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Everything posted by j.33

  1. @JLWM8609is right, 311 is pretty good about traffic signal maintenance. Also, just wanting to throw this out there, the city has updated the online 311 website and the app (did back in late June and early July). I'm finding great success with it. Haven't had issues with it (unlike the old seeclickfix software) - and I make quite a few reports. Here is the new websites link for anyone wondering https://houston311.powerappsportals.us/en-US/. Just click on "report a problem" and then click on the tabs provided to help lead you to make a claim.
  2. Lol did they really fence in METRO's trash can?
  3. @iah77 Gulfton is getting a new bus route on Sunday connecting Gulfton to both Hilcroft P&R and Lower Uptown TC where the Silver Line (Post Oak BRT terminates). I get what you're saying...I would say that Shepherd has potential to become very dense. We are already seeing it around Shepherd and Washington with all the new apartments. The inner Katy BRT line will also connect Northwest TC (METRO's largest transit center) with Downtown so it will play a key role in METRO'S regional network.
  4. As someone who rides the bus to/from downtown, automobile drivers struggle with the current bus only lane design. The red paint will be a game changer and I hope it can encourage more people to take METRO to Downtown.
  5. Inner Katy BRT Virtual Meeting tonight (8/16) at 5pm. I am not sure if there is an actual video presentation, or if you just walk through the powerpoint on your own. There is a place to leave comments though. Here is the link: https://www.ridemetro.org/Pages/METRORapid-Inner-Katy.aspx Click "upcoming events", and then you'll see the meeting.
  6. Sorry for the late reply, but I think I might have the answer to this, Montrose TIRZ 27 eastern boundary is at Tuam, the work that was done for Tuam and Fairview was Midtown, so that is my guess to why it wasn't extended. Montrose TIRZ is actively working on replacing sidewalks and making the neighborhood safer to bike and walk. Hopefully Fairview is soon on the list to be fixed.
  7. For comments regarding the capping of the freeway and adding open space in EaDo, remember that is conceptual and TXDOT will not fund that. TXDOT is relying on private investment or other entities to do the amenities on top of the freeway. Renderings sure look nice, but that it is not guaranteed. TXDOT makes you want to think that is how it will end up looking like... Yes, TXDOT will burry the freeway, but what goes above it can still change.
  8. There is also a connection to the tunnels at the basement of the garage....just opened a few weeks ago ;). I take that as a good sign!
  9. Monday-Thursday, 7 AM - 10 PM Friday, 7 AM - 12 AM Saturday, 8 AM - 12 AM Sunday, 8 AM - 10 PM *Vendor operating hours may vary Its pretty busy during the lunch rush now. Most of the vendors are open (I think Mama Ninfas is still temporally closed). Some of the vendors are not open on Fridays, and some are not open on weekends.
  10. Jenni's Noodle House will be closing their Post Oak location at the end of the month.
  11. We went to Star back in June 2020 when looking at the XC60, the guy working did not even get up to help us. Just pointed to the lot when we asked to see an XC60. We immediately left. This is a Chron article from 2019. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Volvo-wants-a-premium-experience-Its-oldest-13789674.php "According to Volvo, the dealership was the brand’s worst-performing outlet for six years running — not just in Houston, but in the entire country. Unaware of, or uninspired by Star, local shoppers were fleeing the neighborhood to purchase their new Volvos elsewhere." "In February 2016, Volvo informed Seureau it was terminating his franchise. “Star Motor Cars has consistently failed to adequately represent Volvo Cars…and has failed to achieve any reasonable degree of sales penetration in its assigned area,” the manufacturer wrote. Seureau protested, grinding the separation to a halt. When mediation failed, the case moved to the State Office of Administrative Hearings."
  12. I could see these as a good source for wayfinding and it could provide additional lighting for our sidewalks. I understand the issue about size, but I'm sure the city would pick locations that already have wider sidewalks. Thank you @thedistrict84for sharing this! Had no idea about it.
  13. I honestly do not think the city is capable of timing the lights on such long stretches of roadways. What you can possibly do is group certain intersections. For example, with San Felipe, Voss and Winrock can be grouped, Briar Ridge and Potomac could be grouped. Fountain View would stay the same. The main group would be Augusta, Bering, and Chimney Rock. (Hope that makes sense). Submit a 311 comment or email the planning department for each group. It is easier for them to work on 2-3 intersections than the entire stretch. Don't know if they'll do much, like you said, they have been lacking recently with response to service requests. My own few cents on the matter is that we need to be careful when trying to promote faster travel times. With the stretches of Westheimer and San Felipe, the lights allow traffic to naturally slow down. If all lights are green, it will just increase the speed for vehicles to travel down these roadways. Not the best environment for pedestrians and cyclists. I think a better solution would equip all METRO buses with transit signal priority devices. This would allow faster travel times for riders on the 32 and 82, which are both brutally slow at the moment. METRO's Boost has TSP in their plans and there will be a Westheimer Boost so that should help!
  14. Bad photo...didn't realize the plant was blocking most of it until I left 🙃, but Wells Fargo has a "Now Open" sticker.
  15. That is great! My guess is the city was already looking at replacing those signals anyways since they are the older style with wires and they'll replace it with the steel poles in addition to the new pedestrian signals. In response to 11th St and Nicholson, the proper signage (although minimal) is there to inform drivers to yield. Unfortunately, Houston drivers just do not know how a pedestrian crosswalk works or they don't care. Regardless, I think enforcement is needed at that crossing to inform and educate drivers (might be an unpopular opinion, but Houston drivers need to do better and that might result in the need for tickets need to be written). I would love to see a better crossing developed by the city there, and residents have made it very clear on the vision zero interactive map. Thanks for sharing the article!
  16. I agree @wilcal That section of terminal A doesn't see a lot of love to begin with, so I would be happy to see WN utilize the space.
  17. @wxman Here are my thoughts on the matter. SWA would not being doing this if it weren't for COVID. They have slashed their schedule and they have empty planes and crew that needs to be on planes. Southwest is looking into how they can utilize their planes and crew in effective ways that won't burn cash at alarming rates. If that means they can start IAH operations (in addition to HOU) by using aircraft that would've been parked with crew that needs hours, and at the end of the day could even possibly turn a small profit or just break even; then they'll pounce on it. Also, Southwest might see a weakness from United's standpoint. They see an opportunity to take marketshare away from UA without UA really putting up a fight. Does it seem practical in the long run? Probably not, but COVID has changed the airline industry and things that would not have seem normal a year ago, might makes sense today.
  18. Issue with LA-Vegas is the line is not technically LA-Vegas, it is currently planned to Vegas-Victorville with an extension in the future to LA. That means Angelenos would have to drive at least 75-90 minutes to reach Victorville. No one would want to do that. The line will only be successful if they make it go to Union Station, which they're unable to do at the moment. Not surprised it is delayed, their plan isn't the best from the start. With that said, I wouldn't compare CA's situation with HSR with Texas. I do believe HSR Texas can be successful, but CA has just had too many hiccups and negative press on both their LA-Bay Area and LA-Vegas proposals to really see the actual plans being a success.
  19. KPRC did an update last night on both the Southmore Bridge and Ardmore Bridge. Report says Ardmore Bridge delay is due to quality issues similar to what @hindeskystated above.
  20. For those curious, KPRC did a small report on the final touches before the project is completed. TXDOT did say it should be done by December.
  21. I love Joey's! The atmosphere is similar to Moxie's, but the food is way better.
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