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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. great pics boris. i think i saw you take the picture of the waterway square development poster. i was coming out of goose's acre just as some guy held his camera over the construction fence and snapped a shot. were you wearing a blue shirt ( i think)? it's funny, i started to walk up to the guy and ask if he was an architecture buff. could it have been you?
  2. the question about flooding & sewer or septic was about shenandoah. i'm sure they have a sewer system but i'm not sure about flooding on the streets that back up to a large drainage ditch.
  3. people who are realists are seldom much fun; however, the truth hurts sometimes don't it? gotta love red. keep 'em comin'. great post.
  4. thanks for the list of good contractors.......but, aren't you afraid they might not be available to you if we all start to use them?
  5. feel free to IM any question you may have.
  6. yes, do you think taking fast corners is nature or nurture?
  7. my weimeraner is a lesbian. women have to be careful because she will try to, uhhhh, feed. LOL.
  8. perhaps i should have used the word compassion rather than tolerance. i think that tolerance means live and let live, be congenial and refrain from negative stereotyping. to see it as a negative doesn't help things. you can't require people to like or accept everyone. it will never be a perfect world. "tolerance" is the best we can do as humankind.
  9. reacting is fine. it's the people who seem to be gleeful about it that disturbs me. my gut reaction is compassion for the guy. yes, he did it to himself but he's been suffering for a long time. now his family suffers along with him. it's a lose/lose scenario for everyone.
  10. exactly. you would think that the conservatives would take the opportunity to show tolerance in situations like these. let the voters in his district vote him out in the next election if they are bothered by it.
  11. that's been my thinking as well. it's sad that some in the gay community enjoy pouncing on a humiliated gay man.
  12. guys come on. play nice. yes, you are posting in "way off topic" but in a thread about a republican representative who had a secret gay life. we should stay on the topic of the thread. once more, BACK on topic please.
  13. memebag: Can you reference any of their writings? I can't believe a "naturalist" would ignore homosexuality in non-human animals that way. animals exercise domination by sexual behavior. animals "exhibit homosexual behavior" but they are not homosexual as humans are homosexual. for some species sexual behavior is a bonding ritual with younger members of a group. should we apply this behavior as natural for humans? i think not. in the book In Defense of Natural Law By Robert P. George, George defends the "naturalistic" view that homosexuality in humans is unnatural. before anyone goes off, i'm responding to memebag's assertion that no naturalists have this viewpoint. memebag: So there are people who are anti-gay for non-religious reasons, but they don't say so? How do you know about them? i meant that people in the sciences who have the secular ideology that homosexuality is not correct behavior do not publicly speak about their beliefs because of the heated politically correct environment that we live in. if you were a philosophy or biology professor at a major university, would you publicly discuss your unpopular opinion on homosexuality? would you risk a promotion or tenure? you certainly wouldn't write an article about it. and.........we're off topic again. the thread is about closet gay republicans being outed (and this genius did it to himself, priceless). should anyone really care? i think the gay community does itself a disservice by rejoicing over the public humiliation of other gay people.
  14. yes, back on topic. i wish the republican party would quit eating their own when they turn out to be gay. a REAL big tent party would say "SO WHAT", it's his business. booting these people reinforces the appearance of intolerance. the anti-gay marriage crowd (thanks for stirring that up mr. rove) should focus on governmental issues rather than moral issues. that being said, this guy was a complete doofus to call the cops.
  15. there are people who are naturalists. naturalism could argue that because reproduction requires both sexes, homosexuality is unnatural (but not sin). there are non-religious people who feel that homosexuality is a maturity issue. these people are in the minority and seldom speak out for fear of drawing attention to themselves. there are non-religious folk who philosophically believe that homosexuality is not the best behavior.
  16. awwwwe yeahhh! that's what i'm talkin' 'bout. are you building outside of the city?
  17. welcome to the forum rapturematt. we're used to long posts. keep 'em comin'. i had the occasion to drive through eastwood yesterday. the area looks like a great find. in fact, i felt a little giddy as i drove mckinney towards downtown. i haven't driven through RT for years, but look forward to checking it out.
  18. no. it's surrounded by 24 waterway (13 stories under construction) on the north, waterway avenue on the west, waterway square on the east (pictured) and the woodlands waterway on the south. if you walk out the door of goose's acre or americas (21 waterway ave) you'll be facing 20 waterway avenue. woodlands commercial website click on town center, then waterway square district. there are pics at the bottom of the waterway square district page. 20 waterway is/will be to the left in both pictures.
  19. across the street from goose's acre & americas, next door to 24 waterway (the newest building).
  20. Construction To Begin Soon On 20 Waterway Avenue New building overlooking Waterway Square to house four restaurants Construction will soon begin on 20 Waterway Avenue, a new building planned to house four restaurants in The Woodlands Town Center. Designed by Frank Lucas of Baltimore, MD, the building will be bordered by The Woodlands Waterway
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