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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. That's not happening to me. Are you using MSN, Explorer, Google? Editor may be updating the site. Hopefully it's temporary.
  2. i saw "less than zero", "the addiction" (to this day, one of my favorite movies) and many others i can't remember. although, i paid for admission to "the addiction" i felt the same way as memebag on this particular occasion: i had no preconceptions and left feeling richly rewarded. this never happens with big budget movies.
  3. isn't there an east end theater that could stand to be re-used? patrons of river oaks and greenway theaters will surely need a new place to see good movies.
  4. here, here! (that's a ditto, or a "you go" for those who might not get it).
  5. canvas transfers anyone? surreal. blade runner-esque. NICE!
  6. the woodlands. surprise surprise! yes, merry christmas to everyone, wherever you are.
  7. lol!!!! thanks guys. i saw this abomination again today and it's an eyesore. the crown looks like a strange, futuristic water tower that's too large for the building beneath. what were they thinking?
  8. great. more of the usual stuff.
  9. one more step away from "hometown" and one more step towards "uptown". don't know how i feel about that. the dealership sounds cool though. i wonder if they check your assets before they show you around?
  10. LOL. This I like. i did think you were agitated. my bad. the "message" may not be targeted to white kids, but it is marketed to white kids. these guys know who's buying. i saw a special some time ago that had one of the big producers of rap/r&b (can't think of his name. bald guy, model girlfriend). he was up front about who is buying; suburban white boys. as much as i loathe rap and rap culture, it would be hypocritical of me to come down it.
  11. sorry, but if someone tells me i'm small minded or that my opinion is ludicrous, it doesn't hurt my feelings or tick me off. it does; however, let me know we see things differently. it is small minded of you to think that gary was trying to be mean to you and it's ludicrous to spend this much time discussing what is essentially civil (YES civil) banter. i think it's small minded to want gay marriage. does that mean i think less of or want to insult people who desire it? NO! i think there are other options. do i think it's ludicrous for so much discussion to be had over a dead rapper who had little to offer society? yes i do. however, i don't belittle those who admire the guy. i love trent reznor for god's sake. what does he stand for? i certainly wouldn't spend hours and get my feelings hurt because others didn't "get" him like i (think i) do. i have friends and family who say "you're an idiot if you think that.". do we bring out the boxing gloves and have it out? no, we say "you're a dork"......"you're a dip####!" and move on with a hug or a wink. evidently, you know the hearts of people to suppose that anyone who disagrees with you must be MEAN or intend hurt. you must be the all-seeing oracle and seer of men's hearts. no one hates you, memebag, or intends to belittle you. take a chill pill and let it roll off you like rain on a ducks backside.
  12. come to think of it, if you could go back in the annuls of haif history and peruse some of the more intense discussions between some of our more cerebral members, you would see that things can get pretty ugly among friends.......at least when discussing music and culture and politics, etc. disagreement sharpens us all if we remain civil and not easily offended.
  13. disagreeing with you and thinking you don't get it, is not insulting you. it is simply a disagreement. you see things differently. it isn't an insult when someone recognizes and defines a difference in opinion. he didn't call you names. you're overly sensitive (not an insult btw).
  14. Can you discuss this subject without insulting me? how is that insulting you personally memebag?
  15. posts with questionable lyric content temporarily removed for review.
  16. this means the original lodges with winding walkways throughout will be demolished for new construction. the additional guest rooms and entry will not destroy much, if any existing forest.
  17. i haven't ridden the rail for awhile, but i seem to remember stations made for trains with three cars. do i remember correctly?
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