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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Well it's not soup, but the propriator of the Texas Junk Company falls into this category. If he likes you, everything's fine. If you bug him by asking annoying questions or copping an attitude, he'll tell you to "take your ass the hell outta here!"
  2. There was a segment on the local news regarding this program in the past week or so (sorry, I don't recall which channel.) Some of the volunteers and Mayor White were interviewed; I think the operators at 311 can connect interested parties to the correct department. I applaud this program, and hope that it can be expanded. Perhaps the thoughtless people who block sidewalks with their cars can be ticketed by civilian volunteers as well.
  3. Even worse (and less funny) is walking a distance down these sidewalks, only to discover too late that they peter out in the middle of several lanes of traffic, with no recourse but to retrace ones steps.
  4. According to the Houston Street Guide (
  5. Tonight I took a short nap and awoke to that show in progress. And I know it's unkind to laugh, but I've never heard such inadvertantly hilarious remarks made by a self-proclaimed Christian. What could cause a person to say such things? Demonic possession? Hoof-and-mouth disease? If someone was to follow her around and merely transcribe her remarks, he would be proclaimed as one of the great satirists of our time.
  6. "God spoke to me, and I knew I had to make a different choice in life." Eh, a person puts on a few years, a few pounds...I'm thinking some customers may have commented, too. Wonder who spoke first?
  7. A sign at the southeast corner of Louisiana and Elgin promotes a proposed shopping center with attached parking garage at that site (formerly occupied by the French Quarter theater.) Architects are listed as Gensler & Associates, with marketing handled by Crosspoint Properties. The rendering shows a bookstore as a major occupant, although no specifics are listed about signed tenants. Attractive design - any word if this project is a 'go'?
  8. There was the Pic-N-Pac at Waugh and Welch, across from Rudyard's. They used to have bands on weekends; eventually they were shut down after townhome dwellers started infiltrating the neighborhood...
  9. Forgive me for going off on a slight tangent, but here's an example of the brilliant minds at Metro. Yesterday I had to consult the schedule for the #8 South Main bus. It lists times of arrival for southbound buses at San Jacinto & Prairie, San Jacinto & Jefferson, San Jacinto & Elgin, etc. One problem: San Jacinto is a northbound one-way street. At no point does a southbound South Main bus go down San Jacinto. It travels down Fannin, which is one-way southbound. Metro needs to improve its accountability at every level.
  10. Go back where I came from? Talked it over with my 89 year old mom, and frankly the idea creeps both of us out. Another inadvertantly humorous remark, this time on the "Today" show from Mary Matalin, Republican spin doctor. She said that the VP's delay in reporting the incident was correct, and that he had a responsibility to make an accurate, fulsome [sic] report. Hey, Mary! Don't use big words if you don't know what they mean. fulsome \FUL-sum\, adjective: Offending or disgusting by overfullness, excess, or grossness; cloying; insincere or excessively lavish; esp., offensive from excess of praise.
  11. Good presentation, WGG, and worthy benficiaries. I've known a lot of people who've been helped by those organizations.
  12. This reminds me of Antiques Roadshow, where people are told "This piece would have gone for $15,000...but because you chose to refinish it, that brings its value down to $500. Sorry." Of course, there's a different dynamic at work for houses than for Chippendale side tables. Some people think a new faucet means that the house has new plumbing, and that granite countertops will always be in fashion. It might take a while before Mods are appreciated in their totality.
  13. That's easily explained. This was an accident. It wasn't done maliciously. There was nothing to cover up or lie about. And Cheney's never found himself in that position before. No wonder the poor guy was confused!
  14. A valid point...about thirty years ago! Graffiti-as-an-art-form appeared about the same time as Jheri Curls and "Welcome Back Kotter". It reached its peak a good twenty years ago with Basquiat and Hering. They're dead, you know. What's tired is Verb and KY (or whatever their names are) thinking that they're "urban" or "fresh". It's as much an embarrassment as Rappin' Granny. Gee, maybe we should applaud people who litter or let their dogs crap on the sidewalk. "Keepin' it real..."
  15. I've heard that some shopkeepers blast classical music over their loudspeakers to achieve the same effect. Like throwing garlic at vampires.
  16. Wouldn't you know it. My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult is playing at #'s the same night as MBM.
  17. Yeah, I hesitated - but someone had to say it.
  18. So change it to Brokeback Manor. A gay cowboy theme bar might be just what downtown needs.
  19. Part of the problem is that taggers have to be caught in the act, and they work quickly. We have a law on the books preventing people from carrying open containers of alcohol, which is supposed to cut down on public intoxication and drunk driving. We even have a law in Texas preventing people from carrying wire cutters (left over from the days when free-range cattlemen battled ranchers.) So why not pass an ordinace against carrying spray paint? I can think of no good reason why anyone should be toting around five cans of spray paint at three o'clock in the morning. Perhaps the threat of fines or jail time would discourage people from doing so.
  20. Exactly. They're hard to conceal. In Metro's defense, they're driving very long vehicles which take longer to get through an intersection. More importantly, buses do not have seatbelts provided, and sometimes people have to ride standing up. A panic stop for a red light could seriously injure passengers. By running the light, at least there's a chance they won't get hit.
  21. I did a little research on the building yesterday at the Julia Ideson library's Texas Room. You may have already seen a clipping from the Oct. 23, 1951 Houston Press, in which R.H. "Bob" Moffatt is quoted. He was identified as being the first manager and current manager/owner of the Hotel Cotton, and was there when it opened on March 1, 1913. Mr. Moffatt stated "We had a beautiful little bar where the coffee shop is now. The coffee shop was in the basement then." He also notes that rooms were all $1.50 when the Hotel Cotton opened. Also, while the librarian was assisting me, she spoke with someone on the phone who stated that the annex to the Hotel Cotton was designed by Alfred C. Finn. Unfortunately, she did not get the source of that information. Is this the building on Fannin (south of and adjacent to the Montegu)? I haven't found the name of the architect who designed Hotel Cotton yet.
  22. Well duuuude! Of course he is. The cute one. You were expecting Moby? (and btw, my hair's just as long or longer.) Hey Gary best of luck, and you got my vote.
  23. I get it. Don't think of the gray graffiti abatement paint ("elephant snot") as a blight on the landscape; think of it as our own Rothko-esque public art!
  24. Didn't Stages theater used to be located in that area prior to moving to the Allen Parkway location? I remember seeing their production of Bent downstairs and adjacent to the bayou in the early 80s - may have been where Power Tools was later located.
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