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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Great idea! I've added this info to the title/description fields.
  2. At least it will (temporarily) offer the bums a semi-private place to urinate. Hopefully, the Philip Johnson project will be completed and pee-able before this sculpture is removed.
  3. Thanks for posting the additional pictures, SpaceAge; the kitchen layout makes a lot more sense now, and the view from the street is enlightening. Still, the idea of having the kitchen so open to the entrance seems problematic for all but the most meticulous housekeepers. And wouldn't odors and grease easily migrate into the living room? A random comment: it's a shame that so many Memorial Bend houses have had those sickening fake incongruous Victorian doors installed. danax and I took a tour of the neighborhood, and it seems at least half of the houses have been defiled with them. Would the originals have had a simple large pane, or would they have been a solid panel of wood or metal?
  4. Someone must like her:Lone Star Emmy Awards "The three-hour ceremony, held at the Verizon Wireless Theater here, was a back-slapper in which winners were recognized in 105 categories. In all, 24 Texas stations went home with at least one Emmy award......Other local award winners of note included Channel 11's Whitney Casey, program host, and Johnathan Walton, magazine program or special." 105 categories? They should skip the ceremony andl just toss regional Emmys to the assembled masses. Like Mardi Gras beads.
  5. You're right. According to the Rothko Chapel website, it will be just east of the chapel. torvald, I'm hoping the security force can keep it free from tagging, but I wouldn't take bets either way.
  6. That...thing in the middle of the room - is that supposed to be a kitchen? And what's up with those cabinets randomly stuck on the wall? The place has potential but as it sits, it's ugly and weird. And as already been remarked, $350k seems excessive. To restore this place would have to be a labor of love.
  7. According to The New York Times (Oct. 22, 2006), a new 20 foot-tall, 37-foot wide sculpture "constructed out of fiberglass, pulverized marble and lime cement" is to be installed on Nov. 12. The artist. Michael Somoroff. describes it as "a sculptural translation of light as it moves across the chapel." (Pictures of Illumination I can be seen on the artist's website.) If I'm understanding this correctly, it will be installed inside of the chapel. Wonder how they'll shoehorn it in there?
  8. Could that be used as an adverb, too? "He contemporizedly rennovated the bungalow."
  9. Well, it started as Forfeiture Abatement Resource Team, but they wanted a snappier acronym....and NAMBLA was already taken.
  10. DaTrain, there was some sort of glitch, and your post is missing. Please repost.
  11. pineda, I think the red circle may be one of many which a local artist painted on walls all around town - is that correct, NMG? This project was done about 10 years ago, I think. (Great house, btw!) edit: silly me! I didn't notice that the sculpture had been circled...thought it might be part of the piece. Regardless, am I right about the red circle, NMG?
  12. The link to duplicate thread seems to be broken, so re-opened this one.
  13. Added topic title (was changed to just ..... dots - I have no idea who removed the original titles)
  14. I flew JetBlue (Hobby to Rochester NY, changing planes at JFK) last week. Seemed OK to me - free headsets, satellite TV on the seatbacks, snacks and drinks provided, and friendly service. The price was right, too.
  15. It wouldn't be a typo, strictly speaking; if you look closely the lettering is done by hand, not typeset (notice the ns and us differ slightly.) Is it possible that 'Toro St' means 'bull', as in "I'm bull*****ing you", and that the phone number was either invalid, or might have rung to some inappropriate place, such as a police station? That might have passed as a sort of weak joke during Prohibition...
  16. Is that a pistol in your pocket...?
  17. If you put this paragraph to music, you could claim it was a lost cut from Hejira .
  18. That's correct. They share the same dispatchers. When I first moved to Houston (1981) I was told to always call United, as the other cab companies wouldn't come to Montrose. That no longer seems to be a problem. And you're right, you have to keep an eye on the S.O.B.s; some cabbies will try to start the meter before you even get in the car. If they refuse to reset it, I tell them to get lost.
  19. If he's going to boast about "true urban pedestrian zones", shouldn't he at least get out of his car?
  20. Yes. And daughter Marlo is a Lebanese thesbian.
  21. Was that before or after she had her 4 kids Puma ? What the hell is the matter with you ? I don't know if it's true, or that it's anyone's business but her own. However if it is true, that's just one more reason to love her, IMO. Lily Tomlin was a good friend, but it's entirely possible to have gay people as friends without having sex with them. That's what I'm told, anyway.
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