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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Sorry to see that one go - not because the building itself was any great shakes, but because it contributed to the density of the neighborhood. Even if one wanted to, could a new building be built as close to the street? Or would current building codes prevent that? It would be great if something that contributes to the neighborhood is built on that site. I'm not optimistic.
  2. ...," he sneered. What nonsense. (wait...what am I doing? There's already a line to get into the place!) uh, yeah. McDonalds. That's the ticket.
  3. I'm not familiar with that institution - where is it located?
  4. A few of the more famous ones: The Breakfast Klub 3711 Travis review This Is It 207 W. Gray review Thelma's Barbeque 1020 Live Oak St review
  5. I wonder why "no clock" is specified. Is it somehow related to the watchman or sprinklers - or do they mean a large, publicly visible clock? No clock. No fountain. No merry-go-round.
  6. Is the texture on the living room ceiling original? That swirly effect brings back unpleasant memories of the 1970s. Might this indicate that there had been some drywall repair after leaks?
  7. Good question! My understanding is that hate crime status is an enhancement to a conviction, and that such laws were passed to address crimes intended to terrorize whole segments of a population. In other words, spray painting "Joani Loves Chachi" on a wall is a crime - vandalism. Same spray paint on a synagogue depicting swastikas and anti-Jewish slogans is still vandalism. But if it's determined that the intent was to offend or strike fear into all Jewish people, it could be prosecuted as a hate crime. (Again, this is just my understanding - I am not a lawyer.) So, if someone says "Let's go put those (pick a racial, ethnic or religious group)s in their place. We'll find one and beat him up; that'll show 'em!" that would seem to indicate something far different from other forms of assault. (Gay people are not covered by hate crime laws in Texas.) People have argued that these laws are invalid or illogical because the intent has to be shown. But intent is already considered in prosecuting crimes. I certainly agree that all crimes must be taken seriously, and hope that "hate crime" status is not abused by prosecutors.
  8. Yahoo Answers USA Sex ratio: at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 1 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.72 male(s)/female total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2006 est.) OK, I looked it up. 97 men for each 100 women. That makes you a majority. You're welcome. In other words, you're acknowledging that what I said was correct. What does the assailant's being Hispanic have to do with anything? Charming, indeed. That's why you're protected by sexual harassment laws. One of your "special rights", you might say. Read some of your previous posts. You certainly went out of your way to give that impression. Please reread what I wrote. I didn't say you suck; I didn't mention you at all. So, in other words, you're not a bigot, you just defend bigots. I defend bigots' right to free speech; I do not defend what they have to say, because I disagree with it.
  9. And speaking of crappy... Just when you thought the weekly TV schedule guide couldn't get any worse, the Chron somehow manages to disimprove it. The newest one has shrunk yet again, and is little more than a pamphlet now. A couple of years ago, when Warner Cable added several channels, the Chron sprang into action - by making its guide smaller. They dropped movie summaries and severely truncated late night coverage. Then, they eliminated late night coverage, and cut weekday coverage to a one-size-fits-all page. Now even daytime programming is not being covered. You'll be happy to know that, all week, Turner Classic movies is showing "Varied Programs". Gee, I've always wanted to see "Varied Programs".... Heck, why not just print "Varied Programs" on some fortune-cookie paper slips, and call it their programming schedule?
  10. There's some "special treatment" you might not enjoy so much. How many people do you know who have had people yell "Breeder!" at them as they walk down the street? Or had the snot knocked out of them by strangers sneering "Take that, straightie!"? Or had a boss who lets them know in no uncertain terms that their heterosexuality condemns them to hell, so feels entirely justified in treating them like crap? How would you like knowing that you could never mention your husband in certain circumstances? That you had to pretend neither he nor your marriage ever existed? Just for the record, as a woman you're in the majority. Just thought I'd straighten that out for you (no pun intended.) Also, just because the majority of people hold an attitude doesn't make it right. Before activists such as Susan B. Anthony worked on changing peoples minds, the majority seemed to hold the attitude that women should be denied the right to vote. So far as your history with fabulous gay people, I gather these are people you met in bars. If the only straight people I've known had been ones I'd met in bars, I'd probably have certain erroneous notions about how 'they' act. Some gay people aren't "fabulous". Some Negroes don't tap dance, too. Also, I've known some very generous Jews, and some loving Christians who don't feel that it's their place to judge who does and does not go to Heaven. I guess they figure that's God's job. People don't have to embrace anything that goes against their values. They should, however, be able to reexamine their values when it's pointed out that they kind of suck.
  11. re-gent: 1. One who rules during the minority, absence, or disability of a monarch. So once the queens have been chased out, the Regent takes their place... Kind of makes sense.
  12. thanks, sevfiv. What year does the old phone book date from?
  13. According to the website linked on my post, it's called the R. C. Duff house. I found the following information about Mr. Duff on the Wiess Family Home Page: The sixth and last railroad to be built out of Beaumont was the Beaumont, Sour Lake and Western, which had R. C. Duff, now president of the Waco, Beaumont, Trinity and Sabine, as its president. This line was built in 1906 from Beaumont to Sour Lake, which had become a great oil-producing center. No wonder he could afford such a nice house!
  14. Google search: Geno's Steaks racist Results: about 11,600 Appears that others have noticed Geno's attitudes too. And yes, they're really stupid.
  15. Note: Many posts which originally appeared on this thread have been moved to the Apartment Market thread.
  16. Note: A large number of the above posts originated in the Allen House: it was nice knowing you - thread, and were moved to this thread by request. Please overlook any incongruities.
  17. dbigtex56


    Ah, the good old days! Creepy Crawlers, wood burning sets, Incredible Edibles, Easy-Bake Ovens, chemistry sets with alcohol burners, Vac-U-Forms...my brother had a small steam engine which ran on Sterno. Were our parents hoping we'd get burned?
  18. Has there been any further activism for saving the theater? Or have people stopped caring? Lots of noise and outrage for a week or two and then "Oh look! There's Brittney Spears!" and the whole thing is forgotten.
  19. ....and the sign is still up, and the leasing office trailer is still there. Wonder if they'd consider renting that out? It would be cool in a perverse sort of way to say "I live in downtown Houston - in a mobile home on Main Street!"
  20. If "current state fuel taxes do not cover the cost of maintaining current roads" (let alone properly), then something else must. The implication seems clear to me. If he meant "will not", then Senator Nichols misspoke.
  21. Does your dad attempt to understand? Does it even matter if he does? Because if you're thinking that you can do something to win his approval...well, you can't. He either appreciates you or he doesn't. Incidentally, where was he when his grandchild needed rescuing? You were man enough to take on that responsibility. Now that's a mensch. I think it's admirable that you can provide for and take care of yourself. What's so great about being inept at domestic duties? If knitting baby booties makes you happy, then go ahead and do it. If football games and shotguns bore you, who cares? Your penis will remain firmly attached. In fact, men who obsessively restrict themselves to hypermasculine pursuits strike me as being a bit desperate. Feeling OK about who you are doesn't mean giving up your moral principles, and I certainly don't advocate doing anything which would violate them. I would suggest that you examine them, and determine which are your own, and which are someone else's.
  22. I concede no such thing. Look at nature's creations - usually, the male is the larger, more brightly colored, more attractive of a species. The lion has its mane, the peacock its tail, the deer its antlers. In order to maintain peace, I'll concede that in the case of humans that the female may be equally attractive as the male. To some.
  23. Very interesting article. One particular statement caught my eye: Few Texans realize that current state fuel taxes do not cover the cost of maintaining current roads, much less to build new roads. Funny how many anti-public transit people will claim the exact opposite.
  24. What a great post! and how commendable that you're honest with yourself, and with others. Some of the points you make have to do with gender roles in our society, which have undergone tremendous changes in the past few decades. I remember in the late 60's, when my sister was job hunting, that the employment section in the daily paper was divided by gender. There was a column "Help Wanted - Male" and another "Help Wanted - Female". Grudgingly, in the early 70's another category was briefly added "Help Wanted - Male or Female" before the gender classifications were scrapped entirely. Now it seems as ridiculous as separating drinking fountains by race. Gender roles within families have evolved more slowly. Forty years ago it wasn't uncommon for men to proclaim "No wife of mine is going to have a job!" It was considered to be an affront to ones masculinity. Now it's the norm for both parents to have jobs outside of the home (which is unfortunate, IMO.) The idea of the woman being the sole source of income while the man attends to domestic life is still considered to be kind of amusing, sort of contemptible, and somehow unnatural - attitudes remarkably similar to those expressed towards gay people. Obviously, those are attitudes I do not share. The structure of ones home life is no reflection on masculinity, femininity or sexual preference. If one is otherwise uncomfortable with his or her gender, he or she may have transsexual issues. Sexual orientation is, as the name implies, sexual. Is it right to enter into a relationship or marriage if one is not sexually attracted to his or her partner? Is it fair to the other person? Many men and women have had their hearts broken because their partners thought they could fake their way through a marriage - and couldn't. In some marriages people remain heterosexually monogamous, with the understanding that a partner is allowed same-gender sexual fulfillment outside of the marriage. These are matters to be worked out by consenting adults without anyone else's interference (IMO). This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. - William Shakespeare
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