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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. i've had more fun reading this thread than any from recent memory. the speculation, the "spies" and the insiders really are keeping this thread interesting. it will be great fun when a new tower is announced. thanks ricco.
  2. nobody can speed on woodlands parkway. it's too crowded. maybe the officers will start nabbing those pesky soccer moms who think stop signs are a suggestion.
  3. i think the new police force will provide, for the most part, a new revenue stream. yes, they will respond to complaints and over zealous busy bodies. but mostly, they will pass out traffic violations and arrest non violent drug offenders. maybe they will reduce thievery at new construction locations and provide a visible deterrent to parking lot burglaries............ but i can't see the necessity of an entire police force. vandalism, flashers and parties will still occur. there will simply be a quicker response time when the authorities are called.
  4. the south blvd house i know. the last one on doliver, i've never seen. great find! very impressive. thanks for the pictures!
  5. the houston museum of natural science satellite location is downstairs from the woodlands children's museum. this is a great idea, IMO. it will benefit both entities Feb. 23, 2007, 3:04PM Museum sets up satellite site in Woodlands 'Xploration Station' will offer exhibits on dinosaurs and interactive learning By KIM HUGHES Chronicle Correspondent SCIENCE TIME The Houston Museum of Natural Science is opening a satellite facility in The Woodlands Mall. There will be an "Xploration Station," and three dino dig pits.
  6. UPDATE Feb. 23, 2007, 11:00AM More deputies are ready to patrol The Woodlands New policing plan begins this month as effort ramps up By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent NEW POLICE FORCE Montgomery County has approved a nearly $2.4 million contract with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department to provide community policing. Following are key elements of the contract:
  7. haifers are aware of what anchors this development company has a current relationship with. readers of HBJ or the chronicle may not be. let me be more specific. haifers who have investigated the developers of HP may be underwhelmed at the announcement.
  8. i think the announcement of new anchor stores will be underwhelming for haifers who've been following this thread. i will be a little surprised if it includes clothing stores.
  9. welcome to the forum blake. i enjoyed perusing the links you provided. although the renderings are from november 2005, the update page let me know that things are moving along. the new greenspace in front of SJMB will offer a "front" to HCC, something it severely lacks. for years, i've driven past HCC, through HCC, and never known where exactly HCC is.
  10. update i came across this rendering at ziegler cooper today. the link confirms theniche's comment on the height being shorter than originally planned. anyone know about the progress on this project?
  11. i can't find any HBJ recent stories that have this information. can you provide a link to the story you are referring to houstonfella?
  12. sorry. pc maintenance issues. camera software wasn't high on the list. should have it hooked back up this weekend.
  13. aren't the children of the sixties now attorneys, ad execs, investment bankers and so on? i think the advertisement is meant to provoke feelings of nostalgia to those who once were bohemian or hippie, and who can now afford a high standard of living. the responses by the civic associations were missing the point.
  14. i think there are traffic signals to be built along grogan's mill at woodloch forest, lake robbins and lake front circle (this year).
  15. i'll put my camera in the car. there is a new apartment complex going in on the waterway called "the boardwalk", a new upscale retirement community and more condos. town center is about to have over a thousand new residents. goose's acre is the first pub/grill to open on the waterway level and its packed on weekends. churrasco's and baker street pub are to follow (baker street pub is open now). last weekend at goose's acre, i met a couple from san francisco who are here to buy property. they were trippin' at what they could buy for a million. the woodlands is on "the map" and it scares me. people are gobbling up townhomes and condos in east shore over 400K. it's freaking crazy. there are still fixer-upper homes along north millbend that are selling for under $120K. north millbend is across woodlands parkway from town center (east shore, the waterway, pavilion, etc.).
  16. i saw a circus and an ice capades at the sam houston coliseum. i saw liberace, annie, phantom, singin' in the rain and many other TUTS performances at the music hall.
  17. who cares what others think of houston. the less media hype, and the less good vibrations the rest of the country has about houston, the longer we can enjoy it for what it is. "inside the loop" is already suffering from a growing "smug cloud". do we really need more smug from austin and san francisco? enjoy our simple, diverse, educated (yes, educated) inner (non-snobby) loop while we have it. the more "accepted" houston is (i fear) the less "cool" we will become. who cares what denver thinks of houston. who cares what nyc thinks of houston.
  18. i REALLY hate to add my two cents to this thread; however, i loathed anna nicole. and with that, i relished her "train wreck". seeing the headlines of her death today reminds me that she was a human. yes, she was caricatured by the press, but she was a sad, ignorant, object of the public's fascination. i'm a complete hypocrite to be amazed by her story and disgusted at the same time. woe is me. woe is you. it is, yet, another example of our decadence.............we are horrified by her death and titillated by her life. it is a sad, sad day for all of us. not so much because of anna nicole's death, but because her personal life has an effect on all of us.
  19. i think people will simply call it "woodforest stadium". i drove by the site yesterday, while leaving sam's. it's kind of ironic that the entire site is being clear cut of six story pine trees to build "woodforest" stadium. we can look forward to "token-tree-syndrome". traffic will be a nightmare if they do not increase connectivity to the freeway.
  20. i seem to remember ritz carlton looking around for a place to drop a new hotel in town. i'd hoped for a W hotel. is W or the ritz "jazzier"?
  21. several years ago, i saw a crime show on tv. the format of the show used experienced criminals/vandals to explain what homes they would avoid and what homes they would choose. the majority of the experienced criminals would not approach a well lit home. the specific circumstances they avoided were homes with well lit entries (front/back/side) and/or with apparent activity inside. the preferred time of day for burglary is in the morning after people leave for work and school, according to the seasoned criminals. if you do not have exterior lighting, i would invest in some immediately. leave front porch and back porch lights on all night. good luck.
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