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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. What an analogy. I'm just so glad you didn't go into plumbing problems, or mold infestations.
  2. It's too bad that the gubernatorial race is decided by a plurality rather than a majority vote. If the race was to be decided in a run-off, I"m fairly confident Perry would lose. As things stand, his chances seem best.
  3. Too true. It's sad to see such a potentially great neighborhood being developed as an incongruous mess. The 002 article gives me more hope for the Washington corridor.
  4. What a beautiful setting! And what a piece of crap building!
  5. It was the central Western Union office for Houston. Because of the expense involved in rerouting all of the communication cables from this site to another, it was cheaper to leave it where it was.
  6. Excellent pictures! Next door to the house in Westmoreland, the Waldo mansion (not pictured) was also used as a location for Terms of Endearment. It was a stand-in for the Jack Nicholson character's back yard (the house in the foreground in the Locke Lane picture).
  7. Next year, wear nothing but the skates. Tell people you're a pull-toy. > That might impress the judges.
  8. What time does this shindig start? HPD permitting, how late will it go?
  9. How many of them hormones you takin', honey?
  10. Any idea what that tricycle thingie (in front of the car) was used for?
  11. No doubt he was "pulling" something, but it wasn't duty - since we're on the subject of AWOL...
  12. Any news on this renovation? Today I noticed that most of the windows on the north and west sides of the building have been removed. I'm sure the pigeons appreciate that. However, I didn't see any signs of activity. Also: any theories as to why the bricks above the top-floor windows on the west side of the building look like they've been replaced? The color doesn't match. Could there have been a cornice on that side of the building which was removed?
  13. I'll also risk the wrath of the thread Nazis... Did this GSA camp have a large old house (mansion) constructed of concrete? I recall a controversy a few years ago about the GSA's decision to raze it, to the dismay of preservationists. Or was that structure located elsewhere?
  14. ? I thought you were in favor of defending "our democratic way of life". How come, if you think it's "garbage"? After all, you can't have a representative democracy without politicians.
  15. First, maybe we should learn how to build a levee...
  16. I saw something about this on the Discovery Channel. After they mate, she bites his head off and eats him.
  17. Pasadena doesn't pay into METRO (their choice) so they're not included in its service area.
  18. Put it in context. She meant to say 'masturbation'.
  19. I agree. And it's a sad commentary on Houston that we have so few new parks that the old ones have to 'un-named' in order to honor the current crop of admirable people. So much for immortality.
  20. I used to regularly see raccoons in my neighborhood (Westmoreland) late at night. Several times I've seen a mother and her kits disappear down a storm drain, so I'm guessing that's where they camped out. Then Allison came, and I haven't seen one since. Guess their little raccoon families ended up in the Gulf of Mexico... Still see the occasional possum, though. Anyone have any good recipies?
  21. Suppose gene therapy derived from research done on stem cells becomes available as a treatment for Parkinson's. Is your father prepared to forgo it, as a matter of principle? Would you withhold it from him? If medical research was limited to 'sure-fire' cures, we would still be in the dark ages. It is only through experimentation - trial and error - that we progress. And before you dismiss those who believe differently from you as "an uneducated populace" perhaps you should specify how your own qualifications exempt you from that group. My condolences to your father and your family.
  22. Thanks for the info, Filio. Such a beautiful building! and I like how the finials are illuminated at night. Also, it's conveniently located near the HCC/Ensemble station.
  23. If they're not reading your posts, how can they be expected to answer your questions? Just curious. >
  24. Much of the enjoyment of food comes from the atmosphere in which it's consumed. I know people who swear up and down that the soul food restaurant "This Is It" was better when they were on Andrews St. amid the funky shotgun shacks. More likely is that they're put off by the sterility of the new structure. It's difficult to lend creedence to those who say the ingredients - especially seafood - are better in Louisiana. It's the same Gulf of Mexico, and I doubt if shrimp, crabs or oysters respect state boundries. I've heard claims that red beans and rice just doesn't have the same texture when prepared at high altitudes, but since Houston and New Orleans are both virtually at sea level, this doesn't apply. There's no reason a capable cook couldn't faithfully reproduce the foods of Louisiana west of the border; but to reproduce the experience of a meal in New Orleans or Cajun country would be virtually impossible.
  25. Another thread addressed this issue here.
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