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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. awwe dude. you can IM me all day if you want. in fact, i'll give you my cell number if you IM me.
  2. i feel kinda guilty getting off to madeleine when i know who she sounds like. i feel like i'm cheating somehow.
  3. recently, i'm diggin' michael buble and madeleine peyroux. haven't pulled out the christmas cds yet.
  4. amen to that. i used to have thanksgiving night parties because everyone i knew would be in town with their families. most people were over the family time by eight or so and would have nothing planned. everyone would bring leftovers and wine. we'd have our "second" family thanksgiving. good times.
  5. my parents are out of town for thanksgiving. i can't blame them. my little sis is doing thanksgiving as are several other friends. one family has maxed out their duck hunting licenses and happen to be really good cooks. duck in lake jackson for thanksgiving anyone? seeing as my sis is nearby i think i'll drop in for home cooking over there today. anyone have interesting plans today? my dream thanksgiving is to do it in manhattan and shop the big apple tomorrow.
  6. i read about a woodlander who takes his bike to work every day. he claims that when it's 90 degrees outside, the air movement keeps him from sweating on most days. not being a biker and soon to be "commuting" from grogan's mill to town center, i'm wondering if this is true. i could simply preserve my ten year old durango (that i love) and bike to work.
  7. the trans-texas corridor and i-69 are different animals no?
  8. looks so "urban". ; do more jax, do more! get some of the business fronts with people walking by. there are so many funky places that need business. i'd hate to lose them.
  9. IF the mcdonald's is integrated into the new building, i doubt it will be used as a selling point. therefore, i wouldn't expect to see it in the renderings made public.
  10. let me say that the fish tacos are the ONLY thing i've enjoyed at skeeters. burgers..........NO, breakfast...........NO. coloring on the paper table clothes is fun though.
  11. i'll admit, i've had a couple good fish tacos at berryhill; however, skeeters won me over with their catfish tacos.
  12. 'tis good to hear that interest in the prairie style is still around.
  13. i had hoped someone would see the value of the boy scouts building. i like this wheeler guy.
  14. just read the article yesterday. each time i purchase a chronicle, it is stories like yours that i'm looking for. thanks for doing your part and doing it so well.
  15. good point webdude. i think that some cultures have a certain mindset that involves order and cleanliness.
  16. actually, market street is merely a project and was not developed by the woodlands, but by trademark. the area that is now town center was land preserved by george mitchell in order that a "woodlands downtown" could be created when the area could support it. market street is just one project in the woodlands town center (by a company other than the woodlands development co). i think city centre and market street are the same type projects but on a different scale. if you were to compare city centre with the woodlands town center; however, city centre would be the less organic development. the woodlands provided the infrastructure and the market for market street, as houston is providing the infrastructure and the market for city centre.
  17. uhhhh city centre is springing from the earth, fully landscaped, in under two years. i know families that have been in the woodlands since its inception; started in a starter home, moved up as the family grew and sized down after the kids were gone and retired here. it may be true that there is a transient wealthy element here, but in grogan's mill, panther creek and cochran's crossing, many families have been here for more than twenty years. i remember the naysayers saying that very thing about market street. most of the market street stores are doing exceedingly well.
  18. watching the news tonight (local fox news i think), the lead story was of the mom and tiny, cute baby of one of the robber "victims". the newscaster said the baby will never get a picture with his daddy again. i'm sorry, but i laughed my ass off. the kiddo might have a fighting chance without a criminal for a dad. local news is becoming more entertainment than informative. regardless whether or not the shooter had legal rights, he may have done a favor for that cute tiny tot. i think a slap on the wrist is in order for the shooter and community outpouring for the poor tyke. in all reality, death was too severe for these dumb idiots. the neighbor should have shot at the knees. one could extrapolate the "good intentions" of terrorists who want to serve allah. simply because you think you're doing good is not reason to take someone else's life. defending your own or the life of another is one thing, but stuff? no one deserves to die for taking stuff. i think the neighbor was too "yahoo", but i don't think he deserves a prison sentence.
  19. yes, i catch myself thinking "OMG it's over! no. wait. it's the regular banner. whew? i still have a chance".
  20. welcome to the forum nycapvest. btw, casually mentioning a large project to this forum and not providing details will be considered "cruel and unusual" torture to some who frequent here.
  21. mi luna has been in the village for quite awhile. i think katiedidit is spot on to recommend city centre.
  22. small world. maybe next time. again, great pics. also, the outdoor extension of the mall is cool. what's nice about market street is that people go there just to hang out and visit, let the kids play. it's a relaxing atmosphere.
  23. welcome to the forum glitter. i hope you find the information you need.
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