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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Once you've gone through APE/SoDoMi, Big Head on Main Street is a relief.
  2. Thanks for posting that, groovehouse. I'm glad that the tradition continues. The more manageable scale will probably attract more of the people who actually frequent the neighborhood. Much as I miss the old Westheimer Festival, it had become a behemoth which trampled out the essential qualities it was supposed to celebrate.
  3. What a striking design. Love how classical references are integrated with modernism.
  4. Glad to see an addition to the area. Forgive my ignorance - what's a qee?
  5. Good article! As rps324 mentioned in another thread, the built environment doesn't always determine the lifestyles of its residents (or words to that effect...he said it better).
  6. Could be happier. Please don't post using all caps.
  7. This is starting to remind me of one of the lesser episodes of Will & Grace. Y'all play nice, please.
  8. While riding the the train yesterday, I saw a crane lifting a huge head into position on the west side of Main Street (just north of the old Savoy hotel). In fairness, I just got a glimpse of the thing, but got the impression that it was the sort of sculpture one might buy at the airport as a last-minute gift, but on a grander scale. Has anyone else seen it? Is my impression correct? And whose idea was this, anyway?
  9. What a fantastic house! Glad that it has stayed (and will stay) true to the architect's vision, and that it will be used as a family home. Do you know the date of construction?
  10. Your honesty is refreshing and appreciated. And appalling. That's the nightmare scenario for pedestrians - the distracted driver who's making a right on red, trying to "goose it" into heavy traffic, usually while balancing a 44oz. drink in his crotch, screaming into the cell phone in one hand, and licking burger grease off the other. Sometimes cigarettes are involved, too. Upon prodding - and I have prodded - most will eventually concede that it's their responsibility to keep an eye out in both directions while making a right on red (and it is) - but it's certainly not a widespread habit among drivers. For starters, we need to ban eating, drinking, smoking, and the use of cell phones while driving. These are distractions which can end up killing people, and fall into the same category as drunk driving. People do not have a right to endanger others while earning their cardiac tickets to Heaven. Enjoy these persuits in private, not while driving a WMD. But enough griping. I have what may be a solution to the right-on-red conflict. Maybe I should patent it, it's that good. (turn up your volume) When a pedestrian pushes the crossing button, an audio warning to alert drivers would also sound. Something discreet, but effective, like this. Makes sense, doesn't it?
  11. You have a point. On one hand, we have civic groups and City Hall in an uproar to contain graffiti - yet, among the colorful banners enlivening downtown, the one at Milam and Congress uses a graffiti theme! Go figure!
  12. Was the Shepard Dr. location fairly new at that time? It's my understanding that the previous site of the DePelchin Faith Home (on Albany Street) was in use as an orphanage until the 40's.
  13. What country owns the Gulf of Mexico? Who has to slop the Bay of Pigs? If you have a receipt, is it still the River of No Return? And how many karets is Golden Pond? Inquiring minds want to know.
  14. Yeah, she was at the side of Representative A Black Woman (D., GA) when her so-called apology was televised.
  15. "....Cause I've been 'cross the bayou on a Bridge With No Name..."
  16. Does this have anything to do with a "mortgage loan agent"? Google that one, too. For such a resounding title, there's very little information to be found.
  17. I view justiceforall's post as a public service. That someone has the unmitigated gall to forge signatures, especially on forms one assumes to be notarized, seems nearly impossible unless an example is cited. Incidently, what's this "Patriot Act" crap? Thanks for posting that , too. No doubt other scammers are using this device to get people to let down their guards. when otherwise they might question unorthodox business practices. Edit: Incidently, Google "Patriot Act Data Collection" (in quotation marks) and see what you come up with. Uh...very few hits, and all of them seem pretty scammish - if that's a word. Again, thank you, justiceforall, for bringing this to the public's attention.
  18. So where do profits (and those who reap them) fit into the picture?
  19. No wonder people keep pushing the wrong levers. Now, if only they'd learn to walk with their feet, we woudn't need all these damn highways.
  20. Would love to have sat in on that meeting. "Roach coach" is a colloquialism from way, WAY back. Decades ago my dad mentioned that roach coaches would show up at constructions sites at lunchtime. This was in New York State. No ethnic, cultural or racial implications were associated with the term; just cheap food and dubious hygiene. So what's the problem - did Darby neglect to translate?
  21. There's another thread on HAIF about this somewhere....but U of H downtown is located at One Main - not North Main. Main Street and North Main both begin at the NORTH side of the Main Street Bridge. Seems odd. It is.
  22. Well, of course not. That would be unseemly. Instead, existing fossil-fuel based energy suppliers fund "studies" and "research" to flatly deny the existance of global warming. Thus, the consumer, can continue to consume massive quantities of fossil fuels with a clear conscience, and not demand that the status quo be changed. Or, they can opt for more expensive and (we hope) environmentally responsible energy practices. Under this system, only the consciencous suffer. In some weird way, we're agreeing with one another. We the People want cheap energy, but some don't want to face up to the moral implications of our actions. We don't want to hear that it's causing grave problems. We don't want a Kyoto accord, if it means giving up our hulking cars. "We have met the enemy and He is Us"
  23. Or, to boil it down: We're idiots, and the data are overwhelming. Just don't mess with Big Business. Disinformation campaigns work.
  24. The Montrose location of American Apparel will be located at the corner of Westheimer and Dunlavy. Some of the surrounding businesses include Buffalo Exchange and other clothing resale shops, Brazil (a coffee shop), a leather/fetish shop, a laundrymat, tattoo parlors, an odd little convenience store, etc.. If you've never been there, go and see for yourself, as it's nearly impossible to do it justice in words. Prepare to walk a little. If you don't know what a store is, go in and see for yourself - they're not going to abduct you. As a generalization, people who have a sense of curiousity and adventure will enjoy exploring this neighborhood. Those who are content to passively have merchandise marketed to them will find it scary and disorienting.
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