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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. based on the editorial that you chose to link, i do not see proof positive that the concealed gun permit will "require" business owners to allow unruly licensed gun carriers any more privilege than a non licensed gun carrier. perhaps you've seen the legislation. i have not. the opinion on the san antonio website makes the assumption that "Lawmakers in Austin ought to consider that advice as they ponder bills that would force private interests, against their will, to allow people to carry weapons onto their property.". then he states what the law would require.........."And the measures under consideration would allow them to bring their weapons onto company property provided they leave them locked in their cars.". this sounds to me like gun carriers who are employees and not bar patrons. having a gun in your car (your private property) on the premises of your job (another's private property) seems to be the bigger issue at hand. i think a license to carry is an attempt to identify gun owners and a small step towards gun control. i don't know which side of the issue i fall on; however, the op ed piece does not shed light on the legislation. it appears to be a knee jerk reaction to a portion of information. i don't think i will base my opinion of the legislation on this one op ed. do you have any solid information on the legislation itself?
  2. licensed or not, how many people have guns in their car/truck while at work? i would bet that there are plenty roughnecks all over the port of houston with guns locked in their vehicles. i've met a few hunters who define the "right to bear arms" as the right to have a gun in the private property of their vehicle, licensed to carry or not. how would a state law preclude a business owner from banning guns on the premises? i've been to chemical plants and manufacturing facilities in and around the houston area where vehicles are not allowed beyond a certain point without a full on search for weapons. these places (dow, shell, halliburton, baker hughes) are not going to allow weapons on the premises. if the law red is referring to would put these company policies at odds with a right to carry law, it will be in the courts soon after passage and/or heavily lobbied against. bar and restaurant owners can refuse service to anyone disrupting business. i'm not sure why the op ed contributor is worried about licensed gun owners when unlicensed gun owners bring weapons on to private property everyday. the difference is, as red pointed out, a braggart who is licensed and letting the world know. the answer to that is make him leave the bar (red's example) because he is alarming patrons and hope to god he doesn't go get his gun and return. but, go ahead and remove the safety from the pistol you have under the bar as a precaution.
  3. i eat at chipotle on occasion. however, i usually eat there after 6 or 7pm. i always park right near the front door. weekday lunches, just about anywhere in town center, is a beast. i try to have lunch by 11:30am or after 1pm.
  4. yes, the mall is considered town center. at a recent commercial/economic outlook conference, a member of the TCID board of directors noted that the issue of growth wasn't the problem. she said the not so subtle message was to be ready for rapid growth. i had a link to reference, but it is no longer available on chron.com. there is a new parking garage going in at 24 waterway avenue, a new temporary surface parking lot on waterway avenue across from the brownstones, and the parking garage at tinseltown was built to hold more levels of parking which are to be added at some point. i haven't had a problem parking. if you are going to the mall; however, avoid the main entrances. park upstairs at macy's or at dillard's. if you want to go to cheesecake factory or barnes & noble, park in the tinseltown parking garage and walk over. it takes less time to walk than to circle for parking. the same goes for market street. avoid the popular parking areas. also, whatever entity that installs traffic signals were supposed to have installations along grogan's mill at timberloch, lake robbins and lake front circle by now. an article i read last year, stated that lights would be going in by spring of 2007. all i've seen installed are larger traffic signal poles at intersections with existing signals and red light cameras. traffic signals throughout town center are to be timed at some point. i believe the existing signals already have sensors that change the patterns of light changes with traffic conditions. i have yet to spot a trolley. this too is supposed to increase parking options and decrease town center to town center traffic.
  5. great thread. i wish we had more architecture-centric threads like this one. thanks ben and jason.
  6. the article claims that this if the "first" residential high rise tower to be developed inside the loop in two decades. what about the royalton, 3333 allen parkway? or, mosaic?
  7. i'm signed up. yeahhh! just like old times.
  8. i always thought that the term "destination city" specifically meant tourist destination. i've heard of san antonio described as a destination city. the woodlands wants to be a "destination city" and has created a visitor's and convention bureau. it seems to be the new hot term for areas that want to elevate themselves in significance, much like "town center". i cannot see SL as a tourist destination in its current state.
  9. britney wants to reconnect with a preteen fan base? time to grow up britney. if his fifteen minutes aren't already up, sanjaya should avoid britney.......her time in the spotlight has gone on too long. oh wait, we're living in the age of anna nicole. :closedeyes:
  10. i'm thinking that in their pursuit of being better than houston, dallas has had a freudian slip. has anyone noticed the hugh "H" outlined on the front of the building?
  11. i met a guy who says that he sat in with george mitchell and his associates, drinking, and creating street names for the woodlands. this would have been for the original few villages. the later villages and street names were determined, well......later.
  12. or, have low level, occasional, illumination of buildings using alternative energy sources.
  13. schools are simply too huge. a high school of 2000 kids is simply controlled chaos. high schools should be as common as elementary schools. the college experience has become a study in prolonged adolescence. high school breakdowns of cliques carry over to college. the culture of a school (college/high school) should reflect the culture of the region and the adult world. it should not be a world unto itself. efforts to build campuses with the latest technology, and cool architecture, and the best sports programs are futile unless each student is required to be a part of the greater culture. mega-churches that have mastered the "small group" or "cell group" concept are on to something that might be of use to mega-schools. i've met many people throughout my life who might have faired far better in the adult world had they skipped the high school or college "experience". camille paglia commented in "interview" magazine after the columbine tragedy that the entire construct of our current public education system is a deterrent to well adjusted adults. without liberty infringement, we cannot put a lid on the current state of things. more personal interaction between all students and faculty is imperative. i do not think this can occur without structural changes in the way we educate. camille pagila interview
  14. ditto on the bianchi website, it appears to be only a proposal. maybe i missed something.
  15. uhhhh. dude. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth and the life. no one comes to the father but by me." either he was a loon or the son of god. salvation, where jesus is concerned, is about reconnecting with your creator. the son of god made flesh, died for sins and resurrected. i think salvation was the central theme of his life. treating other people kindly, loving others as much as we love ourselves, is a commandment. hence the word "command". it's a law to be nice. this is why mean christians aren't really christian at all.
  16. i think we read excerpts of the scarlet letter and old man and the sea in high school. at north harris i read all of the scarlet letter, the fall of the house of usher and a farewell to arms, but none of the others. project gutenburg is a great idea.
  17. i never intended to say that sin is ok. i stand corrected on the context of the verse. imo, paul's statements can be extrapolated to other issues. the words i chose miscommunicated the spirit of my post. i wanted to express the nature of free will in relation to forgiveness, while maintaining/developing a good conscience. i can choose to do anything i want. however, my conscience will not allow me to choose ungodly or unproductive choices. when i do make selfish or ignorant choices, i may or may not pay the price in this life, but i can have faith that i will be forgiven. my intention was to identify the needlessness of parents fears when their children see openly gay couples. it's an opportunity to communicate. i believe that kids will make good choices given the opportunity. now, before someone assumes i'm talking about a choice to be gay, i'm not. i'm talking about allowing children the opportunity to become mature, well mannered, kind and so on, rather than hiding them from certain realities. lockmat has reminded me the value of revisiting scriptures i haven't read for awhile. thanks.
  18. being as the word marriage is so closely tied to a man/woman relationship and tightly knit to judeo/christian ideology and history, i can't understand why the gay community doesn't embrace "civil unions" as long as these unions carry the same benefits. although, i'm aware that the word marriage is not hetero specific, i cannot understand why a different term wouldn't be more palatable for political success on this issue. i mean, really, unless you're the type of guy who's dreamed of being a blushing bride, i can't understand the need to require gay "marriage". no offense to you blushing bride boys out there.
  19. come on tjones, he wasn't ridiculing people for being concerned about their animals. the point is that most dog/cat food was not affected, but everyone is suspicious of their pet food now. i called petco as soon as i heard the story and they confirmed what i knew to be true. it was specific brands in specific areas. i was at petco last night buying dog treats. a couple behind me in line said "ya better make sure those treats aren't bad ones". they were not joking. they didn't consider the fact that petco's reputation would be worthless if they hadn't removed any affected foods, nor had they read a single story on the specifics of "the scare" (they were all to proud to state that they don't read the paper). it's ok to be alarmed when you think you might be affected by a national story like that. but once you've done some homework and corrected what you can, you move on. fearing what has not happened is torture.
  20. 1987, black turtle neck (in may), cloves cigarette, doc martins.....ahhhh, takes me back. She's dressed in black again And I'm falling down again Down to the floor again I'm begging for more again But oh what can you do When she's dressed in black My mind wanders endlessly On paths where she's leading me With games that she likes to play And words that she doesn't say Not when we are along And she is dressed in black As a picture of herself She's a picture of the world A reflection of you A reflection of me And it's all there to see If you only give in To the fire within Dressed in black again Shadows fall on to me As she stands there over me And waits to encompass me I lay here helplessly But oh what can you do When she's dressed in black Dressed in black again... http://www.last.fm/music/Depeche+Mode/_/Dressed+in+Black
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