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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Well, you gotta admit - Dyna Mo would be a great name for a drag queen, or a team mascot. Why not both? And the team fight song could be Frank Zappa's Dinah-Moe Humm....imagine a whole stadium singing along!
  2. The paying of fines is, to most people, an incentive to change behavior. The exceptions would include overly indulged brats. Fortunately, they're in the vast minority.
  3. If I inadvertently proved any point you made, I apologize. Red light cameras will not make bad drivers drive better? They provide the information which allows tickets to be issued. It's the fines they have to pay due to their arrogance or inattention that will cause bad drivers to reevaluate their habits. Is that so hard to follow?
  4. No, they stop early because they don't enter an intersection that they cannot exit. Otherwise, gridlock ensues. They're called good drivers. Learn from them.
  5. Thank Covenant House. Back on topic - there were several apartment complexes in near-southwest Houston which fit the description of "Sin Alley" in the mid-to-late 70s, such as the coke-fueled Chateau D'jion (with its notorious former resident... )
  6. You mean, the person who's tailgating and trying to run a red light? The cameras will absolve the law-abiding driver.
  7. What comes across in some of the above posts is how desperately people try to avoid responsibilty for their misbehavior. The solution is to take multiple photos of the intersection. By doing so, the velocity of the vehicle can be determined, and red light runners can be identified without ambiguity. Certainly, this is an improvement over the subjective and error-prone method currently used; the testimony of human eyewitnesses (police officers.) Also, RLCs will free up police officers to attend to more pressing matters. Certainly this should be a source of revenue for the city. It costs a lot of money to enforce laws, and to clean up the mess caused by inconsiderate drivers. Why should other taxpayers bear the burden? If the monies collected more than pay for the cost of installing RLCs and collecting fines, so much the better. Fines can be raised at such a time RLCs no longer pay for themselves under the current rates. (BTW, prefacing an idiotic remark with the words "Studies have shown..." does not give it credibilty. It's still an idiotic remark.)
  8. Imagine that - current site of Kanonwan, the Thai restaurant.
  9. Merged with existing thread. The house you refer to can be seen in the 1995 calendar in the link you provided - it was Jakie Freedman's "Domain Privee", which (according to the calendar) was shut down in the 50's due to Texas enforcing its gambling laws. The owner moved the operation to Nevada where gambling was legal. Thanks for your recollections of this house, nm5k. Anyone have any information about what happened to it?
  10. When the children misbehave, quietly tell them you're going to kill them in their sleep. That generally shuts them up. If they complain to their parents, deny everything. Worked in Victorian times... edit: Love the title of this thread! Perhaps you could have set it up as a poll.
  11. I hope they were removed from the parking garage before it was demolished. Too bad it was off-limits, or maybe someone could tell us... Well, at least he'll have plenty of surface parking just across the street, now that the Penn Hotel is gone. On the plus side, it seems like he would have factored in that the new construction would make demolishing Ben Milam that much more difficult, and interfere with the new restaurant's operation as well. Maybe it'll just moulder for a few more decades.
  12. I agree. And the women are even worse. Some of their members appeared on Channel 8- PBS's The Connection a week or so ago debating the role of preservation in Houston. The opposition was one of those property rights groups, and they made a dynamic and persuasive argument. The GHPA's members' response pretty much was to sit there looking hurt. According to GHPA's website, their meetings are held monthly at the Montrose library, and non-members are welcome to attend. I'll try to find out when the next meeting is scheduled and post it here. Perhaps a few HAIF members might liven things up a bit.
  13. Count me among the fans of Lynn Wyatt. She ranks as one of America's all-time great social figures, easily in the ranks of Betsy Bloomfield, Jacqueline Kennedy or Truman Capote. Her position was not attained by mere money, and has given her power about which we can only speculate.
  14. At least these corpses are still having fun. A previous exhibit showed clear plastic models of humans caught at the moment of death. They were made from the impressions left in the ashes by people who were killed by the eruption of Vesuvius in Pompey. Now that was heartrending.
  15. Perhaps you could implant the latter into the former.
  16. I notice the ad lists Felix's at 1220 Westheimer. Currently, their address is 904 Westheimer. Has the restaurant moved, or were the street addresses on Westheimer changed sometime between the 1940s and today? (see Hathaway Street thread.)
  17. Well, sure. Without implants, Houston would have no topography whatsoever.
  18. Forgive me, but wasn't your previous avatar an adult wearing a pink bunny suit?
  19. I have a friend who did some research for Thomas Kreneck, the author of Mexican American Odyssey: Felix Tijerina, Entrepreneur & Civic Leader, 1905-1965, a biography of Felix's founder. There's a glowing review of this book on amazon.com by Robb Walsh (who is, I assume, the restaurant reviewer from Houston Press.)
  20. Ahh! For the nice drunks! Will they have a dress code and cover charge?
  21. The standard advice is to "check with your doctor before undergoing (insert activity here.)" Better to do this in a healthy way and not set yourself up for diabetes, heart disease or excessive weight gain in the future. Well-meaning but unqualified people can advocate unhealthy practices (see the above posts - frankly, some of the advice you're being given kind of sucks.) Also, be very wary of fad diets, suppliments or drugs. Also. a doctor can tell you if your expectations are realistic. You may be seeing yourself differently than other people view you. At any rate, good luck.
  22. That's what make this sort of discussion interesting to me. It's like being Nancy Drew, but without the danger. Another thought: if they changed "German" to "Sherman" all they'd need to do is lop off the G and add a Sh to the existing street signs.
  23. I hadn't heard that people were complaing about Galveston having a Mardi Gras this year. Some N.O. residents have complained that they think it should have been cancelled in their town this year because it's disrespectful when there's still people hurting, so much to be done, the outlay by the city for floats and security, and so on. If locals don't wish to go to Mardi Gras, then don't go. For N.O. to cancel one of their biggest moneymakers would be a huge mistake. Now more than ever they need to show they're stronger than any storm, and attract tourism again. It's this attitude that brought London through the Blitz. And last I heard, N.O. doesn't have any exclusive rights to Mardi Gras. All along the Gulf Coast people have argued for years about where it started. Mobile, Galveston, Biloxi and N.O. all make claims to being the originators. Even St. Louis has a Mardi Gras, for heaven's sake. New Orleans, keep your head up and show us what you're made of. Let the good times roll! (at any rate, it's over now)
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