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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Y'all watch the name calling. If it gets out of hand, this thread will be deleted. You're smart enough to express yourselves politely.
  2. Hopefully, Houston developers can emulate Trump and spring for both a trophy wife and civic-minded donations.
  3. Just walked past this place a few weeks ago - the whole block is great! Glad to see that someone who's sympathetic with the architecture got it. Probably the two bays on the first floor is what's causing people to assume that this was once a firehouse. Will keep an eye out for more information on this building and pass it along if I find anything. If I may be so bold, who's helping with the funding? Glad to see that someone's helping out those who save our older buildings.
  4. PUTNAM VALLEY, N.Y. - Donald Trump is donating 436 bucolic acres in New York City's northern suburbs for a new state park that will be named for - you guessed it - Donald Trump. The new Donald J. Trump State Park will comprise two separate areas along the Taconic State Parkway, near the Franklin D. Roosevelt and Fahnestock state parks. Trump and Gov. George Pataki announced the donation Wednesday from the sunny, wind-swept top of Indian Hill, which crowns the larger parcel - 282 acres of woods, meadow and wetland straddling Westchester and Putnam counties about 45 miles north of Manhattan. "This is so beautiful," Trump said to his wife, Melania, when he arrived for the news conference. "Am I allowed to change my mind?" link to full article Houston devlopers, take note.
  5. I suppose it's too late to ask for our money back...? This inferiority complex from which Houston collectively suffers gets expensive. Hey, Smets! I'm intrigued by the possibility of suburban-style development in Harvard Yard. Care to pony up a few bucks so I and 12 of my closest friends can take a little tour? Afterward we'll, uh, get back to you...
  6. Double ditto. Miss Jacobs aroused an enthusiasm in me which persists to this day. Practical, insightful and never bound by convention, her observations had the ring of good common sense which is often lacking in other writers. Thanks, Jane. You won't soon be forgotten.
  7. Moved topic from 'Downtown' to a more appropriate forum .
  8. Welcome to Houston and HAIF, Barre. As you can see, you won't be starving for options - or advice. If apartment-style living is acceptable, you can find places even within Montrose - several older complexes have gone condo. If light rail is preferable, there are new developments going up near the northern terminus (near U of H downtown) which are affordable and will almost certainly appreciate over the next five years. Nearby retail isn't great right now, but the new Target center should change that very soon. And if you like funky/ethnic, there's plenty to be found there. IMO safety is not as much a consideration as it once was. Houston has crime, but it's pretty evenly distributed (outside of a few 'hot spots'). A modicum of street smarts should serve you well. Be sure to inquire about parking, both for yourself and guests. It's becoming more and more of an issue.
  9. Jeez, Red (voice dripping heavily with sarcasm)... with that kind of accuracy, mabye you ought to apply to DPS . The link brings you to this:"If an employee or division provided outstanding service or if you have suggestions for improvement, please let us know." hehe! Anyway, you'd think that their website could be more easily navigated. Nowhere on that page did I see a link to offices. So far as that employee who told torvald that the Dacoma location has been closed for 30 years; it's the only DPS office I've ever been to. First in 1981, most recently in 2001. DPS seems to go out of their way to irritate people. Shortly after I renewed my State ID (I don't drive) I moved. I was told it would be a $15 charge to change my address on the ID, and no, it didn't extend the period for which the ID would be valid. This amounts to a tax on Texas residents for moving. Screw 'em. I still have the wrong address on my ID. If that means I end up doing time, so be it. And one last gripe; why can't they open an office inside the Loop? Not all transactions can be accomplished over the internet, and not everyone lives out in the boonies.
  10. Sorry if my post came across as a criticism of yours - that was not my intent. And Spock's A-OK with me, too.
  11. You might have to PM me with that one...
  12. What we have on this thread is a reflection of how people who are truly interested in this issue feel. I'm afraid that many (most?) Houstonians have other things on their minds and haven't spent much time considering the Metro route expansion. Those who are directly impacted by the construction of the Richmond path have a lot personally at stake. They are highly motivated and have worked hard to make their views known to those who will ultimately make the decisions. Unless we make the effort to make our voices heard, elected officials may think we agree with the anti-Richmond faction. Apathy is our greatest enemy. Write those emails today! Tell your friends, and volunteer to help them compose emails. We need numbers to sway this issue in our direction.
  13. It's about 3' tall, and has been framed since '83, so probably scanning isn't an option. If only I knew someone with a digital camera who knew how to post pictures on the 'net and wasn't scared of creepy ol' Montrose hippies, I'd share it with y'all (hint, hint ).
  14. This building was formerly known as the Electric Tower. It was constructed by HL&P and opened in 1968. As an aside, did you know that the sunken areas between the building and sidewalks were paved to resemble the gravel in a Japanese garden?
  15. Park at Sears (Main & Wheeler) and take the train.
  16. I'm curious as to how gavoodi is able to acertain whether a rail rider has purchased a ticket, or by what means a museum patron arrived. Of course people sometimes ride the train without paying. This is illegal, and Metro has personnel to enforce the laws. Eventually scofflaws will be caught. Motorists are not permitted to drive without a valid inspection sticker, proof of insurance, and a driver's licence, yet some do anyway. They too will eventually be caught. It's surprising how many people actually do obey the law. How sad that gavoodi reserves his scepticism to rail riders. Is there a racial componant at work?
  17. Here's an idea: conceal inflatable breasts in the pedestal, to be revealed on festive occasions (Mardi Gras, Superbowl LXX, etc.) It could also be used as a fundraising device. "For every $1000 collected, she expands one cup size! And we're not leaving until Elegance turns into Anna Nichol! Remember...it's for the kids!" See how great art inspires creative thought?
  18. Oh, I'm not saying you're making it up, although I've never noticed any particular stank at these locations. I'm just saying you have a hellava nose. Ever consider a career with DEA or Homeland Security?
  19. In a case such as this one, no straps might be a blessing in disguise. A good category 3 might put this house well on its way back to original condition. And a lucky neighbor will end up with a new roof for free!
  20. Run where - to the nearest McDonalds? The Galleria? It's the uncontrolled elements of a real city that makes it exciting. If I wanted everything under control, I'd just pick up the phone, order a pizza, pick up the remote and watch cable until they have to scrape my malodorous corpse from the Lay-Z-Boy. Where's your sense of adventure? And that does include an unexpected whiff of urine. Next time it might be jasmine. The unexpected is what makes life - and people - interesting.
  21. I've seen some very persuasive arguments regarding the route of the proposed Richmond/Westpark rail line. HAIF was created for that very reason - to exchange information and ideas. Now is the time to make your views count. It takes only a few minutes to write an email, and, personally, I find it exciting to know that I'm part of the process and not just an observer. Here's a reply I received from the the Neartown Association in response to my email: ****** - thanks for your note. I've forwarded a copy to Congressman Culberson's office. Neartown believes a Richmond alignment makes the most sense and have stated our position accordingly. At this point we need all the letters of support we can muster in order to counteract opposition to a Richmond alignment. If you know of others that might support Richmond Rail, please have them send such support to Nick Swyka in Culberson's office. He will get the letters to the Congressman. nick.swyka@mail.house.gov Thanks again! Allen Ueckert The decision on the route of the Westpark/Richmond line will impact the city of Houston for decades - generations - to come. Please be part of the process. Your voice will be heard. Write those emails now!
  22. Here's an email I sent to one of the parties listed - each was seperately composed depending on to whom it was sent, but not everyone may want to do that: Dear Rep. Culberson, I'm writing to express my strong support for rail on Richmond Avenue for Metro's expansion of light rail. This route offers clear advantages over the proposed Westpark line, and the long-term benefits far outweigh any short-term inconveniences. Please join me in supporting the Richmond route for light rail expansion. The courtesy of a reply expressing your thoughts will be appreciated. Sincerely, (my name - not dbigtex56, of course! - address and phone #) ...and a big THANK YOU to largeTexas for compiling and posting the list of emails!
  23. Wow. I was unaware of this ordinance. This has an impact far beyond fire safety. Could that have been a deciding factor in the demolition of the Penn Hotel? When developers crunch numbers for future historic building reuse, that could be a deal-breaker. Not that I'm in favor of people meeting a firey end in pleasant architectural surroundings...
  24. That's Julia Bond, not Julie Bond, you scamp. Probably Big Head In Porn Film is already an urban legend, thanks to you...
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