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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. these divisions have always existed. reagan brought the diverse republican base together based on smaller government. many republican moderates kept their pro-choice ideals to themselves in hope of a smaller more efficient government. east coast republicans are a different breed than southern republicans. g. w. has succeeded in dividing the two groups further apart.
  2. in my opinion (nmainguy ), it is because the president has not behaved like a conservative. he has enacted big government programs and not spoken much of fiscal responsibility. he has alienated himself from blue blood and moderate conservatives. bad news for a republican administration. again, in my opinion.
  3. i attended the same private christian school from 3rd grade to senior year. so, my high school years were spent at school functions, church functions and family gatherings. i was involved in student government, choir and (mixed) volleyball during high school. favorite clothes were calvin klein, generra and girbaud. didn't get to wear those much because of the uniforms. favorite music was resurrection band, petra, daniel amos, michael w. smith........get the picture? i discovered dalparadise and kinkaidalum's world after high school. hello numbers, power tools, NRG, etc. my current music collection has changed considerably.
  4. bachanon


    ditto the recommendations from spec's. they are always right on. for a sweet, crisp and fruity white before the meal, you might try a riesling. a pinot grigio or other dry white with the meal usually works for me. have a great night!
  5. the families i know that have moved to the "great northwest" are the children of baby boomers who have young families and either work for hewlett packard, wanted to be in the klein school district specifically and/or wanted to be near their baby boomer parents in the woodlands/conroe area. in fact, one family sold their renovated heights home to be in this area (the dad now commutes to the loop). these are not boomers and they LOVE the city. of all the families i know who live in the great northwest, ZERO have moved because they do not want to pay city taxes. living "outside" of the city limits is not a factor. in fact, they miss many aspects of being in the city. i think it would be healthy for outlying areas to begin incorporating as the need arises. houston cannot provide all the services needed to the ever-increasing populations at the edge of its reach.
  6. the pasadena state bank building!
  7. it's only a matter of time before pelosi puts her foot in her mouth. there are democrats keeping their fingers crossed that she'll reign herself in. she's a divisive figure and will guaranty a republican win in '08. i base my dislike (not hatred) of nancy pelosi based on her own words. ever hear of c-span? i do not listen to talk radio. however, i am glad that differing viewpoints are being discussed. the "news" pre-cable/talk radio/internet was abysmal. the assumption that right of center people are non-thinkers is illogical and arrogant. disgust over someone's political viewpoints, especially someone who has risen to third in line to the presidency, is neither illogical nor hateful.
  8. do you think the democrats were in power for 40+ years because they were popular? those guys wrote the book on gerrymandering. '94 was truly historic. '06 was a common six year term turnover. nothing phenomenal about it.
  9. unfortunately, when the security measures that have foiled many terrorist plots are defunded, we can look forward to the next 9/11. but i'm sure many will find a way to blame bush for that too. let's hope it's not the port of houston this time. did anyone notice the al qaida message that applauded the democrats taking control of the house and senate? i wonder why they are excited about that. nancy pelosi my ass. i'd choose a corrupt republican over her any day of the week. she said that we can look forward to "the most ethical congress in the history of our country". puking guts up now ummmm, yeah. i guess in her way of relativist thinking, anything that agrees with her is "ethical". it's all about perception isn't it. i don't think i can stand to read the news for awhile. abc, nbc, cbs and cnn have been telling people what to think for years. in the early eighties, i could read the text of a reagan speech and have the nightly news tell me it said something opposite (OPPOSITE) of what was in the text. the media has been "spinning" the news as long as i can remember. it is only in the last couple of decades that alternative media has had the freedom to spin it differently than abc, cbs, nbc, pbs and cnn. i know it's frustrating for you left of center folks. it was so much easier to have only one world view coming out of the media. thank goodness for the internet, talk radio and cable tv.
  10. LIVE, work, PLAY in the woodlands. there are older neighborhoods in and around the woodlands that do not look like "sugar brick" homes. hit the city for fun, live close to work. late 70's contemporary homes offer some great floor plans (and some big AC bills if they haven't been renovated). homes in north grogan's mill have increased in value over 15% the last couple of years because of their proximity to the woodlands town center and the waterway. there are plenty of open-minded people about too. you just have to find out where they are hanging out. you'll be much happier if you buy in the woodlands and "visit" houston. but that's just my opinion.
  11. latest news. story includes details on 24 waterway avenue and other buildings around waterway square Nov. 8, 2006, 5:37PM Development continues along Woodlands Waterway Local leaders unveil Waterway mosaic; want area to become regional attraction By LAURA ISENSEE Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle WORK AT WATERWAY Thirty-plus years ago, some scribbling on a napkin outlined an area called Town Square in The Woodlands. Now, work on and around Waterway Square is shaping up to make that Town Square a primary destination, officials in The Woodlands say. The Woodlands Development Co. and the Town Center Improvement District recently presented the latest plans for Waterway Square, a nearly one-acre public park with 120-foot long waterwall, and 24 Waterway, a 308,000 square-foot mixed use building. "With the latest in planning and development and the latest in construction techniques, we're developing a state of the art place to live, work, play and learn. An old cliche, but it's taken on a new meaning with what we've created here today," said Tim Welbes, co-president of The Woodlands Development Co. As Welbes spoke before a host of community and political leaders, including Republican Texas Sen. John Cornyn, construction workers paced the Waterway Square development site to the northeast of The Woodlands Waterway and the bridge. Developers also unveiled "At the Water's Edge," a collection of nine glass mosaic panels underneath the Waterway Avenue Bridge by acclaimed Texas artist Dixie Friend Gay. The nine panels, created with 500,000 pieces of glass, feature plants and animals native to southeast Texas like spoonbills and herons. Many of its iridescent and 24 karat gold tiles reflect the water, tying the public art into the natural environment. full story
  12. More office space Also under construction in the Waterway Square area is the construction of 24 Waterway Ave., a 13-story building with 308,206 square feet of mixed use space, meaning a blending of office, retail and/or residential use. The buildling marks the largest mixed use office building built by The Woodlands Development Co. to date and will be surrounded by five other mixed-use buildings in Town Center. "We've had for a long time a plan for Waterway Square to be a mixed-use environment. That's what we have at 21 (Waterway Ave.), that's what we have at the other buildings here. This is simply the next logical step," said Alex Sutton, co-president with the company. Sutton said interest is already very high to lease space in the building. Nearby, 21 Waterway Ave. has already been 100 percent leased. Planning calls for a tower of luxury condos, priced about $500-600 a square foot, boutique hotel, Sutton said. In the future, two additional Class A office buildings are expected to be built as well. "There's a return, a sort of Renaissance of mixed use in office buildings,"Robinson said. full story
  13. i agree. however, i wonder if design criteria would slow development. is any development better than none? isn't the cvs mentioned going in at elgin and main?
  14. anyone remember jack palance in bagdad cafe? love that movie.
  15. pictures!! i wanna see it. it sounds nice. btw, they have some really efficient, "silent" dishwashers out now that may help reduce kitchen noise in your family area.
  16. if oil/gas profits are negatively affected (and they will be) by successful legislation that roles back tax breaks or "punishes" the oil industry, who do you think will pay for it? us. they (the oil/gas companies) will pass the costs on to the taxpayer. we get boinked either way.
  17. let's not slash the budget for iraq until we get everyone home, please.
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