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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. it's way cool to see how many of you all have kids. i'm disappointed to hear that redscare doesn't have any offspring. all that intelligence should be shared. i hope you're into mentoring, red. great pics everyone. rock and roll!!!
  2. i don't see it that way. i think it's more about public perception. when people ask about the new katz', they will say it's in the woodlands although it is actually shenandoah. many of the new businesses popping up in shenandoah advertise that they are in the woodlands.
  3. i vote NO on painting the brick. the brick is beautiful as is. btw, i'm happy to see so many tasteful people on the board.
  4. two new yorkers i know just recently bought a condo in houston's museum district because they love to visit here so often. friends from california to the east coast adore houston. they get it. they understand our UNIQUE CULTURE. we are quirky, tolerant, diverse, creative. we are not compact. this is the main reason out of towners can't get their brains around houston culture. it IS ashame that many of us want to measure ouselves against new york city. we are not and will never be new york city. i know several new yorkers who have very positive opinions of houston. to say that new yorkers have NO OPINION of houston is to admit that you don't know very many new yorkers. any respectable wall street investor knows EXACTLY where houston is and what it's about. i loathe NYC and i dread each time i have to go there. i'd choose houston hands down.
  5. ok, since we're sharing pics. zach just turned 16 and "blue" will be 5 in february. speaking of mums.......homecoming is just around the corner for zach. i can't believe what these girls (and their parents) expect. it's insane.
  6. shenandoah and oak ridge will always be mistaken as "the woodlands". the woodlands is too well known. shenandoah and oak ridge will always seem like suburbs of the woodlands.
  7. no, i don't think it is. the woodlands was a utopian experiment. market forces are the rule of the day now. the primary ideology that created the woodlands is dead. there are elements of it that exist, but the sensitivity to diversity and mixed incomes is definitely over.
  8. it's better than wondering "what does it all mean?". it's better than wondering what i will do with myself after 40. i think kids provide a wonderful balance to life. for the record, i've never said or thought that before.
  9. hmmmm, i wasn't ready until one thirteen year old dropped in my life. it has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. it isn't about money or being ready. for me, it is about taking care of kids who don't have parents available to them. don't wait till your ready. if you're a good person and want to make a difference, just make yourself available. being ready will work itself out. i promise.
  10. aaawwwwee, the paradigm shifts that occur with kiddos around.
  11. it is unfortunate. it appears that the center was made for diedrich's. the patio will be mostly unused with a salon. i hope they find an interesting place in the area. sad to see them booted.
  12. way back? the industrial age was over considerably more than ten years ago. did you mean "100 years ago?"
  13. i'm the default parent for a sixteen year old "hormone harry".
  14. chris bell will not make a strong leader. kinky freakman is simply entertaining. rick perry reminds me of someone who winged it through high school and simply tows the party line. no original thinking going on there. oh, and he smells like aqua net and polyester. now strayhorn, on the other hand, is a moderate conservative who will give a polite middle finger to bureaucrats who are not fiscally conservative. she despises redundant programs and has proven so by eliminating the very office she ran (was it rail road commissioner........i can't remember). i like the fact that she has distanced herself from the state republican establishment. i'd like to see texas elect another woman governer. especially an "independant".
  15. i feel for you katie. i have new neighbors behind me. our homes back up to woodlands parkway. you can barely see it for the thick forest buffer. unfortunately, they removed two or three truck loads of small trees and underbrush. they removed all of the top layer of soil, leaving a nice sandy backyard for their child or children to play in. what these newbies do not understand is that they increased road noise, reduced runoff absorption and will cause erosion for their own property and the property of others. from my upstairs windows, rather than forest, i now see pink plastic play equipment and ugly lawn furniture on a sandy, sometimes muddy yard. they purchased a 30 year old home in the forest and are upgrading like they are pioneers in a new world. i'm going to LMAO if they try to grow grass under all the remaining pine trees. and the palm trees people are planting........what gives? it's the wood-lands, not palm beach.
  16. you gotta watch out for the "ladies who lunch" crowd. you know the ones, they get all spiffed up after hubby leaves, leave marching orders for the maid and yard crew and head out to lunch with the ladies. they only hesitate at stop signs. i mean, "certainly you wouldn't run in to my hundred thousand dollar car" would you? most people are courteous. however, some of the teens and the high maintenance ladies can be quite rude. maybe the tree theory doesn't work for them because they can't see the forest for the trees. personally, when i'm stressed, and have been away from the woodlands for several hours, i feel calmed when the strip centers and phone poles give way to forested buffers on both sides. my peripheral vision is engulfed with forest. the most annoying thing i encounter is a loud stereo or an impatient driver. for me, it is noticeably calming.
  17. when i reread it, it sounded like "i could get my brain around" the fact that "i do enjoy (his) insight" rather than the quote. i wanted to be specific that "i could get my brain around" his quote.
  18. i can get my brain around that. great insight, red.
  19. i agree. as a society we are not adequately addressing the issues of sexual deviancy, or addiction, or the proper way to help those victimized by others. -Bach
  20. up until now, i did not realize that there were TWO greenway projects in the works. these are massive undertakings that will truly solidify the north-northwest as the "greener" place to live in the greater houston area. i'm excited to hear about this.
  21. mr. barnes, we are talking about young adults chatting with a dirty old man online. no sexual contact. no prepubescent having their innocence stolen. this was a misuse of authority, not sexual abuse. sexual harrassment, not rape. i think that some people would be far less dismissive of this petty sex scandal if it were children under 12. being that it was 16 & 17 year olds who had demonstrated the maturity to become pages and there were no sexual encounters involved, i can't see comparing foley to someone who's a REAL pedophile. as i've said earlier, i do not believe that foley deserves a pass. however, i do not think it is prudent to compare someone who is having sexual contact with children with someone who is being verbally lude with young adults. there are more important issues facing our country than the foley issue.
  22. the woodlands is not a "bedroom community". bedroom communities do not have 40,000 jobs and world headquarters of major industries. the crime in the spotlight in the woodlands is non-violent crime, the majority of which is from bored teens. how is the woodlands "withholding" on paying taxes. can you name the taxes we are not paying?
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