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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. are you comparing us to china or india, perhaps? if a girl brings dishonor to her family in many other countries, she could be disfigured, thrown out or hidden until the baby comes and then the baby is thrown away. i doubt that teen pregnancy is reported as much, anywhere else in the world (as the US). and since when is it not the school's responsibility to teach self control? do teacher's and administrators expect kids to behave during class? do they expect kids to complete tasks and act responsibly? why should we expect self control in some areas and then drop the ball elsewhere? personal/cultural/civic responsibility should be a part of any learning experience. it is negligence to not expect self control from the students a community is trying to reach. you're right, it's not the state's responsibility, it's the community. in many cases the schools are the center of the community.
  2. i'm certainly not a scientist either. in fact, based on this discussion, i'll not throw pinatubo around without more information. i think theniche's characterization (of the pinatubo eruption evidence) as "dubious" is wise.
  3. my opinion is that geologists and astrophysicists have great understanding of the magnitude of these large systems. because of their knowledge of space, time and historic cataclysmic events, they have better understanding than most about man's place in the grand scheme of things. the people i've spoken to are not politically motivated, they do not have an axe to grind. they believe in good stewardship of the earth, they do not believe that the sky is falling. also, since we cannot effectively measure anthropogenic greenhouse gases, we will never be able to rule it out as a factor. ergo, bad science. it's like trying to prove or disprove god.
  4. sourcewatch is a cool link. thanks. however, it is a wiki. anyone can write whatever they want. the article i linked to simply confirmed information that i'd been given by a geology professor, a geological scientist and an astrophysicist. The references for the article include Science and the Astrophysical Journal, not exactly opinion periodicals. What many of these learned people conclude is that the natural systems in place are far more powerful than humanity.
  5. that's too bad. i like the acre alot. i haven't had a bad experience there. americas, next door, is supposed to have a nice bar area, when they open. many more options to come.
  6. it is my opinion that it is a myth. people were talking about disney buying land for a new location, north of conroe, in the late 70's and the 80's and chatter started up about katy in the 90's. it's simply gossip.
  7. goose's acre is usually packed on weekend nights. during the day, the wait staff is aloof. also, i think the food is better at the acre. i heard that goose's acre wants to move away from baker street. but, i don't know how reliable the source is. glad to have you in the woods red.
  8. A Climate Change Primer: Solar and Orbital Variation Part two of a three-part series Written By: Jay Lehr and Richard S. Bennett Published In: Environment & Climate News Publication Date: June 1, 2003 Publisher: The Heartland Institute In Part One of this three-part series, Lehr and Bennett defined and described the
  9. i attempted to keep my rental property as my homestead. didn't work. it "fell" off the books and i had to claim my current property.
  10. my bad, you were posting at the same time i was. i posted without regard to your second statement. you are correct to state that my emotional disregard for global warming science is illogical. after all, science requires opposition. my opinion is that global warming hysteria has reached an alarming level, when much of the science is inconclusive.i should learn to be more thoughtful before i post. especially with you around. good facts jax. perhaps the atmosphere is capable of handling ANY amount of greenhouse gases. debunking the mt. pinatubo claim could actually confirm the efficiency of the atmos.
  11. if the richmond........ehhh university line were approved, there would be a stop two blocks from the galleria, connected to the existing line between downtown and tmc.
  12. me too. i set the alarm to be up in time. it wasn't that great.
  13. all we need is fixed mass transit connecting the med center, downtown and uptown. a triangulation that, i think, would create a pulse of activity.
  14. i'm equally impressed with your ability to believe the hyperbole that is "global warming hysteria" from the comfort of your own home, without conducting a bit of your own research. do you need an assistant? i'd love to win some cases for you.
  15. effects of pinatubo the mount pinatubo eruption enlarged the ozone hole over antarctica, but it (the ozone layer) recovered. your link to the eia does not attach to any documentation. a survey that records average annual volcanic eruptions does not specify the largess of the pinatubo event. it was ASH that cooled the planet, it was greenhouse gases that caused the increase in the ozone hole.
  16. the scientists i've spoken to consider that the convection of heat and energy supplied by the sun is regulated by the atmosphere. anything mankind does to the atmos is balanced by bigger systems than we could effect. global warming is "small scale science" that does not consider the science of astrophysics or geology. seeing as mankind has always suffered wars, evil and hunger, i cannot see how those things compare to the "new" science of global warming. the same wackos claiming the planet is warming because of mankind were saying we would be in an ice age for the same reasons forty years ago. global warming is the new incarnation of this group of thinkers. think chicken little. they're cut from the same cloth as g. w. bush. oh, you see global warming on the same level as wars, evil and hunger. guess you've had the kool-aid.
  17. reliable movie going sources second "the kingdom" recommendation. plan to see it soon.
  18. global warming zealots junkscience glowarmers
  19. complete hooey. as i've suspected for some time, the earth's atmosphere regulates heat. energy from the sun supplies a system that regulates itself within our atmosphere. the power of this system far outweighs the negative aspects of human pollution. this is not simply my opinion, i've confirmed this ideology with scientists in geology and astrophysics. note: shorelines have historically receded, the planet has cooled and warmed, the atmosphere ebbs and flows as do oceans and other "controlled" systems. to think that man can influence the massive system that is the earth's atmosphere is as naive as thinking the earth is the center of the universe! we could blow up ten nuclear bombs, a hundred nuclear bombs, and not permanently change the atmospheric system we need to survive. the volcanic eruption of mount pinatubo (sp?) released more "greenhouse" gases than the entire industrial revolution. nature will survive humanity.
  20. my five year old weimer i call a puppy. my 17 year old nephew i call boy. it's perspective. if you want to argue semantics at this time of night, perhaps you should IM me.
  21. that's kinda harsh marty. i don't think parrothead would've given her puppy to just anyone.
  22. please explain how i "ragged" on people who have an independent mind?
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