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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. You'll find posts on that topic here
  2. Could broadside be the word you're thinking of? Or gangway? I've never heard broadway used in connection with a ship.
  3. allwords.com definition of motherly:Thesaurus: maternal, devoted, caring, comforting, gentle, loving, tender, sympathetic, supporting, protective, indulgent A penis is not required for a person to be protective and responsible. In fact, those traits are found in ALL mature people. Does being unprotective and irresponsible make someone feminine (Paris Hilton notwithstanding)? From what you mentioned of your father, he sounds like a caring, comforting, gentle, loving, tender, sympathetic man. Are you sure he wasn't your mother? To experience a full range of emotions is healthy for all people, regardless of gender. I have no problem with looking in the mirror and knowing I'm a man; "claiming" seems so weak, so defensive, so effeminate, wouldn't you say? Please tell me you're not one of those people who asks gay couples "Uh...so which one of you is the woman?" Unless they're lesbians, the answer is "neither". One of the saddest people I've known was a gay man who tried very hard to act masculine. Often, he succeeded; he looked a lot like Burt Reynolds, and practiced keeping his voice in a lower register. But every now and then the facade would crack and suddenly he'd be FAAAAAB-ulous! And people would laugh, because it was funny. "so, being yourself is rejecting who you are? just because something is comfortable does not mean it is natural. having a penis means your are male. embracing feminine qualities is to deny who you are." bach, not only are you confused - now I'm confused, too!
  4. Some do. It depends on which plan you choose. For example, here's the TXU Energy Freedom Plan: Your bill will be calculated using the price information listed below for each covered premise. Monthly Customer Charge:$5.31 Monthly Base Consumption Charge: All Months: First 250 kWh 2.726 All Months: Next 550 kWh 7.213 May-Oct All Additional 7.213 Nov-Apr All Additional 4.557 Fuel Factor All Months 8.715 As you can see, lower rates are factored in for usage >800 kwh/month Nov - Apr. This plan would probably be of greater benefit to customers with with all-electric homes. (Above excerpt from Texas Electric Choice website.)
  5. Yep, every few years for the past, oh, six or seven hundred or so. It started with something called the Renaissance. I suppose the architectural styles of the day could be called faux-Greek or faux-Roman. So because Michelangelo repeated the architectural styles of the Renaissance (which faked the architectural styles of Greece and Rome), broke a few rules and Mannerism was born, should he be dismissed for his lack of creativity? The big fake! (Does that makes him a faux-faux? And can you say that out loud without giggling? ) I mean, I get what you're saying. There have been some truly dreadful interpretations of the styles you mention. One wishes that architecture would exploit the advantages of modern building techniques and minimize their weaknesses. Unfortunately, exactly the opposite is quite common. It's called bad architecture, and no style is exempt - or can you enlighten us? Strangely, the years can be kind. When Ralph Waldo Emerson visited Rochester, NY in the mid-19th century, he commented scornfully on the "pretentious" columns featured on many of the grander homes. If one was to make the same criticism today, he would be judged quite a snob; they're lovely houses. "Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough." - Chinatown
  6. As you wish. Computers can incorporate programs which automatically check for spelling and typographical errors. Some programs even check for rudimentary errors in grammar and usage. I hope that my suggestion that you use such a program will be greeted as constructive. However, there's (or, as you might put it, 'theirs') no substitute for acquiring basic language skills. Computers and their interfaces will continue to change; why waste our scant educational resources on skills which will be rendered obsolete in a few years?
  7. As you wish. Technology has provided us with a feature called 'spell check'. You may find it helpful.
  8. So if one wanted to make a politically incorrect remark about an attractive woman, she should correctly be called "a hot tamal"?
  9. So far as I know the Fire Museum is still a 'go' - they may still be doing fund raising prior to breaking ground. If you'd like to check with them, you can find contact info here.
  10. Had some localized flooding yesterday morning, because apparently my neighbors have better things to do than remove all the dead leaves their live oaks have shed over the past couple of months. Those leaves do a very efficient job of clogging storm drains.
  11. In other words, who cares about the safety of anyone but schoolchildren (except evenings and weekends, when it's OK to run over the little darlings)?
  12. Oh, H-Town Man! Where's your red pen? This could prove to be instructional for those who are overly enamored of technology.
  13. Just about the time the place changed hands.
  14. I remember Dan. He was one of the original Urban Animals, a loosely organized group of skaters. They were often the only people you'd see on the streets at night in downtown Houston in the 80's. He also organized The Lucille Ball, an annual event restricted to redheads (wigs and temp colors accepted, too.) He was a good guy, and died far too young. There used to be a spectacular stained-glass light fixture at La Carafe (rumored to be a genuine Tiffany) and there were some very hard feelings when it didn't remain in the bar - I'll leave it at that.
  15. Not quite correct. Mary's claim is that it's not only the oldest gay bar in Houston, but in all of Texas. I've never heard of anyone claiming that it was the all-around oldest bar. My understanding is that Jim Farmer opened Mary's late summer/early fall of 1970. He ran it until his death in the early 90s, but it has remained open continuously (except for 2 or 3 days a few years back, when there were some, um, financial issues.) It's also my understanding that Mary's does not own the land or building, and that they've leased it from the same people since it opened. As has been discussed in another thread, the famous mural has been painted over And they're not exactly "packing them in" these days. Usually, it's pretty dead.
  16. That seems entirely possible. I imagine that the architect and developer have done some research into what sort of architecture would appeal to someone who could afford to buy a unit in this building. One person's 'bland' is another's 'understated'. Perhaps something glitzy would scare off customers who don't want to live in the architectural equivalent of a 1959 Cadillac.
  17. I don't! Why? For his misuse of the word "stagnate" instead of "stagnant". Buy a dictionary, Andy!
  18. There's all that dirt in Reliant Stadium to be removed after the rodeo....
  19. I went there for my company physical when I started a new job early in 1982. For some reason I recall the physician's diploma stated that he'd graduated from medical school in 1933. His office looked as if it had been there, unchanged, ever since. Shortly thereafter I developed a severe ear infection, and because I knew no other doctors in Houston, I made an appointment with him. His solution was to give me a HUGE penicillin shot you-know-where, a very 1942-style treatment. It hurt for days. And that was the last time I was ever in that building.
  20. Set up thread on 10630 Olympia from posts originally found on the Poured Terrazzo repair thread. Just curious - what sort of device is that panel above the far end of the kitchen counter?
  21. Apparently, the article originally appeared in La Prensa San Diego Sept. 22, 2000 and has been widely reproduced.
  22. I too am mystified as to what objections people would have to this park. Looks pretty nice to me. Several years ago, there was a proposal to acquire a large vacant lot in my neighborhood (Westmoreland) and convert it into a pocket park. The neighborhood association opposed the proposal; my understanding was that there were concerns about homeless people congregating there. Would giving this vacant land park status limit police powers to control 'undesirable elements'? Or is there some other factor of which we might be unaware?
  23. You seem to have left out salaries, golden parachutes, stock options and other modern robber-baron techniques.
  24. From A History of Mexican Americans in California: Rising from the turbulent 1960s and drawing on the century-long foundation of Mexican American experience, the Chicano movement has be come a dynamic force for societal change. The movement is not a monolith, but is rather an amalgam of individuals and organizations who share a sense of pride in Mexicanidad, a dedication to enhancement of Chicano culture, mutual identification, a desire to improve the Chicano socio-economic position, and a commitment to making constructive changes in U.S. society. In case anyone was interested...
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