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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. hakeem is in jordan, raising money for the spread of islam. he couldn't care less about the historic preservation of some rich, white, european descendants' home. this property is doomed to mediocre condos or apartment complexes. if this property is preserved, i will eat my words with a few pints for those who have faith in hakeem's intentions.
  2. uhhh, maybe the gangs are an issue. or how about the abandoned crack apartments along witter? RUN!!!!!
  3. regardless of limbaugh, using parkinson's or aborted fetuses to win an election is low brow. sorry about mj fox's affliction, my dad has it. he (my dad) will not vote "pro-stem cell research" because he knows that it is not a "sure fire" cure all. it is a small possibility. fox's motive is to use his affliction to promote his political views. it is sad. we (our family) live with parkinson's every day. we will not vote for candidates who's sole claim to fame is the determination to fund or allow stem cell research. there are other technologies and methods. the hype, and it is HYPE, that stem cell research will cure parkinson's is naive. this is hyperbole that feeds on the needs and hopes of an uneducated populace. like the foley issue, this is small fries compared to the immediate concerns before our country. yet another distraction takes hold of our collective mentality. so freakin' sad.
  4. i think galatas may be a little ahead of himself. there will be more police officers (maybe double) in next years budget. i linked to a story about the increase in funding for police in another thread.
  5. welcome to the forum thesaint9. i have no complaints or suggestions about mi luna (at least the woodlands location).
  6. here is a link to the ongoing discussion about the sawdust walmart location among grogan's mill residents, the hoa and walmart. link
  7. when i think to do it, i use shadowbend between gosling and w. panther creek to avoid the gosling intersection.
  8. welcome to the forum contemp. i believe your thread belongs in another forum. there is a dallas/ft.worth forum and then there is a haif sister site for dallas.
  9. and there's more! finally, the woodlands will take a turn towards craftsman and national park thematic elements. although creekside is not just carlton woods, creekside, i thought that anyone following the story would most likely check in here. Woodlands highlights theme for new village Creekside Park will offer more outdoor recreation choices to residents By LAURA ISENSEE Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle On The Woodlands' 32nd anniversary of its grand opening, The Woodlands Development Co. unveiled the theme and planning details of its newest and eighth village, Creekside Park, to the real estate and builder communities. On its next birthday in 2007, the development company plans to hold the official grand opening of the village, the first in Harris County and Tomball Independent School District. full story
  10. the four door tundra is at the top of my list for my next vehicle. i've had a honda, an acura and a toyota and i must say that these cars are built to last. like i said before, i bought the durango solely on impulse. i will not do that again.
  11. i understand that parents can be overwhelmingly "kidcentric", but wouldn't you expect that when many of us were latchkey kids whose parents where never around or where emotionally unavailable? when i come in contact with parents in the "kid cult", i politely let them have their say and do not step on their toes, because i know where (or think i do) they are coming from. i have never planned on having kids. however, i had the fortunate misfortune of a 13 year old kid whose parents relinquished their responsibilities years before he came to my house. i had no concept of the responsibilities that would be required of me. i did not know what kids need, especially ones who have had no stability. i'm more proud of this kid than i've ever been of anything in my life. you mess with him and i'll hunt you down. no kidding. call it the "cult of kids" if you will. i've never dreamed that i would stand up to my older sister in order to care for her kid(s). i think that when you invest yourself in someone else, you become very protective, proud, overbearing and, at times (maybe) a little superior. especially, if no one took the time to be there for you. but that's just my opinion. maybe it's all about perception. i dunno. btw, dalparadise, two of my best friends have had a vasectomy (sp?) in order to enjoy life as single or married sans kiddos. these people i hold dear. we will all grow old together (when we aren't being surrogate parents to other people's kids). to each his own.
  12. before the haif crash of 2004 (was it?), i had a post about what i thought should be done about the pierce elevated and other freeways strangling downtown. i think that i-45 should be rerouted around the loops or i-10 and 59. the pierce elevated should be dismantled. when i say i-10 and 59 i mean that i-45 (from the north) should head east at i-10 downtown and connect with 59 south (east of downtown) and then reconnect with 45 south of downtown. open up downtown to midtown and the allen parkway area. expand the freeway capacity around the loops and the i-10/59 connects as described. this would not only improve the downtown view by eliminating the elevated freeway between i-10 and on the north side of downtown and 59 on the south side of downtown, it would reconnect neighborhoods. have an i-45 business route that runs along pierce or heiner/houston avenue corridor. if there is always going to be a bottleneck, send people around one side of downtown or the other. if you are headed downtown, no problem. if you are going past downtown, take i-10 east to 59 south to i-45 south, an i-45 business route or the east or west loops. reconnect the cbd with its immediate neighborhoods. eliminate the wasteland underneath the elevated freeways. how much more inviting would the current bayou improvements be if half of the overhead freeways were dismantled.
  13. i bought a '98 dodge durango when they first came out and the transmission fell apart the first weekend i drove it. however, since dodge replaced the transmission, i've driven my baby 198,000 miles and counting. this is the first car i have ever purchased based on design and driving enjoyment. before that, it was always a consumer reports recommendation. i read somewhere that dodge focuses on design first and engineering second. they actually (before daimler anyway) work out the kinks at the cost of the public. i'm sure that was an opinion, but my experience would support that claim. i most likely will not buy another dodge. i still love my durango. i can't explain it.
  14. i'm sorry, but the picture of coffee aficionados and salon personel cat fighting cracks me up. diedrich customer - "your ruining my favorite coffee place." upper hand employee - "we want to make more people feel special." sounds trite. i hate to see diedrich's go, but passing out flyers in front of the salon is embarrassing. are the salon customers going to boycott diedrich's? how about a picket line with signs of a steaming coffee cup and a "X" through it. i know i want to have a cup of joe while getting dirty looks from the neighboring business. it's sad to see loyal customers of any business making an issue worse than it already is. showing your support (or lack of support) with how you spend your money is about the best you can do. IMO
  15. this is exactly why the woodlands "experiment" has been important. people respond to nature. i'm happy to see former woodlands development personel using a similar format. mixed incomes, single family homes/senior living facility/apartments/retail.............it sounds like a village in the woodlands. although i loathe the increased traffic this will bring to 1488/i-45/hardy toll road/town center, i'm happy to hear of the developer's intentions. i hope they pull it off.
  16. i've often wondered if pasadena had the means and desire to do this. i thought that if they would focus on a central, highly traveled area or specific streets for improvement, they might create a city center of sorts for the pasadena area.
  17. i didn't read the entire rice u. report. the results alone are more than unsettling. east loop/225 area are where some of the highest levels of these carcinogens are being found.
  18. i hit sam's club once a month too. unfortunately, if i buy too much of something zach likes, he'll wipe it out in one week. we skip gatorade, limit chip purchases, no candy, no cokes or juice. i've finally perfected a spaghetti recipe with italian sausage. i can make four meals for about $9. $12 if you include ready made garlic bread. btw, everyone's picks are great. i can't believe it's already been 17 months since parrothead's kiddo was born. she's gotten so big. everyone's kids are adorable.
  19. i don't see a weapon. did she SCARE!! the money away from the teller?
  20. the county needs a police substation out near sterling ridge/magnolia. the woodlands would probably donate the land.
  21. it looks the same. many of the trees planted are taking off nicely. but it's like katiedidit said. it's just like a regular walmart inside, nothing special.
  22. personally, i would avoid any pasadena zip code. there is a reason that people from deer park (practically pasadena in my book) make it a point to note that they are not from pasadena. deer park is sandwiched in between la porte and pasadena. it has new subdivisions; however, it is still plagued by the pollution, smell, gangs and so on. there are affordable places near the loop that are still affordable and improving in price and character. maybe danax or one of the other south/southeast side people could chime in. i've had family "stuck" in pasadena my entire life. my parents moved us out in 1973 because of increased crime and bad schools. it is worse now. there is a unique culture there that is not positive. i would suggest staying to the south of fairmont parkway. north, between fairmont parkway and 225 is a hodgepodge of ghettos, strip clubs, hotels by the hour and saloons. there are pockets of new development, but the negative elements wander around all night long. i loathe pasadena not only for the smell, but for the sorry schools, ineffective police force, bad roads, empty lots, drug houses, difficult soil, constant flooding and so on. the best thing that ever happened to pasadena was beltway eight.....it makes it easier to leave.
  23. yes, it is easy to spend several hundred dollars a month. the more convenient for me, the more expensive. and eating out? fortunately, he won't order anything more expensive than i order. our eating out bill is sometimes as much as the grocery bill. he eats every 3 or 4 hours. my grocery bill is more than three times what it was for one person. i've started buying larger quantities of things like mayo and ketchup and generic brands of vegetables and cheese. god bless all the parents who have more than one. god save you if you have more than two.
  24. how will it ever be possible to have an improved bayou park system when this happens on a regular basis? will the extra retention ox bow lakes and marshlands (as defined by the buffalo bayou project) be enough to reduce this level of flooding? i hope the buffalo bayou partnership has "done the math". when we have this level of downpour i have to wonder if we are flirting with a huge disaster. i cannot see how we can handle a more serious flooding event. btw, has anyone noticed that the weather channel only reports on flooding and other negative weather events in houston. they love to show gorgeous days in atlanta and boston, yet houston seems to have nothing but ugly weather events. i think there is some bias there.
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