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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Does any other US city in our time zone have as much trade with Asia as Houston? We're probably of interest due to the Port of Houston and consulates.
  2. "Then I will do it myself," said the Little Red Hen. And she added the event without any help at all.
  3. Host: Houston Mod Location: Retropolitan Ballroom 3221 Milam, 2nd Floor, Houston, TX View Map When: Thursday, November 10, 6:00pm to 9:00pm Phone: (713) 444-1714 The board members of Houston Mod invite you to join us for cocktails, snacks, and conversations about the mod movement while lounging in mod furniture provided by Retropolitan Ballroom. Retropolitan Ballroom is full of available mod furnishings you can take a test lounge in, so bring your tape measure and mod shopping list. Additionally, the shops Lackey-Prince, Metro Modern and Era located on the first floor will be staying open late so modsters can get their mid-century furniture fix. Special thanks to Tara Pogue (www.retrohouston.com) for hosting this event. Yummy thanks to Jenni's Noodle House and Just Lunch and Catering for providing snacks. www.houstonmod.org ***Parking is available on the north side of the building at the southeast corner of Elgin and Milam and in the parking lot at the corner of Travis and Stuart***
  4. I'd like to know more about it, too. Could you add info on the HAIF calendar?
  5. It sure does. This afternoon, a KPRC (who else?) reporter was covering a story from the Multi-Purpose Center on West Gray. She concluded by saying "This is Mary Benton, reporting live from southwest Houston." What is 'southwest Houston' - maybe 100 square miles? Think you could narrow it down a bit, Mary?
  6. The reason that people sneer at Michael Graves is because he's committed an unpardonable sin: he's become recognized and popular. This building has elements both of grandeur and playfulness, much like an elephant in a tutu. I like it.
  7. Good ol' K-PRiCk! They just reported that there was a fire overnight at a shopping center "in Midtown Houston". The fire was at the corner of Montrose and Hawthorne. Gee...you'd think the name 'Montrose' might tip 'em off...
  8. There's a large (for this neighborhood) steel-framed building going up on the north side of Westheimer in the 500 block (approximately where the Happy Budda used to be). Also, across the street a smaller building is going up in a former vacant lot (wedged between the strip center and the VA services building.) Anyone know what businesses are going into these new buildings? edit: I'm also curious about the lot at Whitney and Westheimer (northeast corner). An old house was moved to this site a few years ago; for a while it was used as offices for a used car lot, then a short-lived nightclub called Da House. I see everything above the first floor has been removed. Is it being moved again? Any idea what might go in its place?
  9. Update: Ran into the manager the other day, and she says the Executive House portion of the project should be wrapped up and rentable by Jan/Feb '06. The apartment building to the east has been completed and has renters. Jeez...almost 2 1/2 years in the making!
  10. Even sweeter if Metro decides to put up some appropriate signage. For example, if one was going from the Med Center to Greenway Plaza, it would make sense to get off at the Wheeler station and hook up with the 25 Richmond. But where? There's no bus stop on Wheeler (south side of Sears). And it's a long lonely walk if you're looking for a stop on Richmond. No. You live, you learn to go around the corner to Fannin to catch this bus. It not what you'd call an intuitive move. If the Red Line is going to work in tandem with the existing bus system, kiosks should be provided at the stations showing nearby bus routes, and the closest stops.
  11. Thanks TVOUO for an enlightening post. Because of the proximity of so many existing structures, I can see where tunnelling downtown would be cost prohibitive. However, there are other rail routes where a subway would make sense (see the Richmond Rallies Against Rail Route thread). Surface rail would be a nightmare on the western extention of Metro. Not only would it further congest overcrowded streets, it would also cause mayham at busy intersections. A subway down Westheimer seems like the most logical, least problematic solution. Would a subway be more cost-effective in a location with fewer existing buildings and utilities to contend with?
  12. bach, take a gander at this site: Save Texas Marriage. It explains the issue more clearly than I can. (Proposed) Article I, Texas Constitution, (The Bill of Rights) is amended by adding Section 32 to read as follows: Sec. 32. (a) MARRIAGE in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman. ( THIS STATE or a political subdivision of THIS STATE MAY NOT CREATE OR RECOGNIZE ANY LEGAL STATUS IDENTICAL or similar to MARRIAGE. Through deductive reasoning (syllogism), it follows that if this state does not recognize "any legal status identical or similar to marriage", then marriage itself falls into that category. If a=b, and b=c, then a=c. If there are legal challenges mounted (and there will be) and a ruling is made to support this logic, people will whine about activist judges legislating from the bench. They will be mistaken. The job of a judge is to strictly interpret the law as it is written, regardless of the intent of the legislators. How this madness ever made it to the ballot is beyond me.
  13. If it does pass, at least we can point out to its supporters that they've invalidated their own marriages. Therefore, they're now living in sin, and any subsequent children born of their union will be bastards.
  14. Yes - the trains were preceded by police units. And you're correct in that there was a fairly recent event which caused the trains to stop running (perhaps the playoff game against Atlanta?) In any case, drunken crowds and light rail at street level seems like an accident waiting to happen. Good thing there was a strong police presence the night we won the pennant. The question is, how do we lure people away from Main Street and over to Market Square? And how are the Main St. merchants going to feel about it?
  15. I don't think so. It was still running half an hour after the game was over; I know, because I rode it home.
  16. I think you meant Prop. 2, not 4: "The constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail to a criminal defendant who violates a condition of the defendant's release pending trial." Complete list of Proposed Constitutional Amendments.
  17. Excellent post. I agree that the physical layout of Houston isn't conducive to walking. There's also a cultural bias which is pervasive in this city - that is, if you're walking, you're either up to no good or a L-O-S-E-R. There are exceptions - if you're walking your dog, or if there are lots of other people walking, too (i.e., festivals), then it's OK. But so far as lighting out on ones own on foot, well... it's like being the first guy on the dance floor at a nightclub. Many Houstonians are simply too mortified to expose themselves that way.
  18. If the careless were carless, what a wonderful world it would be.
  19. I think Editor has plenty of quality photographs to choose from already.
  20. "Watch'um Takes On Tremont" merged with existing thread.
  21. None. Parents are going to 'terrorized', regardless. It comes with the territory. BTW, I saw a news report (sorry, cannot cite a source) about trick-or-treaters and the danger of people hiding razor blades in apples. If I recall correctly, there have been no documented cases of this happening. Likewise, children (very rarely) have been sickened or killed by drugs or poisons slipped into Halloween candy. In every case, it was found that a parent was the one doing the poisoning! Yet, every year, the same tired warnings are repeated on the news. Imagine if that time was put to some useful purpose instead. And don't even get me started on people who buy handguns "to protect their families". Sure, children have been abducted by strangers. The horror of such an event is what makes it stick in our mind, that causes us to worry. But in reality, children are much more likely to be killed at a church picnic than abducted from a gameroom.
  22. So what sort of content do you have in mind for the ad? Is it time for a slogan? HAIF - Covering Houston from APE/SoDoMi to The Woodlands
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