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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. maybe olajuwon still has houston contacts with the rockets or an agent.
  2. wouldn't the market of an area have to be such that land values were extremely high and parking spaces were very limited.
  3. had some friends down from the east coast this past year. we were at a private function in a gallery near the bar scene in downtown. people asked if we were in the "red light" district because of all the slutty looking chicks in the area. they were amazed that women dressed the way they did to go out in houston. once the novelty wears off, and all the minors and people from pasadena hear about a club scene........it's over. the gang bangers start showing up and it's the richmond strip all over again. downtown will benefit from the club scene moving elsewhere.
  4. had my first taste of shepherd's pie last night at goose's acre's booth at the woodlands' taste of the town. yummmmm.
  5. i heard that st. luke's is out and building/leasing elsewhere. the restaurants are still committed as far as i know. st. luke's was a major lessee.
  6. also, this was spelled out in the "agreement" with the city of houston. there's going to be an overreaching governmental authority whichever way we look at it. it might as well be an organization that already exists and one that has local community leaders in place. i believe that future positions in the governing body will most likely be elected rather than appointed. the new community of creekside and college park may not be so fortunate as the one's under TCID.
  7. yes, DECENTRALIZATION! good idea, not only for county governments, but maybe also for enormous school districts and police precincts. it seems that the larger a government entity gets, the less return you get for your investment.
  8. if i didn't have to be kid friendly, i'd be buying several bottles of champagne and having a good old fashioned sleep over.
  9. the traffic signals throughout town center will eventually be timed to increase traffic flow through the area. i think the signals along research forest, woodlands parkway and lake woodlands should be timed for people traveling near the speed limit as well.
  10. in the article, the natural science museum is already considering satellite locations throughout the greater houston area. other cities are doing similar projects. exhibits will not be duplicated. the woodlands area has a strong science community. we have a successful school of science and technology at college park high school. we have national corporations here with huge r&d budgets right here in the woodlands. many or all of these corporations will want to be a part of a natural science museum here. i think the community will rally behind it. a satellite science museum in the woodlands will have much more success than one elsewhere in our region, IMO. how awesome it will be, if it has an imax component. we may even get some interesting architecture.
  11. this development is across kuykendahl from starbucks. the 10 acre tract is cleared but there are delays in the project.
  12. Jan. 9, 2007, 11:10AM Woodlands hopes to build natural science museum Town Center officials want to expand art offerings here with satellite site By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent MORE ARTS OFFERINGS Town Center Improvement District selected a satellite facility for the Houston Museum of Natural Science from 10 possible cultural arts venues for The Woodlands' downtown. Following are highlights of the proposal from Webb Management, an arts facility consultant.
  13. i've seen that episode before. nice house. i can hear people in LA or NYC thinking.........."wait, is that an affluent gay couple in houston?". houston's unique culture is not on the national radar screen. i hope it stays that way. i enjoyed the show.
  14. i think that might be the "terramont" portion of sterling ridge which is right at 2978.
  15. the link above no longer works. i've found a realtor's page with all of the amenities listed and then some. creekside
  16. it would seem that the two texas cities to connect via high-speed rail the quickest will benefit the most. it is unlikely that a "texas-sized" grand plan will come together anytime soon. it would seem more likely that san antonio/austin would be able to agree on a commuter or a high-speed connection sooner than others, IMO. houston should get it's intermodal terminal built downtown and be lobbying another city to connect via high speed. it could, conceivably, combine job markets and employee bases and take traffic off of major arteries between the two cities.
  17. there is a plot within market street, near HEB, that a boutique hotel is being discussed. not sure if this is the same location you're mentioning.
  18. Town Center plans more projects New sidewalks, lights on tap for business area of Woodlands By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent Riva Row Park
  19. this is what the market research post card was about earlier in the year, i bet. wild oats is already under construction. it seems like they took awhile to make the announcement. i wonder why. about commercial development. yes, there is limited commercial development in each village. this not only provides convenience for residents, but a solid customer base for businesses.
  20. ditto katiedidit's advice. i've heard the same "good vibes" about cochran's crossing from other families who live there.
  21. great, if new yorkers and west coasters get big on houston, our small town mentality/big hearted home may lose its identity. i'd rather they be bashing us.
  22. i dunno, niche. i could describe alot of things as a bubble. a christian isolated within his/her community is in a "bubble". overly exuberant credit card spending that nears credit limits, while it's difficult to make minimum payments, could be a "bubble" of perceived wealth that is about to burst. i think one could argue the point that excessive behavior or a pattern of behavior that is bound to end or "pop" is in a bubble. while i agree that not every wave of economic exuberance is bubble, it does indeed, ebb and flow. perhaps you could explain what your concept of a bubble is. i may not have the same idea of a bubble as you (in fact, i'm sure you know something i don't). please explain.
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