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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. and i'm gonna laugh when the project gets off the ground and 77017 is still denying it is going forward.
  2. you get five stars just for being you!

  3. you rock niche! five stars all the way.

  4. have you visited the woodlands? have you read articles or publications about the woodlands? the woodlands came first, then came the mall and the strip centers. the community based focus was a central theme of the woodlands development. the woodlands has a community based mentality that is quite different from other suburbs and developments. if you don't know about "interfaith" and the constant call to volunteerism and community/environmental activism, you don't know the woodlands. there has always been a spiritual/conscientious component to the original vision of this community. other utopian communities envisioned in the late sixties/early seventies eliminated places for church congregations because they believed religion was divisive. george and cynthia mitchell helped create "interfaith" in order to bring differing faiths together for community/common projects. space was set aside in every village for community centers, retirement communities, assisted living communities and mostly churches and private schools. there are churches comfortably nestled in every village in the woodlands. most churches are somehow connected to interfaith and/or community activism/volunteerism. i think that plano, frisco, etc. are merely economic creatures. the woodlands is far more than that.
  5. the '07 completion date is no longer good. there may be an issue with the construction company. i know that committed lessees are ticked off. cannot say more.
  6. actually, goose's acre will have the bar upstairs and dining on the waterway level. i do not know where churrasco's is going in.
  7. it seems that there are construction delays on this project and st. luke's is getting ticked off (st. luke's is to have satellite facilities here) you didn't hear it from me.
  8. an ETJ is an extraterritorial jurisdiction. i'll say it again..........38% of woodlands' residents work in the woodlands. there are huge numbers of woodlands' residents who are transferred here by their companies because the company headquarters have relocated here. rep. john whitmire doesn't have the facts. calling the woodlands a bedroom community shows that he doesn't know what he's talking about. the woodlands admits that it benefits from houston and is offering a greater contribution to the region.
  9. for every bread winner who works in the greater houston area (less than 5% of houston's workforce works in downtown houston btw) 2 or 3 family members are staying home, going to school, going to the doctor, attending church functions, etc. in the suburb in which they live. the majority of people who live in the suburbs are "living" in the suburbs. out of the 85,000 people living in the woodlands proper, the majority are not using houston's infrastructure on a regular basis. even if half of the bread winners in the woodlands commute to some location in the city of houston, the remaining members of their family have daily activities within a short distance. it is a gross generalization to assume that the entire population of the woodlands is a constant drain on city resources. in addition, the decay of nyc in the 70's is not going to happen in houston. houston's city core and its tax base are growing.
  10. as of yet, i have not received a response from steve bryant. you might try the hines school of architecture at the university of houston or the rice design alliance.
  11. not that the cheney's personal life is any of my concern: i do think that dick and lynne cheney are an example for other conservative families. the result of the public interest in their family, and the cheney's public response, will comfort and encourage other conservative families coming to terms with gay and lesbian children (read, accepting their gay and lesbian children). i believe that the public display of love and affection between the cheney's and their daughter & partner will have far more reaching effects on acceptance of the gay community than a marriage initiative. love in action wins over legislation any day of the week. congratulations to the cheney family.
  12. Nov. 29, 2006, 3:50PM The Woodlands moves to increase law enforcement Associations nix contract with constable for deputies By BETH KUHLES and LAURA ISENSEE Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle The Woodlands recently took the first step toward enacting a new $2.5 million community policing program, which is expected to add at least 29 contracted deputies in the area. The governing boards of The Woodlands now contract with nine deputies with the Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constable's Office and five deputies with Montgomery County Sheriff's Department. At a recent joint meeting, the governing boards decided to give a 60-day notice to end the existing three-year-old contract with Precinct 3 Constable Tim Holifield for those nine supplemental deputies. Those deputies are expected to be absorbed into the new program. The three governing boards of The Woodlands
  13. Ring in the holiday with a heartwarming celebration that features the sounds of the season in The Pavilion
  14. i saw casino royale thursday. awesome movie. can't wait to see borat. my nephew said it's hilarious, he's quoting things from the movie (much to the dismay of certain family members). something about finding some kind of ***** magnet and homemade cheese given to bob barr.
  15. the leasing agent for the park towers is steve bryant of moody rambin interests. i've emailed him to see if he has additional information on the property. i will post his response when/if received. good luck with your research.
  16. this book is a great reference for cheap eats in houston. i met the author at a home & garden show. houston, dining on the cheap
  17. it looks like an industrial structure in the pictures posted. the topper was not executed well. it looks better at night.
  18. it looks like the The Albion Bed and Breakfast, 604 West San Antonio, Lockhart, Texas. but it don't think it is one and the same.
  19. dude, wanna take over my retirement fund?
  20. exactly. i get really tired of the whole "are you/they gay?" thing. do i care if someone is straight or gay? no. it cracks me up when people have to identify themselves as gay on the first meeting. i'm not going to like you more or less if you're gay. i went to party a few years ago and the hostess' first conversation with me included the question "are you gay?". i'm thinking, what business is it of yours? maybe i'm not as masculine as i thought i was. i responded to her that i am whoever you want me to be. it was a lame attempt at an insult and she regarded it as a come on. who cares if clay aiken is gay. he's a goofy, annoying person regardless. and kelly rippa..................vacant cheeseball! rosie would do herself good to not always speak her mind. i think she is a good person, but she suffers from a serious lack of tact.
  21. one of the issues being proposed by republicans requires additional burden on employers to verify residency. i do not think that the burden of proof should be on employers. this is not a conservative ideal in my opinion.
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