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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Some of you might remember this short video, Sorority Girls From Hell - it was popular in nightclubs about 15-20 years ago, and still has a cult following. Be forewarned. Either you'll find it hysterically funny, or just plain weird. There's no middle ground. And it improves with repeated viewings - a lot of the dialogue is spoken so quickly that it's hard to catch it all the first time. "....and they used to tease her and taunt her and push her and tie her to trees and feed her Ex-Lax..."
  2. Seems peculiar that a Google search for "Sheraton Marketplace Tower" turns up nothing. Unless a reliable link can be provided, this appears to be another nonsensical internet spoof.
  3. That is pretty funny - just think, pineapples and apples growing in the same climate!
  4. (merged topics) Exactly. This was probably the most prominantly featured building in all the TV coverage of the huge Astros rally downtown last night. You hardly notice the styrofoam when it's being viewed from a helicopter. Did they do a quality restoration? No. Is it a huge improvement? Yes. Also bear in mind that a good number of people who see this building on a typical weekend are looking through their beer goggles, late at night.
  5. Chuck Rosenthal (since the name seems to have escaped you) has this little habit of keeping people incarcerated even after after irrefutable exculpatory evidence is presented. The man loves blood more than justice. Talk about REAL crime...
  6. Too bad this building is in such shabby shape; a careful examination shows that it probably once had some very nice architectural details. The doorway surrounds are especially pleasing.
  7. Please, please let there be a Perp Walk!
  8. You're right - I was relying solely on DD's website. There's apparently four in the Greater Houston area (including Bellaire and Pasadena).
  9. Here's another question: I'd heard that back in the mid-80's, (due to widespread fear and ignorance) realtors were required to disclose if the previous resident/owner of a property had died of AIDS. Is this still the case?
  10. I'm surprised that Dunkin' Donuts has such a minor presence in the Houston area (1 store!) They're huge in the Northeast, and many people would welcome an alternative to Starbuck's. They're as well-known for their coffee as their donuts in those parts.
  11. Whatever shall we yebba-debba-do?
  12. While I admire your enthusiasum, I must remind you that arson is a felony. Not that arson is anything new to Montrose...the block near Whitney and W. Drew (now occupied by early 80's townhomes) was, at the time, sarcastically known as Arson Acres. A series of mysterious fires leveled this block. There's a lot of history behind how this city developed.
  13. I've seen this type of traffic light - oddly enough, in Watkins Glen, NY (pop. 2,149) circa 1998. This is not a misprint - it's a very small town. Yet, they were early adapters. I'm not clear as to why they decided to install such a sophisticated traffic device - and it was only at one intersection - but it seems to me that Houston has been a late adapter to anything regarding pedestrian convenience or safety. To compare Houston to San Francisco or Watkins Glen is awfully optimistic. Houston drivers simply don't expect pedestrians. There's a learning curve - have you noticed that the light rail/auto collision news coverage has quietly faded away? People - even Houstonians - adapt to conditions, once they realize they might be personally affected. Once people accept that there are such things as light rail or pedestrians, they'll make allowances. VicMan, when you say "passengers are allowed to cross diagonally", I assume you must have meant pedestrians. How nice for San Francisco. In Houston, we need to concentrate on simpler matters, such as teaching people to not block crosswalks with one's car at stop lights; and looking to the right, as well as the left before making a right turn. That's how my leg got broken, the last time... Traffic devices are helpful, not just because they address a problem - they make people aware that there is a problem.
  14. Of such things good marriages are made.
  15. If only there had been some restrictions placed on the 6th Ward TIRZ. If part of the deal had included a strong preservation ordinance, it would have been a win-win situation. Instead, we have such vermin as Maria Isabel destoying an historic neighborhood. The 6th Ward has suffered more than benefitted by its TIRZ.
  16. Can the neighborhood association do anything about the construction trash in front of the cheap-o townhomes? He really needs to spring for a dumpster.
  17. So what is it he wants? June Cleaver with a foreign accent? Or maybe you misunderstood...perhaps he's more interested in 'dealing with' American men.
  18. Perhaps you'll find this name more soothing...EBONY (East of Baldwin, Obsequiously New York-ish)
  19. Well, it was originally going to be called NoAsS (North of AstroWorld - Smith Lands) but Metro thought people might snicker.
  20. merged existing thread Restaurants You Miss, Long for those places of yore... with this one.
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