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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. i shouldn't say who i heard it from, she might stop telling me these nice little tidbits. i have a friend who is involved in promoting business relations in the woodlands. she is privy to new business activity in the woodlands in and around public disclosure dates; sometimes before, sometimes about the same time as public announcements. it is true that the merger does not necessarily mean that all wild oats will become whole foods. however, my source has not been wrong yet. let me know if you find out otherwise.
  2. i wonder what the new york/new jersey metroplex gdp is, or how about the san antonio/austin metroplex.
  3. here is a link to the halliburton press release. link
  4. doesn't the DMN have an architecture critic? i haven't read the DMN for years, but i seem to remember an architecture critic when i was working as an outside contractor for halliburton in carrolton/n. dallas.
  5. it's amazing to hear, on one hand, that halliburton is opening "a" corporate office in dubai, one exec is moving and they are keeping their US incorporation. on the other hand, the national media has run with the story that halliburton is MOVING ITS HEADQUARTERS. people are all in a tizzy......"it's to avoid taxes!!!" some are saying. to top it off, our own houston paper has jumped on the misinformation bandwagon so as to have a catchy headline. truly sad.
  6. hopefully......mercifully sanjaya and haley will go.
  7. The two-day Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival features more than 200 national and regional artists of various mediums selling their original creations. The festival takes place along the meandering Waterway from The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, alongside The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion and culminating at Town Green Park. Dates: April 14 - 15 Festival hours: 10 a.m.
  8. due to the whole foods/wild oats merger, the future wild oats location in indian springs will now be a WHOLE FOODS. at last, whole foods in the woodlands.
  9. in addition to "truffles" chocolate lounge in market street, a chocolate bar concept is going in near baker street pub across from tinseltown. the street level activities continue to increase around town center.
  10. word on the street is that the hotel to be built at waterway square is between another marriott concept and a "W" hotel. also, the 17 story condominium is rumored to be 21 stories now. who knows. a "W' hotel would be the first in houston.
  11. well, it just gets worse. a little bird told me this evening (tues) that this project has, for the most part, completely fallen apart. the developer is blaming the construction company, the developer is trying to cover his a** and so on. the project will no longer be LEED certified, the fountain(s) will not be what was originally planned. one restaurant may be built along with a separate building for doctor's offices.
  12. i've never "heard" that la carafe was the oldest bar. i didn't think it had always been a bar. i have "read" that it is the oldest building in downtown. i don't have my houston architecture guide handy, but that may have been where i found my information. good luck with your research.
  13. i do not have any recent photos. i will be keeping my camera with me this next week and intend to get more current pictures. i read that eddie bauer is opening a 5000 square foot location in market street. it is the plot across from where the hotel is going (across from starbucks and jamba juice) and is under construction. also, gap's "forth and towne" is closing. it opened in november. gap says that it had timing problems rolling out the new concept. market street is negotiating for another gap concept in its place. link to story
  14. we have income restricted apartments in the woodlands as well. they have been around for more than ten years, are well maintained and for all practical purposes, appear to be an average apartment complex. i've found that retirees, ex-military and new families starting out, among others, benefit from these complexes. i don't think these apartments will hurt the area in any way. if anything, they will help create the downtown synergy we are all looking forward too. we need more of this type of development inside the loop.
  15. i had hopes that turnberry would turn out something complementary to williams tower. too bad. i agree with all of the other descriptives; banal, bland, beige, blah, uninspired. it is tall. i like that part. turnberry takes trivial turn with unoriginal high-rise in houston's uptown district.
  16. i too am disappointed at the continued distance from the original vision (which i've admired since i was eleven) we find ourselves. however, i can't help but understand that successful market forces were the promise that the original vision required to get off the ground. the woodlands has become "greater" than itself. i do not mean better. perhaps, "bigger" than itself would have been more appropriate. it seems as though creekside will be more in tune with the original vision than sterling ridge has been. TCID is its own monster and will ultimately overtake us all. (see governance articles.) change isn't fun but it is inevitable. i happen to REALLY like steel and aluminum roofing products, although my adoration for a great product does not overshadow my appreciation for what should have been a "hidden city". i feel ya.
  17. that sounds nice, but how often do you think these same local residents will be going the direction of either rail line, or that there will be public transportation that connects with the rail line taking them near their desired destination? i would argue that some trips could utilize the mass transit option, but that many more trips would not.
  18. i remember the movie trailers for "the legend of boggy creek". i was five or so and big foot was terrorizing east texas residents. i'd been to my uncle's in north east texas and to a deer lease with my parents by that time. i just knew that that was where big foot lived. i had nightmares for years. big foot out my window, big foot at the end of my bed, big foot in the hallway between mine and my parent's rooms. the clown from poltergeist made me afraid to look under my bed.
  19. those metal roofs are very well made, they will oxidize with age and will last a lifetime. they are a high end look. i'm disappointed at all of the hoopla from villagers who aren't up on really great materials. if they are not reflecting in the eyes of passers by on woodlands parkway or blinding homes on the west shore, i think they are great. don't get me wrong, i'm all about the "vision" thing, but c'mon. east shore is not full of forested areas, it is to be a more formal setting; giving a nod to east coast waterfront, southern colonial, georgian, mediterranean and federal styles. the roofs will be a dull gray in time and will not be so "shiny".
  20. the woodlands villager annual "outlook" insert (feb 22nd) reported that the 70 room boutique hotel with retail (at market street) could break ground the third or fourth quarter of this year. also, the empty plot across the street from the hotel on the south side commons will begin construction in "february". i haven't been over there in a week or two, so i can't say if construction has begun. good news none the less.
  21. gary greene prudential on forest crossing drive had a small library of the histories of some homes in the woodlands that contained original floor plans. not blue prints, mind you, but floorplans like you would find in a brochure in a new home sales office. a realtor there might know what i'm talking about. it would be interesting to see who was responsible for selling your home each time over the years. one of those people may have some information for you. good luck.
  22. jonah, for pictures, you can go to www.thewoodlands.com. also, there is a woodlands development co. link on the same website with pictures of development around town center. there are pictures of market street and the waterway at this link http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...p?showtopic=797.
  23. it's about freakin' time! i also noticed the statement that "There are no provisions at this time to extend to village centers". at this time....... sounds as if they are considering this as an option in the future. trolley stops at village centers would be great. March 1, 2007, 9:24AM Trolleys are finally ready to roll through Town Center System will operate along waterway, surrounding areas beginning in spring By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent TROLLEY SERVICE FOR TOWN CENTER
  24. i received a dvd preview of "corteo" in the mail. it looks great, as usual.
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