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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. bingo. it's assimilation vs. antisocial behavior. no need to constantly have the approval of others and prove how maligned you've been if you are indeed OK with who you are.
  2. there is cindy, who cuts my hair, and haif. both are cheap therapy. thanks guys.
  3. wow, i want to be where you are at. most of my posts are philosophical contemplations. my ideals and what is practical do not always line up. in no way do i mean to belittle anyone. i'm 41. i'm tired of worrying about what others think of me or who i should've/could've been. me thinks it's time to get off the cross and live a little. i envy guys like you. and you are right, there is no specific way to be a man or a woman. i'm simply trying to accept the fact that i'm a man who doesn't like a lot of "manly" things. but who's to say what is manly, right?
  4. my dad can't understand why it takes me longer than him to get ready for work. i have to confirm doctor's appointments. i have to put clothes in the dryer. i have to write a note for my nephew's teacher(s). i have to write a check to the insurance company. all he has to do is put his clothes on and get out the door. he's lost without my mom. what scares me..............if my mom dies before him.......he's lost without me. "to thine own self be true........" i'm not a genius. i'm not a bread winner. i'm a freakin comforter..........a soothsayer, a rainmaker. i'm someone else's better half. post hoc ergo proptor hoc.
  5. i quit wanting to kill myself when i realized that homosexual feelings were not about sin. you cannot know that you were born gay. it may be easy for you to make that conclusion. it might bring peace to you to think that it isn't about your circumstances. i think it is imperative that we consider the idea that it might be about us. it might be about who we perceive ourselves to be. to not consider this is to embrace ignorance for our own personal comfort.
  6. how can you know "for a fact" that you were born gay? simply because your memories involve attraction to other guys does not mean that you were born gay. some of my earliest memories involve seeing demons in my bedroom. this does not mean that demons exist or that i can see into the spirit realm. i also believed that santa brought me gifts and ate the cookies i left, yet he does not exist. our perception of ourselves and the world around us is never completely true. i too was never attracted to girls. i too always felt a comfort in the acceptance of other guys before i even knew what sex was. this does not mean i was born gay. this simply means that i had an emotional need that wasn't being fulfilled from the men in my childhood. add puberty to this equation and you have homosexual desire. i've found that homosexuals need to comfort themselves by finding reasons that homosexuality is somehow unchangeable, genetic. truth is, sexuality is fluid. why is it that pedophiles become determined to prey on youngsters? were pedophiles born that way? i think not. if they were born that way, would it be a crime? understand that i do not intend to belittle the struggle or trials of someone who has grown up gay. i understand the dilemma. however, i'm not one to take the easy way out. i cannot comfort myself with easy ideals that allow me to behave like there is no issue to be dealt with. what if? what if homosexuality is a condition of certain socio/sexual immaturities? i'm still not sure that my thinking on this issue is correct. however, i think that my questions are valid. i'm aware of the un-PC nature of these statements. however, people once believed that the world was flat. it was un-PC to think of the world as round. i'd give anything to find others who honestly attempt to tackle these questions. i'm exhausted at the regurgitation of christians (homosexuality is a sin) and the PC crowd (homosexuality is natural). it is neither. the truth is in the middle, somehow.
  7. trae's avatar is HOT. sex has nothing to do with it.
  8. you see my dilemma. also, your post makes it clear that my dad is motherly. good point. i'm motherly as well. my point is that i remember "refusing" to behave in ways that society deems "manly". many of these "manly" traits would have been beneficial to me. as an adult, i'm attempting to take on responsibilities that i once thought i shouldn't have to deal with. i've never been a provider. i'm a freakin' homemaker. i don't mind laundry and dishes, but i need to survive and have a career. my dad is a worker bee. my mom is a great cook. my dad doesn't think about the bills or insurance or what's for dinner, my mom does all that. i'm the equivalent of my mom. i want to be more like my dad. i can't survive unless i take on my dad's work ethic. my talents are in the kitchen and around the house. what's funny is that if you met me, you'd never know these things. most of my friends and family think i have it all together. truth be told, i'd rather take care of everyone than earn a paycheck. this dilemma taints my perception of straight vs. gay. i think if i were more manly (acting like i had a penis), i might be more of a money maker. i guess, when it comes down to it, i feel castrated because i excel at being more of a mom than a dad. after writing all this, it's becoming clear to me that i like the fact i'm more of a mom than a dad. i'm good at it. my sister's kid (who i'm guardian of) benefits from it. maybe i've become jealous that i'm not like most guys. i still think growing up gay is a series of consequences and decisions. it's too easy to think that it might be genetic. that would be too good to be true.
  9. so, being yourself is rejecting who you are? just because something is comfortable does not mean it is natural. having a penis means your are male. embracing feminine qualities is to deny who you are. i'm not saying you should denigrate a bright child because he is feminine, i think that, at least, you should gently present the fact that it is good to be manly.......protective, responsible. what's wrong with looking in the mirror and claiming........"I'M A MAN!!!!".
  10. yes, but who is the boy inside? his dad isn't around and his mom is his best friend. who is he going to emulate? i love this character. but my instinct tells me that his family is facilitating his immaturity. people.........women especially, don't understand the value of "male bonding". if you are a gay boy and you learn to love what your dad, uncles, brothers love, you will perceive the world differently.
  11. it seems as if you've proved my point. lack of officers.......increase in crime along with increase in population. i deduce that an increase in officers will decrease crime. this may or may not be a true statement. however, to assume that an increase in crime is a result of less officers, then one can assume that an increase in officers will decrease crime.
  12. unfortunately, many gay kids think that being gay requires acting like a girl. this couldn't be further from the truth. many are addicted to the attention it brings. i've seen my nephew practice......."practice" being manly. this is common for boys who realize they have a penis and want to emulate other men. this is good and bad. there are bad men who boys think they have to behave like. there are also gay boys who reject being masculine because they've had bad men in their lives they do not want to behave like. i feel that. i know why they feel that. fortunately, for me, i had a mushy, loving dad. i want to be like him.......not like my mom. i understand that being a flamer comforts these kids. they think that that is who they are. what they don't know is that they can be who they want to be and do not have to reject...........yes, REJECT masculinity. it is OK to be gay and masculine, but it takes some effort. straight boys for eternity have worked to be like their dads, brothers, uncles and grandpas. gay boys think...."i'm not like other guys" and go great lengths to set themselves apart. gay boys reject trying to be manly because they know they don't like girls. just because you don't like girls does not mean you can't be a masculine man. don't get me wrong. i do not intend to belittle gay, girlie boys. i simply think that they lack a certain maturity. they are missing out on a specific level of their identity as a male. i'm no camille paglia, but i do know the difference between a man and a woman. men who behave like women are usually not in tune with their masculinity, nor do they realize the benefits of identifying with their gender.
  13. no, but i wanted to counter the title.........."crime in the woodlands increasing". what proof is there that crime has increased in the woodlands? who is to say that crime was increased because of a lack of officers?
  14. i can't blame you for wanting to live in town. i love the woodlands for esoteric and financial reasons. i'm sure i would be more at home in town. when i purchased my house here, my friends in town were perplexed. i was raised in suburbia, but i'm not a suburban person. go figure.
  15. are you serious? that scares me. i've never thought there were freaks about like that. i'm sorry to hear that you are moving and i'm unhappy that your woodlands experience was negative. there are days when i think i should've purchased something inside the loop. the intellectual capacity of many i've met here has been unsatisfying. i miss the creative intellects who tend to live near rice, st. thomas and montrose. i miss having people challenge my statements. people up here just think i'm a brainiac. inner loopers make me work for it.
  16. imagine being a gay christian. the christians hate you for being gay and the gays hate you for being christian. talk about maligned segments of society. being homosexual has nothing to do with style or not liking sports. it has everything to do with how you perceive yourself to be male. hallmarks of masculinity are providing for one's family, procreation, strength......hallmarks of todays homosexual are providing for one's own well being, not procreating and avoiding conflict at all costs. fortunately, there are homos out there who believe in masculinity. it is unfortunate for the gay community that it supports and facilitates men who hate acting like men. there is a level of immaturity in much of the gay community that deserves the disregard the straight community serves them; a disregard usually attuned to immature teenage girls. now, before many of you attack.......i know who you are. i know why you have anger and rage. i know the years of confusion and frustration. also, i know that immaturity allows us to party like it's the end of the world. many hold on to immaturity in order to pretend that they are young. let me say this........there is joy in getting older. there is great reward in being mature. i've always hated football and sports in general. now, i'm raising my sister's kid who loves football. the first few games were almost unbearable. now, i know more about football than ever. i even have to encourage this kid to give it his best. and now, i kinda like sports.........in general. i like how it matures and challenges these kids. i see the confidence that it builds. i never had that. maybe i've only known the gay community through parties and clubs (late 80's early 90's, not now). all i know is that i CHOOSE to be mature. i choose to be pragmatic. i choose to be a christian. i choose to not be a victim of my circumstances. there is no "genetic" fix for gays. i believe that being gay is circumstantial. it is not easily unwound. it is fixed within one's perception of one's self. it is not a sin to grow up gay; however, i believe it is sin to not wonder how one becomes gay. a philosopher once said "self revelation is the annihilation of self". this statement describes the fatal, internal war that occurs when we do not live in the moment. however, it is imperative to know ourselves and why we are who we are. it's a catch 22. did i just out myself?
  17. Woodlands maps out law enforcement patrol zones Tentative boundaries are set for new policing initiative By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent Draft Patrol Zones for The Woodlands The Woodlands is reviewing a tentative zone map for its new community policing initiative, which is based on geography, road access and call volumes. The zones will not be finalized until May, when the hiring of all 30 new deputies and supervisors for The Woodlands division is complete. Following are the villages as they are covered in the draft plan:
  18. i can't help myself.........stocked gods? where can i get one? i'm completely out of venegtables and should get some groiceries from my local markey.
  19. competitive pricing on organic and specialty items wouldn't hurt either. everyone seems to be jumping on the organic bandwagon. maybe the presence of whole foods will create some competition for more popular organic and specialty items.
  20. i wasn't to excited about the design of this project. LEED certified was great, but the design left much to be desired. also, i loathe palm trees in the middle of a pine forest. the plans showed extensive use of palm trees. at least lenox hills will be close to wild oats/whole foods (whichever it turns out to be).
  21. can someone define "gross domestic product"? i read that the houston ship channel is responsible for 11 billion dollars in local economic impact. would that be included in houston's gdp? thanks in advance.
  22. brennan's or backstreet cafe. i've heard that hugo's has a great brunch, but i don't know what kind of music they play.
  23. wow, niche. have those big thoughts often? i'm thinking "ode to milam street"? i enjoy your posts. keep 'em coming. i've never conceptualized the human capital represented in the CBD. however, when i lose myself staring at wells fargo or bank of america and others, i'm immediately overwhelmed with the human capacity that designed and built these monuments. i can't get my brain around the weight and stresses, concrete, steel, stone, glass, mechanics and design required to bring one of these amazing structures to fruition. i cannot imagine the organization necessary to simultaneously bring together the plethora of various talents required to successfully complete a 50 story hi-rise. i'd be happy to spend the rest of my life learning about these buildings. i'm in awe of the architects and engineers and developers who have it figured out.
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