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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Welcome to HAIF, Paul M. , and thanks for a very thought-provoking post. I don't recall having seen this issue raised in the Houston Chronicle, although they gave quite a lot of press to promoting the exhibition. To willingly allow ones remains to be used in such a way is one thing; to exploit those who had no say in the matter is quite a different matter.
  2. These assaults aren't restricted to bicyclists. Pedestrians get their share of car-thrown missles, too. Which brings up another point; how is someone supposed to get the licence number? Try it sometime. By the time one focuses on the licence plate of a car travelling at even at 30 mph, it has retreated to a distance that renders it illegible. The current size licence plate was determined about 100 years ago, when cars rarely exceeded 10 mph. I think numbers and letters should be lit and a minimum of 6" tall. I'm also working on a pedestrian "car taser" but that one might take a while.
  3. It's my understanding that many of the parks which dot Paris and make it such a lovely city were built atop underground parking. The only way to increase density without creating sprawl is to go vertical. That doesn't always mean up. The underground parking which this development will provide is the most important element of the project. Whatever is built on the surface is merely a detail.
  4. Be prepared for a full-front offensive from Houston Property Rights Association.. This developer-funded organization specializes in distortions and scare tactics, and is largely responsible for Houston lacking historic preservation measures.
  5. Welcome to HAIF, Houston-rktkt. Did you practice architecture in Houston? Perhaps you might be familiar with some of the buildings discussed in the Houston Mod section of the forum.
  6. That's a great idea. Have surface parking, but give a $2 price break if you agree to cover your car with potted plants.
  7. Like the Starbucks a block away from the Starbucks in Midtown, or the Starbucks across the street from Starbucks on W Gray and Shepherd? A t-shirt store has a lot less overhead and draw than, say, a Ferrari dealership. Go where the customers are! These are basically t-shirt stores, and would fit in anywhere there's other retail businesses. I see no reason that both stores couldn't prosper here.
  8. according to the website, 1665 Westheimer. Opening "spring 2006" so they'd better get their butts in gear. I think this would be the building which used to be the Futon Factory (SE corner of Westheimer/Dunlavy) Should be quite a little trendy addition to the Buffalo Exchange and other various resale shops in the neighborhood. If I had one of those little flavored ice carts, I'd make tracks over there this summer. Lots of thirsty teens will be crowding the streets.
  9. Just out of curiousity, who's snatching our kids out of school, stuffing Mexican flags in their hands, throwing them on buses and dumping them at City Hall (of all places)? Gee, even we homosexuals don't have such sophisticated recruiting techniques.
  10. Would this apply to people whose girth results in intruding on my space (e.g.,seating on a bus or airplane)? And if not, can I at least doodle on their love handles with a Sharpie?
  11. Try sending an email or PM to Houston Retail. He's well informed on such developments.
  12. Welcome to HAIF, LoveMy2Bostons. I absolutely agree that text messaging and other electronic devices have become a real hazard. From distracted drivers to inattentive pedestrians to unwitting young women abducted from parking lots, the cause too often can be traced to people who think they can safely 'multitask'. Sadly, this is not the case. Please point out the remarks in question and explain why they're negative.
  13. Houston Blueprint (1333 Louisiana) is closing this Friday (3/31). Anyone who remembers drafting, engineering or graphic design from pre-computer days will wax nostalgic at seeing the dusty boxes of quad tracing paper, boxwood rulers, rub-off lettering, slide rules etc. If you're under 30 and have never seen such things, this is probably your last chance. Also, an employee told me that the space Houston Blueprint currently occupies will be gutted and turned into a drive-thru bank.
  14. Best place to put things back in perspective: The Holocaust Museum
  15. I venture to say that there's a substantial portion of Houstonians who've arrived by that route. Give it five years. You'll dump the UK jerk, go blonde, get implants and love the place.
  16. Best one-stop shopping for cigarettes, brake fluid, imported chocolates and gay porn: Hollywood Food Store on Montrose. Not a good place to buy food, though.
  17. Among others, Taft Architects. Their designs from the early 80s were wonderful examples of how much can be accomplished for clients on a modest budget. Using common inexpensive materials, they had a distictive Mission Revival/Post Modern take on design which is remains fresh and witty. How unfortunate that many of their buildings won't survive due to the restricted budgets they worked with - the YWCA building on Willia St. is a good example.
  18. Thanks for clarifying that. My background is extensively limited on just about any subject you can name. The more I learn the more bewildering the world becomes. I sometimes envy the ignorant; they seem so certain. Which comes first - the values or the priorities? The opinions or the facts to support them? The chicken or the tofu? It makes my head hurt. Personally, I think the money spent on the Grand Parkway would be better spent on compulsory birth control. But that's a topic for another thread.
  19. This town is our town This town is so glamorous Bet you wish you lived here too And were one of us... you go-go, girl
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