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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. 20% Dixie. You are a Yankee Doodle Dandy. Interesting that 'feeder' (access road) is determined to be common in Houston and eastern Great Lakes. Speaking of regional terms, has anyone else lived where a public restroom (or lavatory) is referred to as a basement, especially in a school? ("We pantsed him, then threw him in the girls' basement.") The location of the facility has no bearing; the basement can be on an upper floor, or below ground.
  2. With the crotch just above the ankles? Oh please God I hope so. One of these days the temptation is going to be too much to resist, and I'm going to walk up behind someone wearing those ridiculous pants and give them a good tug and see how long it takes him to get unhobbled. It might be advisable to choose someone who's smaller than me and unarmed, however. To me, it looks like the ideal garment for someone who's incontinent and doesn't mind letting things pile up a bit, if you get my drift.
  3. Yoga class? SPCA volunteer? Bookburning group?
  4. Someone gave me a Wal-Mart gift card ( ) and I figured that since I was stuck with the thing the least I could do is to use it to make a statement, so I bought the Brokeback Mountain DVD. The fact that I don't own a DVD player does not trouble me in the least; it's the principle of the thing that counts.
  5. Might you be thinking of the famous Dorothy Parker quote? While playing a word game, she was challenged to use the word 'horticulture' in a sentence. After a moment she said, "You can lead a horticulture, but you cannot make her think". But I like the bathing version, too. Reminds me of that girl in the Beach Boys song: She's my little douche, Scoop. You don't know what I've got. (And, grammatically speaking, shouldn't it be "You don't know what I have"?)
  6. That's OK. I"m comfortable in the deep end. It seems unlikely that Brunville was utterly unique. Surely there were similar City Beautiful projects realized elsewhere, and promotional literature may have mentioned the intended use of something that looks suspiciously like a racetrack. Take a gander, if you will, at Portland's Peninsula Park. Might something like this be what the developers had in mind (he speculated, pointlessly)?
  7. The car under the 'Diesel' sign appears to be a 1951 Studebaker.
  8. So let's speculate on the intended purpose of the interior oval: bicycle or horse racing? Both? There were probably relatively few good roads in the Houston area to enjoy bicycling during those days.
  9. Or "The Derek Zoolander Center For Children Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too"
  10. United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast is a good start. Sheltering Arms also helps seniors with their electric bills. Are there churches near these rental properties? They sometimes have programs to help people in their neighborhoods with utility bills (even non-members). Another option is to tell these tenants to contact their electric service providers and ask about balanced (budget) billing, where energy costs are averaged out throughout the year. And as a landlord, your grandfather should ensure that air conditioners are serviced every so often (clean filters and freon levels) and provide adequate insulation and weatherstripping. I'm glad you're watching out for these tenants. It's heartbreaking to hear about the elderly succumbing to heatstroke in their own houses.
  11. I thought that's what leaves were for... Have heard various explanations for whitewashed trunks, and the one that makes the most sense to me is that it makes trees more visable to drunks after dark. Cuts down on damage to bark and pick-up bumpers.
  12. Talk is indeed cheap. Mind providing a source for this alleged statement?
  13. I'm thinking that the EPA should investigate if airbrushing Ms. Wrigley's photos is a significant source of particulate pollution: That's a lotta paint!
  14. If this post is any indication, UST is using the proximity of its Montrose campus to help students with their Gaying It Up skills.
  15. That would have been Rendezvous Houston 20 years ago.
  16. This may very well be true. Some drugs can contribute to E.D. (erectile dysfunction), and Rush may be paying the price for dabbling with OxyContin. Viagra isn't cheap; is this what is meant when they said he might be facing some stiff fines?
  17. And don't forget the true origin of the Post-It note...
  18. Anyone know if Reggie Aqui is still with KHOU? Haven't seen him all week...
  19. A reminder: Please maintain a civil tone. Differences can be expressed politely.
  20. This will have an effect on the Port of Houston. How much remains to be seen.
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