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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. i think that is the super target, best buy and/or circuit city location.
  2. Sept. 16, 2006, 10:24AM Woodlands buys 400 acres for future development New tract is largest purchase for developer in 10 years By LAURA ISENSEE Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle The Woodlands Development Co. recently purchased a 400-acre tract of land connecting with 28,000 acres that make up The Woodlands. The purchase marks the company's largest land acquisition in the last decade, said Tim Welbes, co-president of The Woodlands Development Co. Over the last several years, the company has bought land only in small parcels, he said. It also marks the first neighborhood of The Woodlands zoned for the Magnolia Independent School District. Welbes said the company bought the land from three sellers. Room for more homes With its newest land acquisition, the development company plans to expand its new home offerings, in particular in the more affordable price range, Welbes said. Ahead of its sales forecast for 2006, the development company is running out of new homes in Montgomery County. "Had we not had this (land purchase), by 2008 we would be sold out in Montgomery County," Welbes said. Located at FM 2978, the tract is immediately west of neighborhoods in development in the Sterling Ridge area and its most southern part reaches Matthews Road, Welbes said. full story
  3. we went to school in conroe. we also had birthday parties at farrell's and skating in the galleria. must have been between 1976 & 1980 sometime. we thought it was so cool that they sang to people. ignorance was bliss.
  4. Sept. 15, 2006, 3:49PM The finale University of St. Thomas unveils drawings for one last Philip Johnson project By LISA GRAY Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle' When architect Philip Johnson died in January 2005, he left behind many of Houston's most recognizable buildings
  5. i noticed katz' was open. anyone been yet?
  6. more details. 20 waterway ave announced. Finishing Touches: Waterway expansions slated for fall By: ERIN MYERS, Villager staff 09/13/2006 Built from what was once a large drainage ditch, The Woodlands Waterway is one of the community
  7. Finishing Touches: Waterway expansions slated for fall By: ERIN MYERS, Villager staff 09/13/2000 Built from what was once a large drainage ditch, The Woodlands Waterway is one of the community
  8. Governance panel considers public vote By: TIFFANY WILLIAMS, Villager staff 09/06/2006 The Governance Steering Committee decided recently to "consider" the practicality of adding a public referendum to help determine which of two proposed governance alternatives is best for the master-planned community. The GSC, a group of 11 stakeholders that includes business and resident representatives, has been studying potential governance options, which would have to be approved by residents before implementation under a structured three-tier system. After narrowing the options from 11 to two, the members are charged with studying and determining whether incorporating with the consent of the city of Houston or forming a special-purpose district with the special laws and responsibilities approved in the 2007 state legislative session is best for The Woodlands. Financial, political and lawmaking criteria must be defined before the GSC can make a decision. According to www.thewoodlandsgovernance.org, the committee is set to decide the preferred form of governance at the close of 2006. full story considering this and the story about adding 1.5 million to the current 1 million for patrols, i think that things are moving along quite well. all of the things that people complain about are commonplace for unincorporated areas. i grew up in unincorporated developments. there is nothing new or unusual about slow police responses, vandalism and lackluster services. there is an extra effort required of the homeowner and each neighborhood when living in unincorporated areas. perhaps the woodlands should have a disclaimer on its advertising explaining that it is an unincorporated development and city services, as one would expect from living near a city core, should not be expected.
  9. 24 waterway ave rendering the haynes whaley website has a rendering up for 24 waterway avenue.
  10. i think the neighborhood will be magnolia or tomball school districts. there is an intermediate school north of woodlands parkway on 2978 that is magnolia school district. the students will not be in conroe isd.
  11. New Woodland's budget considering additional 1.5 million annually for more patrols. It may come at the expense of the Woodlands Athletic Center. Sept. 12, 2006, 9:13AM Woodlands budget process ready to start Public safety funding expected to lead priorities By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent The Woodlands will be facing some major financial decisions in the 2007 budgeting process, including finding funding for more law enforcement, a sixth fire station and eliminating a deficit at The Woodlands Recreation Center. The three associations governing The Woodlands
  12. woe. my nieces and nephew were unaware of what was going on. my nephew, seeing other parents picking up their kids, knew his mom wouldn't come get him. he was at school all day and knew something bad was going on. his mom was too f'ed up to come get him. he describes 9/11 as the day his mom didn't come for him. had i known............kids don't always understand the big picture. they do remember not being taken care of. take care of those kiddos.
  13. there may already be a topic on this. i remember many specifics about this day. anyone want to talk about it? i was in bed. i had turned the tv on when i woke up before 8am central. i had dozed off and heard katie couric talking about a plane hitting the world trade center. at the time, it didn't register. i looked at the tv and saw the first tower burning. while the reporter was talking about what might have happened, the second plane hit the other tower. the reporter didn't know what i had seen until minutes later. i knew then that it was planned. my dad was on his way to a job site south of downtown houston. i was supposed to join him by 10am. i called him to tell him what was going on and he dismissed it. when the third plane hit the pentagon, i called dad again. he insisted that he continue on to work and told me to stay home if i wanted to. he wasn't alarmed that people were vacating all the towers in every city in the country. just as i thought, "i hope it doesn't collapse", the first tower fell. i don't think i've ever felt so disturbed. i immediately thought of my friends who live near chelsea and brooklyn. i couldn't get through for hours. without thinking, i sat on the bed and felt a sense of shock as i watched the tv. two of my friends who travel were in the air when all this went down. i called to see if they were ok. i prayed that they weren't on the planes that had crashed. 9/11 woke me from a stupor. i had been lulled to a state that i didn't believe this could ever happen. my world view has changed completely. i've never respected police and firemen as i do now. i love those guys........big time. it's a shame that something so tragic has to occur for people like me to appreciate things differently.
  14. as much as i hate to report ugliness in the woodlands, i must report the following experience: last night, around 11:30PM, i headed to the convenience store for ice cream. my nephew, with his new permit in hand, wanted to drive. we headed to CVS and on our return to grogan's mill passed an unfortunate being. there was a woman (i think) with her skirt pulled up or pants on the ground mooning passing motorists, waving her/his hand near their backside. this person was on the wooded median in the middle of the separated road. my fifteen year old nephew asked if we should go back?! i said, "definitely not". i hope she/he didn't get run over. that was definitely not in the master plan.
  15. i realized while posting that anecdotal experience would be dismissed by you, red (as it should). it has; however, tainted my view of the area. i concede that unpatrolled parks can be gathering places for shady activity. my point, again, is that it can't be worse than it is. and, it might clean up the neighborhood a bit. i think that because of TLTR's "fortunate" location (between panther creek, creekside and grogan's mill), any negative side effects of a park connecting these areas will be patrolled by bicycle or horse. if extra enforcement is not in the "master plan", i do not doubt that it will occur from necessity. TLTR has only to GAIN from the park. if they don't like it, increase their neighborhood association fees, fence it off and don't allow any entrances to the park within its (TLTR's) perimeter.
  16. red, have you been to the convenience store near TLTR at 11PM? even the convenience store on sawdust at sawmill gets robbed on a regular basis and i consider it safer than the one at the entrance to TLTR. in fact, i feel safer at a gas station in midtown at 2AM than the convenience store at TLTR. it doesn't matter that good, hard working people live in TLTR. good, hard working people live in every ghetto around houston. and no, i'm not looking "down my nose" at anyone. if it weren't for good circumstances, i'd be living in my rent house in a low income area off of aldine-westfield. i've said it before, if i lived in TLTR, i would be ecstatic about the plans for the park and worry about the details later. TLTR needs an upgrade, it needs cleaning up (as do many older neighborhoods in the woodlands). the park plans are an opportunity for this neighborhood to get the attention it needs. it will benefit not only TLTR, but the surrounding neighborhoods (which i live in). i'm all for greater attention to TLTR. i'm sorry, but i laughed when i read the story in the courier. if TLTR remains what it is, it is because of the residents who live there and not new park space. i should introduce you to the slum lord i met from TLTR. it was an unfortunate meeting at a company party. this guy owns many homes in TLTR and rents them to the worst of tenants because they are desperate and have cash. he looks forward to the next flood because he likes the insurance money and repairs the houses with as little money and effort as possible. i ran in to a old high school buddy this past year. his wife left him because she prefers xanax and liquor over her family. she moved in with a like minded boyfriend in TLTR, on the back side, near the flood houses. my buddy frequently has to go rescue his kids because of a party. a girl from my nephew's school was attacked at a party in TLTR last year. i realize that these things happen everywhere. in my experience, TLTR has a reputation. a park can't make things worse (IMO).
  17. TLTR is apparently not a neighborhood used to better management. yes, it is in their realm of rights to be concerned about their surroundings. it is plain as day to see that they cannot see the forest for the trees. perhaps they are lulled to a lesser state of things because nothing horrible happens on a regular basis in their back yards. this neighborhood is due a good overhaul and the activity and redevelopment of parts of the neighborhood may do more good than harm. better days are ahead.
  18. if sanitized means long empty flood houses being torn down and dead ends becoming entrances to nature walks and hiking, i'll take the cleaner version. yes, they do have a right to be concerned. i'm amazed that they cannot see an opportunity to turn their neighborhood around if things go well. additional police presence and enforcement of existing laws would help many neighborhoods in and around the woodlands. if i were a property owner in TLTR, i would be ecstatic. the only direction that area can go is up.
  19. we love mi luna! unfortunately, our location is back in indian springs (miles from the woodlands town center). it would have been nice in our town center. i'm glad to hear that sugarland's town center is getting one. hopefully, it means ours is doing well and will stay around. are those condo towers off the ground in/at sugarland town center?
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