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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. This is an update of a classic blonde joke. Write on both sides of a piece of paper: "How can you keep a blonde busy for hours? (over)"
  2. Aside from other considerations, wish they wouldn't compare any new transit station to "a local version of the N.Y. landmark". We're going to rival Grand Central Station...for $150 mil? My gosh; we couldn't even duplicate GCS's facade for that amount. It's rather like saying that Moody Gardens rivals the pyramids of Egypt.
  3. I reluctantly agree. In theory, a centrally located bus station should be a real asset. The reality is that the Greyhound station in Houston is, in effect, the first door through which many releasees (is that a word?) from Texas Department of Corrections pass on their way to a new life. Increased security is just one factor in improving the conditions around bus stations. We also need to address the issues of recently released convicts. Contempt and indifference hasn't worked out very well.
  4. Good question. Now that the Executive House has gone upscale, will there be any remaining low-rent highrises left in Houston?
  5. *A reminder* Please read the REMINDER at the top of this page before responding Anything even resembling 'flaming' will be deleted. Keep on topic. No personal attacks.
  6. The area around College Cemetery is comsiderably closer to River Oaks than Freeman's Town; not sure what it looks like today, but until quite recently there were shotgun shacks off W. Dallas near Dunlavy. btw, found this interesting article on Google; see Another Great Meetup article - is it true that graves are being disturbed to build new townhomes? Shades of Poltergeist...
  7. Merged with existing topic. If you're unsure if there's already a topic which addresses an issue, please use the 'Search' function.
  8. Sen. Clinton doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell. She refuses to commit to a position. Prior to the last election, the same tired predictable debate started about a Constitutional amendment banning the burning of the flag. Sen. Clinton came out against such an amendment, but then said that she thought there should be a federal law banning burning the flag. Huh? And this madness about comparing the House of Representatives to a plantation, while addressing people in Harlem on MLK Day? C'mon, Hillary...not what I'd call a reasoned argument.
  9. Ask and ye shall receive! 230 West Alabama (aka Executive House) Funny, that they tout the 'unmatched skyline views', but the picture they use was taken several miles away...
  10. And lactose tolerant, too! \ Now, if only he understood that a bit of cinnamon makes chocolate even more delicious...
  11. Toss out the politicians who passed Section 179 (which grants a larger tax deduction to businesses which purchase vehicles which weigh over 6000 lbs.) and who defeated a measure to demand that SUVs be reclassified as passenger vehicles (with attendant stricter mileage requirements). Fortunately, these issues were pretty much decided on a partisan basis.
  12. To hell with Brokeback Mountain. To hell with King Kong. When dalparadise and Montrose1100 meet one another....now there's a movie!
  13. Not trying to pin you down, editor - but what is the format? Correct me whenever I'm wrong; if it's violent, and easy to understand, it leads. Complex issues should be avoided ("You might alienate some viewers!") Warm -n- fuzzy counts. So do diet tips. Pets and children are of the utmost importance. And how about that local sports team!
  14. Sooner, I hadn't noticed any anti-Oklahoma comments. I might be missing something. Please feel free to respond to anyone who misrepresents Oklahoma. Your observations are important. We're here to learn. And if anyone becomes abusive, report it to a moderator.
  15. Nah! No! How cool...are you making reference to Robert Venturi's "Learning from Las Vegas"? kudos! Imagine, some future generation taking over storage units, as ours did 19th century industrial spaces...
  16. Wish I could quote a source, but I remember reading (somewhere) that there were only three cities where one could find many examples of great mid-1930's architecture. New York, Houston and Tulsa. How unfortunate that so many Streamline/Moderne buildings in Houston have disappeared in the past 25 years.
  17. Good point...why not? As you mentioned earlier, storage facilities aren't usually a compliment to the cityscape. I view them as part of the free-wheeling capitalism which has made Houston such a vital city. That they're not pretty is, well, sheer economics. If you think you can make a buck by opening one, more power to you. And so we have to examine why people do build and run these storage units. Obviously, there's a market. Sometimes people find a month or two of storage easier and cheaper than selling everything and starting again. Other times, sadly, it's the last gasp for those who end up homeless. What's sad is that people sometimes can't pay the bill. Read the classified ads in the Chronicle; you'll find auctions for the contents of these storage units. Ever go to the Texas Junk Company? That's where he finds the bulk of his stock. It's not a pretty business, but it serves a purpose.
  18. Do you mind if I steal that quote? Very insightful. Perhaps this justifies a new thread; are payday advance businesses and pawnshops welcome members of our (or any) community?
  19. Finally, someone who gets it! Yes. It's time we recognize the true enemy; little girls who reveal their sweet sweet young flesh, and endanger our whole society by doing so. For, they are the true enemy. Unlike the Taliban, America has no history of stoning immoral people to death. We are a proud, Christian nation; ask the people around Salem MA. Of course, in Houston we'll have to import the stones; but that's no matter, we're a prosperous community. It's time we recognize that the rot comes from within. Just look at how our country has withered with its permissive attitudes. The last hundred years has shown how Providence has frowned upon us. It started with giving votes to Negros and females, and of course, it was all downhill from there. I'm glad that someone finally has the courage to point out that our failure as a country - you know, the reason people want to leave, and no one wants to come here - is due to hot, sweaty slutty little girls. Thank goodness we're different from the Taliban, and God Bless America!
  20. In reporting the funeral services for one of the victims, today Channel 2's 5pm news broadcast stated that the couple was slain outside of their "downtown townhome".
  21. Another consideration is development around MetroRail stations. Of the three in Midtown (McGowen, HCC/Ensemble and Wheeler), the HCC/Ensemble seems to be ahead so far as providing convenient restaurants and entertainment. Unfortunately, none of the stations have much residential in the immediate area... but perhaps that will be changing soon.
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