful architecture and artistic details create a sense of pride and make news, but an investment group or a corporation building a new headquarters will be less concerned with the aesthetics and more concerned with the bottom line for their shareholders. the benefits to the city and perceived value of high style are not, will not be in the foreseeable future, intrinsic to new construction. one can dream though. another thought, perhaps what we view as artistic detail and high style should change, as memebag has stated? this is one reason i love lake/flato architects. they can take simple elements and ideas to a new level. they've designed buildings that i continue to admire in the same way i adore the espersons buildings (for different reasons). this building, for instance (not by lake/flato). i'm really enjoying this building. it is complicated, has depth, has a certain level of detail. will people fifty years from now admire the details of this building as we admire the espersons? i realize this may be a leap for some. however, i think there is merit to the thought.
  5. guess i took that kinda personally since i liked e. dole so much. i see what you're saying, red.
  6. i know of no one here against improvements. it is the definition of "improvements" that we so love to hash out. everyone is very different. VERY!
  7. when elizabeth dole was running in the republican primaries (ages ago) there was little noise about the first potential woman president. no talk shows on the possible first woman president, no commentary. she was simply ignored. in come hilary and the press wets its pants on a daily basis. "could she be the first woman president?" "how would a female president deal with this or that?" and on and on and on. barring a third party candidate, hilary will never be president. she is far too polarizing. if the press was truly concerned with the idea of a woman president, they missed an opportunity to highlight this issue many years ago.
  8. mpope? are you a chef. i love monica pope's food. come on people. what happened to "welcome to the forum mpope409. happy to have you haifing."? jmpope, just in case you weren't welcomed: welcome to the forum! i do not necessarily agree with your perspective on houston's architecture; however, i'm happy you've chosen haif to share that opinion.
  9. houston can go back to the good ol' days of architecture. but, it will not be with the same materials, processes or design. i doubt that buildings like the espersons will ever be built based purely on nostalgia or style. it would have to be profitable. .........2 cents.
  10. i may not need a spiritual quest after that. let me know how it goes.
  11. like i do with mimosas.....only in spells.
  12. that's the way i'm thinking. i have to have the walk/workout on the plate before my day begins. waiting until it's convenient or "i feel like it" never works.
  13. that sounds severe. maybe if i had manicures i'd not do it as much. no, i haven't played piano for years. it's the lack of instrument playing, maybe! it's a subconscious result of not using a talent. or, maybe it's a lack of mimosas.
  14. huh? i wonder if it is somehow a stress relief function. i pick at my cuticles when i'm stressed. it's embarrassing and it's unsightly. perhaps you should have someone film you. this could set off a trigger before you start. i do not usually realize i've started picking until someone else notices or i hear it (seriously). i had someone tell me i should start smoking. not gonna happen.
  15. i need to lose about 120 pounds. no kidding. i'm shooting for 5 pounds a month. i say that as i close the five pound box of premium nuts i received for christmas. guess i've had my handful for the day. indeed
  16. immediately after posting on the serenity of this morning, sirens blew by (twice) and now my neighbor has commenced work on the addition to his home.......right outside my bedroom window. soooo happy i slept well.
  17. my personal goals for '08 include: walking/working out be a better example and mentor selling a rental property taking classes (i need to know excel and access) continue home improvements buy a new car (my ten year vehicle turns ten in june) commit more time to spiritual pursuits commit more time to community involvement take at least one vacation (i haven't left town in over a year) finish reading the fellowship: the untold story of frank lloyd wright and the taliesin fellowship by roger friedland and harold zellman, searching for god knows what by donald miller, creator and the cosmos by dr. hugh ross, on becoming a real man by dr. edwin louis cole, bringing up boys by james dobson and catch up on texas monthly. read velvet elvis by rob bell, revolution by george barna and ephemeral city. wow, it has become clear why certain pursuits have suffered, no?
  18. my new year's eve consisted of a twelve hour day that ended at 7PM. canceled early dinner plans with friends. had a few glasses of svedka and diet coke and hit the hay by 11:30pm. woke up this morning at 7:30 well rested and am enjoying the serenity of a quiet morning in grogan's mill (not the norm). looking forward to the new year and a new haif.
  19. does anyone have an opinion on park drive? most of the properties i noticed weren't too interesting, but the split street with the wide median were attractive. i noticed one guy power washing his front porch. it appeared he was renovating a nice bungalow. there doesn't seem to be a much for sale in the area.
  20. google maps here is a link to a map of the house at mckinney and telephone. i'm obsessing over this house i guess.
  21. does anyone have an idea about how much this house (mckinney and telephone) would be on the market? is this house in eastwood proper? what do you think about the properties along park drive? i like the setting of this street and think a path down the middle would be a great addition to the neighborhood.
  22. nice link danax. i thoroughly enjoyed the newsletter. thanks.
  23. i noticed a cool looking house at mckinney and telephone (i think) it's right across the street from a school and at an angled intersection. the house had a low pitch roof and access on both streets. it appears to be a great location at the forefront of this area. does anyone have information on it? like a doofus, i left my camera at home today. i didn't expect to be cruising around town. i really like the lines of this property, not just the structure. i think it's ideal and is a "gateway" to eastwood.
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