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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. parrothead, you're begging for a dogpile. many people who are extremely anti-christian are so because christians have not practiced what they preach. i've been one of them. i haven't responded to this thread because it was posted, i'm sure, as an attempt to put down or make fun of a christian leader or christians in general. this is not the place to "stand your ground" (IMHO). i've found that the ministry of christ is in treating others as you would like to be treated. people, these days, want to know your angle when you are kind for no good reason. responding to a thread such is this doesn't serve you or the people who are craving an argument. it is only through relationships and gentile, patient, unconditional acceptance that we can affect our world. we do not have to explain ourselves, we do have to behave with humility, simplicity, patience, consistency, kindness, and never expecting agreement, appreciation or understanding. the political environment and the history of our country is inconsequential, when practicing unconditional love to everyone we come in contact with. short story: individuals are more important than political systems, school districts, history, having others see your point......no need to explain yourself or state your case.
  2. for years, people in willis/new waverly have said that disney purchased thousands of acres up there. it's all a myth.
  3. that cool picture (the one from the middle of this sculpture looking up) from the 600 square mile show was timely. it (the sculpture) will certainly get more camera time at discovery green. i had hoped the park creators would commission new art.
  4. my hopes are that the area becomes extremely pedestrian friendly. it seems to be a great environment for this with the added residential.
  5. i mean driving as in pushing, directing, encouraging, making.......insert the synonym of your choice. "they" can do nothing to change the location of downtown or its demographics. nor can "they" create demand in downtown as it exists in uptown. the galleria area has an international reputation. there are amenities here that will not soon be duplicated downtown. people who buy million dollar homes in the sky (homes that are in demand uptown) require these amenities. it doesn't matter how much streetscaping you do, developers go where their product will sell best. also, i could say that profit is what is "driving" the boom uptown. if finger's residential tower downtown sells well, i think we could see other developers get proactive and drive more downtown development.
  6. only a portion of downtown is a tirz, right? the arches and landscaping in uptown, the small compacted area and the tirz all contribute to the current interest (and let's not forget "demand"). i'm not sure that the uptown district is more proactive than downtown interests. i think that uptown has achieved critical mass. critical mass, coupled with high demand, is what is primarily driving uptown development (IMHO). the uptown tirz has created a great setting (and incentives) for much of this activity. sorry, i didn't use gary's quote which i was responding to. i've added it.
  7. hey kjb434, long time no see. welcome back (if you've been away). i may have not been reading threads that you've been in, but it seems as if you've been away. good to see you. back on topic....more towers...yeah!! uptown has the restaurants, the shopping, groceries, memorial park nearby. i can see why it is readily more desirable than downtown.
  8. yet, it was great fun picturing your scenario. practical, real world, hypotheses simply aren't as entertaining. as much as i can dream of a grand rail system for our region, i think it's necessary and responsible to be conservative in our approach.
  9. i think theniche has made it clear that the most efficient transportation system for houston involves buses, more specifically, park & rides. because houston's work force is so spread out and regardless of how much money you spend, you could never achieve an efficient rail system. though, maybe in a "simcity" hypothetical you could.
  10. i think it's unlikely. but, it would look taller in houston. i think a building that size will be so far out of scale, i'm not sure i'd want it. the title, yes. a 3000 foot tall skyscraper, i don't know.
  11. bachanon

    Bat Houses

    i notice them flying around street lamps. i can't see how the small bat houses would attract bats though.
  12. if you're familiar with vietnamese food, i've had a blast taking out of town guests to van loc. also, there are some good views from the restaurants and bars at bayou place. if you should do something at bayou place, you can walk down by the bayou, by wortham center, and get a good look at the skyline. also, artista in the hobby center has great decor and view. artista la carafe seems to be liked by everyone i've taken there. i do not think of it as a meat market. however, if it's busy, you may have a difficult time sitting together if you have more than five or six people.
  13. welcome to the forum lrs.carlton woods, creekside home show Rare Opportunity To Go
  14. bachanon


    my nephew claims to be from the ghetto. he spent a few years in a poor, run down, high crime area in pasadena. occassionally, he uses it as a term of endearment and other times as a point from which he has progressed, depends on who he's with.
  15. the parking garage is an existing parking garage with some alterations.
  16. one note: the pavilion parking and parking for festivals is supported by surrounding office and mall parking, as red stated. also, stand alone parking garages in town center have been built so as to allow for additional levels when the need arises. as of yet, the water taxis and natural gas trolleys provide more benefits for tourists and event goers than woodlands residents. as a resident, if i'm having dinner at market street and have to stop by the mall, i'm not going to wait for a trolley. it isn't practical.
  17. that's interesting. i can see where these structures are intimidating; however, the beauty of each structure overwhelms me. i'm fascinated by the extreme nature of the engineering necessary to build these structures. yet, i see what you mean editor. the accessibility of an older stone/cement building seems more human. but, i wonder if the greeks or romans felt intimidated by their temples or public spaces? perhaps these modern buildings will seem human to the next generation. the fact that they are "inhuman" or futuristic is a part of what overwhelms me.
  18. i agree. i'm thomas d. on yelp, btw. i hoped that they would adopt your event for their late october social, but they seem to want their own event specifically for yelpers. i understand, but it would give me two excuses to come in to town and support two events i think are a good idea at one time.
  19. that's a great idea. you might find several takers on yelp.com, that is, if you don't find many takers here. they had a get together at ginger man the other night that was quite successful. those guys are up for anything and they are planning a late october event which is currently in the planning stages. keep us posted on how many and who, and what time. unfortunately, halloween is on a wednesday. that counts me out. if you had your "costume pub crawl" on the weekend before halloween, you might get more people to show. i edited your website address so that it was a working link. http://bachanon.yelp.com
  20. ricco, we all appreciate your "ears on the ground". Houston19514, i think, is a rationalist (to a fault). but, he could be less abrasive. bachanon politely nudges Houston19514. i wouldn't get too upset over his contradictions. he has good information too. has anyone discussed how long the renovations are going to take? when should the new hotel be open for business?
  21. if i knew i had a commute before purchasing a home, i wouldn't buy past panther creek: way too far and too much traffic. once you get on the hardy, it's 25-35 minutes. alden bridge is QUIET. it's freakin' pleasantville out there. i love it, but i wouldn't want to commute to houston from there.
  22. ghery's work is obvious. i hadn't heard of polshek (?). i thought the herzog & de meuron was zaha hadid. also, i didn't recognize the calatrava. after i read the name, i figured i should've known. i recognized taniguchi right away. as much as i appreciate the architecture of our museums and theaters, i covet some of these buildings for our town.
  23. there has been an off the cuff remark from a TCID official that trolleys from the villages to town center are a possibility in the future. with senior living facilities, apartments and town homes located near each village shopping center, i can see how there might be enough ridership. the expansion of the hardy toll road will extend to loop 336 in conroe. i do not recall if it is the north or south loop. montgomery county has created its own toll road authority. i do not recall if the extension will be HCTRA or MCTRA. the 242/i-45 flyovers will be tolls. construction on 1488, from 2978 to 242, is expected to worsen traffic on woodlands parkway for many months. btw, thursday, i made it to an 11AM doctor's appointment off the north loop, from grogan's mill via I-45, in 25 minutes. i left my house at 10:40 AM and arrived at 11:05AM. i couldn't believe it.
  24. i like this type of thread as well; however, i'm getting addicted to yelp.com. i wonder if our haif profiles could include our yelp pages? must ask the editor.
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