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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. i checked txdot and the woodlands construction update on their websites and found nothing in the works for widening 2978. it looks like there are several small projects in and around the woodlands and, as you know, the widening of 1488 to 242.
  2. it may also have to do with the heat. .........scratch that. my brother-in-law was a welder and they worked in high temperatures all day long. i was thinking that the solder might not cool fast enough in high heat. my bad.
  3. and that contributes to the conversation? lol.
  4. i read somewhere (sorry i don't have a source, maybe reason magazine.) that the majority of third generation mexican immigrants no longer speak spanish. in other words, the children of immigrants generally learn english. the grandchildren of the original immigrants know little spanish. my questions are these: will catering to spanish reduce the importance of learning english for immigrant's children and grandchildren? should we implement a required second language in all public schools from elementary through high school? personally, i think that if a business or corporation wants to cater to a certain population, that is there prerogative. i cannot see how it is racist to pander to the population that contributes to your bottom line. and, if you think mexican immigrants aren't contributing to the profits of businesses and the tax base in houston, you ain't right in the head. it is my opinion, that people who have an issue with the representation of other languages haven't traveled much. try finding what you need in a country that doesn't have english represented. if you've had that experience, you would be a little less shocked when you see spanish, korean, vietnamese or chinese beside or under english here.
  5. i'm still trying to picture this in my mind. would this be a live purple monkey who washes dishes, or purple colored dishwasher who's brand name is "monkey". i'd prefer the burnt sienna monkey dishwasher either way. there's my gratuitous post.
  6. "looking up" is one of my favorite houston photos. i believe i've seen it from a google image search.
  7. there are many areas of grogan's mill that are almost 35 years old. every neighborhood has its own identity; the cheaper areas are more "run down" than the high end homes, the homes on the golf courses are typically maintained better. there is one neighborhood, doe run, that has many large older homes ($300k-$900k). in recent years, there have been two tear downs on the golf course (in doe run). there are many great buys in the 150K range. neighborhoods along north millbend are a 15-20 minute walk from the woodlands waterway. here are some samples: 2811 w wildwind circle 2902 e wildwind circle 134 s tranquil path 25 doe run drive 140 timber top drive 12 moonvine ct 42 wild meadow ct 48 whisper drive 27 n autumnwood way 11022 meadow rue st 74 deerfoot circle 1915 oldfield pl 20 sawmill grove 1110 red cedar circle 12227 rock oak pl grogan's mill homes/townhomes range from under 100k to over 2 million. the prices vary street to street. there are new homes still being built on the northern end of grogan's mill road past research forest.
  8. ok, i can see that from what i've read the last few days. thanks katiedidit. either way, i'm looking forward to it. just a note.......the farmer's market at market street will have its fall location at the grogan's mill shopping center on saturday mornings. hopefully, this will continue annually.
  9. this tells me that many wild oats stores will become whole foods. i think that which "brand" we have will be determined by where they are on the time-line production of this location. if it is early enough in the game, i think whole foods would rather have their "brand" represented.
  10. i noticed the wild oats purchase by whole food has been approved by the ftc. i wonder if our store will still be a wild oats? ........... i found some info at the wild oats website: Will my Wild Oats or Capers store continue to be a Wild Oats or Capers even after the merger? Whole Foods plans to continue to operate our Wild Oats and Capers Community Market stores and, in fact, will make significant capital investments to remodel acquired stores before re-branding them as Whole Foods Market stores. Before making any decisions, Whole Foods will review each store individually to see where it fits in the overall plan. In some areas, remodeling and re-branding or relocating stores will happen quickly; in others, the change will happen over time, and is expected to take up to two years. Will you be closing any stores? We don
  11. i'm glad to hear your good news, niche. best wishes. i think the eastwood plan would be most frugal.
  12. yup, the development is a no go. restaurants may pop up, but not this incarnation.
  13. i guess the specific style is not as important to me as the excessive look of this project. there appears to be a lot of gaudy crap on this (these) buildings that make no sense to me. i get the beacon, but healthcare is expensive enough. why blow a ton of money on superfluous ornamentation? hospitals are not a party. when all is said and done, i may find that my "beef" has been with the rendering only and not the actual structure. i hope this to be true.
  14. now, if i could just see who is what color and who makes how much money. LOL! it appears that we are a predominately white (or only white folks answer a poll like this) but economically mixed group.
  15. double d!!!!!! government teets!!!!!! ROTFL!!!!!! it must be 1AM.
  16. we would need the improved police force to direct the traffic and deal with all the new criminals when transportation to jobs became an impossibility if metro were dissolved. houston is TOO BIG to be without public transportation. imagine houston with a (largely poor/middle class) segment of the population with "less" transportation options. we need "more" transportation options. being ticked at metro is one thing, but dissolution? are you for real?
  17. you're awesome for chiming in wyattearp. many of us were hoping for your success. good luck to you and yours.
  18. so, maybe another hines building near mainplace is more than speculation. or, and i doubt this, a 1.8 million square foot high rise!? a sister building would have more "LEED" possibilities............new parking garages nearby..........taller buildings are cost prohibitive and less "green". i'm thinking a second tower is a greater possibility for hines than the article let on.
  19. who is the architectural firm who designed this (these) unfortunate building(s)? it looks like a cartoon. why? why? WHYYYYYYYYYYY? are they modern? are they deconstructionist? are they international? what the hell are they?
  20. huh? did i miss a post or something? ohhhh, must be sarcasm.
  21. i avoid this thread for long periods of time and then i see that aftonag is still going strong. aftonag gets my nomination for the "stick-with-it" award. 143 pages and still going. you are indeed the energizer bunny of haif threads, or at least this haif thread. this guy has been through hell and back, through personal attacks, statements out of context and then some. yes, he's taken some things out of context himself and towed the anti-rail party line, but damn! i like this guy, even though i disagree with his stand on rail. hang in there aftonag. i'm a reticent fan.
  22. i'm all about new towers. yet, that looks like it could have been an interesting block. the street level will lose some character. guess it won't bother me so much when the cranes go up.
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