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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Funny you should mention that. As a (gerrymandered, unwilling) constituent of Rep. John Culberson (R, Houston) I received a newsletter from him a few months ago expressing his support of the war. Can't quote it directly, but he explained that the US would be reimbursed for the expenses of the war in Iraq once the oil started flowing. 'The liberals' don't have to make this stuff up. So, is war-for-oil OK if a conservative says so? (edit) You also might find the recent speech by Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, USA (Ret.) Former Chief of Staff, Department of State 2002-2005 informative and revealing. We'll be hearing a lot more about this very soon. He was in a unique position to gauge and report on the incompetence and arrogance of the Bush administration's policies.
  2. Gee, if we were still playing at the AstroDome, wonder if we would have been required to rip the roof off? While fixed roof stadia were problematic (Astroturf, anyone?), they still allowed games to be played which otherwise would have had to be postponed. With the expense of tickets and television coverage, such innovations as roofed stadia (and night games) help keep the sport alive. Artificial light didn't destroy baseball, and we've been playing under roofs for more than 40 years now. Not all changes threaten the traditions of baseball. The option of leaving the roof open or closed should have been left up to the home team.
  3. Yeah, they only made it the World Series. What chumps! A fan who supports a team only when it's winning is no fan at all.
  4. Just repeat to yourself: "Margaret Bourke-White...Margaret Bourke-White...." I empathize...even standing up straight is scary for me!
  5. Absolutely agree. Vargas did an 'update' on the Matthew Shepard story on 20/20 which was nothing more than a series of insinuating questions ("But what if...we don't have the whole story? Could there be more to this than we realize?") and interviews with people who looked like they'd been scraped out of a crackpipe. She had nothing of substance to report, and spent quite a while not doing it. How appalling that she's now anchoring the evening news. John Stossel is equally as bad. He did a story about myths regarding the common cold. "Your mother told you that chicken soup would help. Well, that's just a LIE." No, John. That's just well-intended misinformation. I seriously doubt if our mothers told us that out of sheer vindictiveness. Mr. Stossel's sole intent is to anger and frighten people - Bowling for Columbine, anyone? On a local level, Kris Gutierrez is still not forgiven for his insensitive, pushy and obnoxious coverage of the arrival of Hurricane Katrina evacuees. He apparently felt that "getting the story" was more important than the needs of tired, hungry, thirsty and frightened people. The man has not a shred of dignity.
  6. Could very well be. It took the announcer until the 12th(?) inning to explain about the "Killer Bees" bzzzzz sound effect. Announcer, as the caveman says in those Geico commercials: "Next time, do a little research."
  7. Just have to market it right. No floors or roof? "Airy, soaring space" edit: That shot of the demolished bathroom is amazing! How did you rig the lighting?
  8. Election Day is November 8th. In addition to several state propositions, there are local races to be decided as well. Any favorite candidates? Opinions on the state props? I'm especially interested in finding a website which describes the ballot, precinct by precinct, within the city of Houston.
  9. I was hoping someone would clear that up. You finally did, and for that, I respect you.
  10. Obviously the work of Houston Jack the Ripper.
  11. ooh ooh me too! re: forcing us to keep the roof open: "A dreaded sunny day So I meet you at the cemetery gates..." (The Smiths, of course)
  12. Bear in mind that the spokesman for the company putting on St. Louis's Mardi Gras is going to give it as positive a spin as possible, and that the hometown newspaper is going to be eager to report it. I doubt that Galveston has much to worry about.
  13. It appears that some people are unclear on the difference between don't and won't.
  14. OK, since you ask... You feel threatened by anyone who might have principles, and therefore feel a need to mock them. "so silly, and so sad"
  15. Did she give a reason that she didn't frequent Tilman's establishments? No. You just assume. "So silly, and so sad."
  16. Welcome to HAIF, witchcats. All I can offer at this time is that, according to Harris County Appraisal District records, it was built in 1928. HCAD isn't 100% perfect in determining the actual date a building was constructed, but this seems pretty close. If I find out anything further, I'll post it here.
  17. I'll never forget the "Oh no, you didn't just say that" look on Orelon Sidney's face when Dominique Sachse referred to her as "our resident monkey".
  18. I wonder if Sara dots her 'i's with little hearts?
  19. $2000 is actually, by law, the maximum an individual can contribute to a pre-primary candidate.
  20. Rich Maggi, 49, a transplanted New Yorker who has lived in Houston for the last eight years, said: "This is the fourth-largest city in the country, but if you walk down the street of any city in America and asked people, nobody would think of Houston. "Look," Maggi added. "The only thing that [stinks] in Houston is the weather." The weather's fine, Maggi. The only thing in Houston that stinks (Howard "Half" Witt) will, I hope, be removing his skanky ass back to Chicago very soon.
  21. Anyone see Lou Rawls' rendition of the National Anthem last night? Pathetic. Pick a key, Lou. Roseanne Barr did a better job.
  22. And when the pin comes out of her skirt: VREET! VREET! VREET! VREET! Even the waiters are ducking for cover.
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