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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. You're kidding, right? It's theoretically absurd. Calendars be damned! The Earth's orbit around the sun, and its rotation on its axis are the important factors. The changes in these patterns are so slight as to be utterly insignificant. Such changes, if they were abrupt and drastic, would have an effect on climate, I suppose; but since they haven't occurred, why drag these red herrings into the discussion?
  2. Gay Bar Patrons Find Vehicles Vandalized POSTED: 6:55 am CST January 9, 2007 UPDATED: 7:24 am CST January 9, 2007 HOUSTON -- Dozens of patrons of a gay bar found their vehicles vandalized in a parking lot Tuesday, KPRC Local 2 reported. The vehicles were parked behind EJ's in the 2500 block of Ralph Street near Westheimer Road at about 2:20 a.m. Customers said about 28 vehicles were damaged. Some of the vehicles' tires were slashed and some had smashed windows or windshields. link to KPRC online article For that amount of damage to be done without someone catching them in the act, it would seem that there must be several perps. I don't see how this could be something done just on impulse.
  3. I did discredit the idea. My exact words were "To suggest that tiny variations in our calendar system are in the least related to climate change is, in a word, asinine." The post to which I took exception had to do with various aspects of calendars - their history, lunar vs. solar, etc. . (There could, in fact, be an argument to be made there; it's my understanding that the Julian calendar was so inaccurate that it did indeed throw off the true equinoxes and solstices, and therefore the seasons.*) However, Mr. Barnes did not make that argument. If you'll read the posts, you'll note that his concluded with these words:"Now can you see where the so called shift in climates are nothing more than an inaccurate calender system, not Armageddon." Can you explain that conclusion to me, TheNiche? How does the slight error in modern calendars affect climate change? Either I'm too stupid to get it, or it never made any sense to begin with. I prefer the latter theory; but of course, I could be wrong. I hope I'm able; if I'm unable, I assure you that I'm solely responsible. For better or worse, my words are my own. Do you really believe every "source with credentials"? My! you have a lot to learn. Perhaps you're too young to remember the panel of experts (provided by the tobacco industry) who, straight-faced, testified in front of Congress that there was no link between smoking and cancer. They had credentials, but they were, how you say, a bunch of bought-and-paid-for lying little whores. How can you be sure that the professional global warming deniers are any different? *From Wikipedia: The Gregorian Calendar was devised both because the mean Julian Calendar year was slightly too long, causing the vernal equinox to slowly drift backwards in the calendar year, and because the lunar calendar used to compute the date of Easter had grown conspicuously in error as well. You see, I credit my sources.)
  4. Not trying; succeeding. And you're not even man enough to own up to it. Instead you come up with an excuse which would be laughable if only it wasn't so pathetic. You expect us to believe that you unconsciously memorized every word, every number, every comma exactly as it appears on another website? (Well, there is that part where you crudely cut the reference to the Science article, leaving a grammatically awkward construction.) Wouldn't it be the honest - the honorable thing - to just admit it? Or are those concepts foreign to you?
  5. Environmentalists also have argued that since the United States is the largest emitter of CO2, the greenhouse gas of primary concern, it should take the lead in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Unfortunately for their argument, it turns out that the U.S. is in fact a leading "air filter." According to an October 16, 1998, article in Science, North America removes more carbon (about 2 billion tons) from the atmosphere than it emits (1.5 billion tons) each year. One reason is the tremendous regrowth in the eastern U.S. of forests that act as carbon sinks, removing CO2 from the atmosphere. Even more damaging to the environmentalists' argument is the fact that most of the warming over the last century occurred before 1940 - preceding the vast majority of human-caused carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. Global warming alarmists have been unable to explain this mismatch between warming theory and scientific data. This brief analysis was written by NCPA Senior Policy Analyst H. Sterling Burnett. It appears that Mr. Barnes's and Mr. Burnett's writing styles are remarkably similar. Yet, selfishly, Mr. Burnett doesn't even credit Mr. Barnes. How's that for irony, CDeb?
  6. No; what I see is good ol' "if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS". These feats of public mathematical masturbation and spewing of irrelevant data are rather less convincing than you might hope. To suggest that tiny variations in our calendar system are in the least related to climate change is, in a word, asinine. Who do you think you're fooling? Oh, and you might want to learn to spell 'calendar' before you present yourself as some sort of expert on the subject.
  7. The Midnight Sun was at 534 Westheimer (between Stanford and Whitney.) Currently, the rear portion of the building houses The Cat Doctor; the front half has been demolished for a parking lot. It had a reputation for being a rough place - lots of drugs, hustlers, etc. . The only one which I know of that was moved was in the 100 block of Westheimer; it's been relocated to the east side of Brazos, a block north of Elgin. Most of the others were either demolished or burned, unfortunately. There's a house which has stood abandoned for a long time on the north side of Westheimer. It's not especially ornate, but is in surprisingly original condition; very little remuddling. At one time there was a plan to relocate it to a vacant lot in Westmoreland, but nothing ever came of it. I hope someone will find a more secure spot for it - that section of Westheimer is ripe for development.
  8. Checking The American Heritage Dictionary, the definition reads as follows: copyedit tr. v. -ited, -iting, -its. To correct and prepare (a manuscript, for example) for typesetting and printing. -copy editor. There is no listing for 'copyeditor'. 'Copyreader' is listed as one word, as is 'copyholder'; however, copy boy is listed as two words. Typing in the word 'Copyeditor', 'copyholder' or 'copyreader' also triggers the spell check function of the Mozilla Firefox browser, for what that's worth. It appears that spelling 'copy editor' as one word or two, capitalized or not, is more a matter of style than a hard-and-fast rule.
  9. A usually hollow building block made with concrete and coal cinders.
  10. I guess White would prefer someone who did his job rather than sitting around bars getting tanked every day. Looks to me like White gave Jordy time to straighten himself out; when he didn't (or couldn't) he paid the consequences. Thank goodness White isn't a slave to the Good Ol' Boy network.
  11. This isn't exactly a breaking story...check out some of Jordy's verbatim remarks in this KPRC undercover investigation this past July. He's not exactly the sort of character one would choose to represent our city to visitors. *edit - merged with existing topic*
  12. Excuse me if I cluck disapprovingly about this foul spelling, my little chickadee. > There is the possibility that you intended an avian pun on Parrothead's name, but I think that's unlikely.
  13. An admittedly offbeat choice: Glenwood Cemetery. More images
  14. The original escalators were still in place until about 10 years ago. They were brass, and had some very nice Streamline/Moderne details. The only escalators in Houston which rivaled them in beauty (that I've seen) were in the old Music Hall, which was built at approximately the same time as Sears.
  15. The first step? Document! Document, document, document! The first questions any governing body will ask will be in regard to the frequency and duration of the disturbances. Without those data, they will have an excuse to do nothing to address the problem. I live several miles from the source, yet some nights I can hear those horns blowing practically constantly in the wee hours. Any claims that this is a needed safety precaution at 3am would be absurd; from all indications the engineers are doing this solely for their own amusement. You have my sympathy.
  16. He's taking a winery tour before being executed?
  17. Founders Memorial Cemetery Founders Memorial Cemetery, located at 1217 West Dallas at Valentine Street, was dedicated by the city as a memorial park in 1836. It's plausible that Mr. Fuermann got his norths and souths confused; everything else about the location fits with his description.
  18. "Gore is donating 100% of his profits from both the movie and its companion book to the same campaign." link 100% enough for you? You owe Mr. Gore an apology.
  19. "In the unlikely event of a flood, your prayer rug can be used as a flotation device."
  20. You're correct. Mad Cow disease is a transmittable disease (sometimes caused by the practice of feeding cows animal byproducts). It is not transferred genetically, and so bears no relationship to cloning.
  21. Yes; and SUVs rely on gasoline powered internal combustion engines and ride on rubber tires, much like the 1903 Oldsmobile. Yet, if someone referred to your Tahoe as a "horseless carriage", you might correctly assume that he's doing so in an effort to dismiss its relevance. Automobiles have made advances in the past century; so have public transit systems. Let's call things by their correct names.
  22. And SUVs are basically a modern form of horseless carriage. Light rail has numerous advantages over streetcars.
  23. To the best of my knowledge, moderators do not have access to other members' PMs or emails. The only way we could read someone else's PMs or emails is if they are forwarded to us by that member.
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