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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. This no longer really applies. Cigarette companies have not been permitted to advertise on billboards since April 24, 1999 (link). However, they've used their advertising budget to plaster convenience stores with posters, to the point of completely obliterating the windows. An unexpected result is that these stores are now at greater risk of holdups, as witnesses can no longer see what's going on inside. Cigarette advertisng seems to be aimed exclusively at the new smoker. Most people I know who smoke settle on a favorite brand and remain loyal until they quit...or die. :closedeyes:
  2. From the Montrose Voice: The mirror balls are hung and the large screens are in place as workers, with a little less than a week to go before grand opening, are frantically putting the finishing touches on Swoopes 22 Sports Bar & Nightclub. "I want this club to be a place that will be comfortable for women in particular," said Sheryl Swoopes, basketball legend and out lesbian. "So many clubs have a younger crowd, and I want my club to be where mature, professional women can meet up with friends, relax and enjoy themselves." Link to article This is located on Leeland, just a few blocks behind Toyota Center in Chinatown. Stopped by last night hoping to score a free t-shirt, but was told by the friendly young woman at the front door that last-minute glitches caused the opening to be held elsewhere. They anticipate that the club will open for business this Sunday. (Also gave me a free pass for when they do open - pink, of course! ) Looked like a nice place from the outside, and was told that they have a large stage with room for performers. This neighborhood has had a boom in nightclub openings and hope this contributes to its success.
  3. Well, I'm pullin' for Reggie. No pun intended.
  4. Welcome to HAIF, aachen. I'm not familiar with Eugene Phillips, but there's a good chance that someone here is. I'll move this thread to "Houston Mod" and see if that helps.
  5. Getting back to the Times article: "I don't want to be in the backyard to be clunked on the head with a softball," said Lee Decker, a builder whose new and yet-unsold $721,000 two-story house overlooking left-center field lost two windows late last year to homegrown sultans of swat in the park's Optimist Club league. Seems like the problem has arisen because builders are cramming McMansions onto lots where formerly humble little ranch houses stood; if lawns are eliminated and houses built higher to maximize square footage, of course there's a greater chance of an errant ball hitting a window. Note too that Mr. Decker is the builder, not a resident, of the house in question. Its ultimate occupant might have a more tolerant attitude (if he expects to get along with his neighbors.)
  6. Of course we comprehend the meaning of "decency". It's been explained to us by the Right. Janet Jackson's right nipple - indecent. Janet Jackson's left nipple - not great, but decent. And crooked election results, torturing prisoners, dismantling the Bill of Rights, starting wars under false pretenses, spying without warrents on citizens, bald-face lies; why, they're the most decent of all.
  7. hehe! Welcome to HAIF, almightyhouston, and thanks for sharing the memory. I think George Orwell would have been fascinated by the Federal Building, too. I agree that it's a great emblem of Cold War architecture. I've also heard that it's just as substantial as it looks, with extremely thick walls. Too bad (IMO) that the ground floor was renovated a few years ago in order to make it more in keeping with the Theater District themes; I liked the little turquoise tiles that used to cover the walls.
  8. Too funny... The Klan got a parade permit, closed the street and marched down Lower Westheimer in protest of gay rights in '85. I saw several families in pickups and station wagons who came to Montrose with the kiddies to see the sights. They parked in front of Prince's Hamburgers and had tailgating parties. > First it was eco-tourism...can Fasci-tourism be far behind?
  9. They're's part of what makes Montrose, Montrose. And they also deter dull, judgemental scardy-cats from moving into the neighborhood, for which I'm grateful.
  10. "The critics at the Houston Architecture Forum are, it's safe to say, not impressed." Not exactly, but close enough. Good plug, eh? Glad Richard Connelly found our comments amusing enough to use in his column, and hope it brings in more HAIFers.
  11. To further confuse the issue, it's my understanding that in some parts of the world, what we call the first floor is known as the ground floor; the second floor is called the first floor and so on.
  12. Reminds me of that New Yorker cartoon - a marriage counselor says to a feuding couple: "You're both unbearable, but I suppose that's beside the point."
  13. *merged similar threads* - if things seem a bit out of order, my apologies.
  14. The yard is filled with an assortment of fruit trees, including avocado, fig, grapefruit, lemon, mango and pear. "This one I grew from the seeds of an apple I bought at H-E-B," Oscar says. Sure, he could have moved the house, but the trees? That would have been a real challenge. But the real point is that he had to move at all. To many people this is a matter of little or no consequence; a house is a house, and a bigger one in a better neighborhood is always preferable. This isn't true for everyone. Ever read Gone With The Wind? In times of trouble, Scarlett always returns to Tara, whether physically or in her mind. It's a constant for her in a sea of turmoil, an emotional anchor. I can identify with that sort of mentality. The house in which I grew up was finally sold last year, yet in some respects it's still "mine". My parents lived there for more than fifty years, and I know it like the back of my hand. To some of us a house represents a sort of stability, and its loss is a sad occasion indeed.
  15. "I want you to know that I'm no role model" is the direct quote, and an irritating one at that. Several years ago, a major sports figure declared in a shoe advertisement that "I am not a role model." To say such a thing does not make it true. One does not have a choice about being a role model - if someone apes your behavior (good or bad) you are, in fact a role model. This is a humbling realization to those who are aware that their behavior isn't always what it should be.
  16. Alas...ALAS! Still, it's a chance to see the Art Car parade without feeling guilty about missing the block party. What time do the bands start at SuperHappyFunLand?
  17. *groan....* There isn't a jury in the world who wouldn't find against you. Pain! Suffering! Anyone know a good lawyer?
  18. aha! It's Hugh HAIFner! Do the strippers giggle when you drop coins in their g-strings?
  19. But Ayn Rand was a amphetamine crazed nymphomaniac, so Limbaugh is at least holding up the pharmaceutial end of the deal with his Oxycotin abuse.
  20. Had a great time! An attractive and lively crowd, and wish I had more time to spend with each of you. Both genders were amply represented. Was amused that 'large texas' thought I was a girl - I had to explain that I'd simply put my underwear on backward, which might account for the confusion (actually he thought I was a girl prior to meeting me. What he thinks now is anyone's guess. ) And yes, 'Heights Yankee' really does talk like a Yankee, but is pleasant nethertheless. And 'RedScare' is not red, and is scary only at first. '2112' cheated - wore a t-shirt with his name on it, but would have known him anywhere, regardless. MarthaG, please submit some pictures of your eccentric next-door neighbor's house - enjoyed your description of it. 'sev-five' did you take pictures? or don't you do that in places that actually let you in the front door? 'mancuso' did the moderating duties, which he performed admirably. Special thanks to 'native_houstonian' for pulling this together. Maybe next time you'll toss some spiffs my way? hehe! Sorry that I'm overlooking several of you, but be sure to attend the next one - promises to be even HAIF-ier!
  21. Since I put a lot of faith in computers and the internet, here's the National Anthem, auto-translated intoe Spanish:
  22. What do I get out of HAIF? For one thing, a numb butt - it's hell trying to keep up with all the posts when you're using dial-up and Windows 98. Like most of y'all I stumbled across HAIF on Google - first while researching the late, great Ale House (thanks for the pics, Wayne!), then when learning more about the light rail controversy. At first I was hesitant to post, as I have no formal education in architecture, but discovered that anyone who has a sincere interest in Houston's development and history is welcome. I'm glad that I can reminisce about the good ol' days in Montrose, as I have no grandchildren to bore with my extensive knowlege of the subject, and a captive audience whom I can blissfully believe are actually interested in such tripe. As a moderator I'm especially grateful that the majority of the people here possess good manners and largely monitor one anothers' behavior. The diversity of opinions and areas of expertise have led to many revelations and allowed me to better understand points of view which formerly mystified me. Now if only we could enforce spelling...
  23. Veering off topic (nice job, btw) is it possible that this house was built from one of the Sears plans/kits? We have another thread on HAIF devoted to them. Is it in Houston?
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