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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. To show her appreciation to the people of Houston for our efforts during Hurricaine Katrina, Ellen Degeneres is sending her young assistant Houston (pronounced 'How-stun') to Houston. He's on today's show, giving away free gasoline on Houston Ave (near White Oak).
  2. Crosley also produced automobiles, one of which was owned by Frank Lloyd Wright! Frank Lloyd Wright's 1952 Crosley Super Sport (notice how I'm always trying to drag architecture into discussions?) "The Crosley Car Company was started by Powell Crosley Jr., who became a multi-millionaire making Crosley radios and Crosley refrigerators starting in the 1920's. Advertised as "America's Most Needed Car" when it sold for $1029 back when it was new, the Crosley averaged close to 50 miles per gallon."
  3. It's really kind of pretty. Maybe he should consider leaving it up. He might come to the same conclusion when it comes time to remove it.
  4. It reminds me of the twin statues which used to stand outside the Booby Rock, which was a strip club on Lower Westheimer in the early 80s. They were concrete Greek goddesses which some superior mind decreed should be painted with aluminum paint (to make 'em "classy"). Unfortunately, a drunk ran into one of them and broke her off at the ankles. Ever resourceful, the management kept her upright by looping a chain around her neck and an adjacent pole. Looked like an S&M lynching. She can still be seen on the back patio of Mary's.
  5. A member requested that I reopen and move this thread from Montrose to Way Off Topic. Done. As a reminder; even in this forum, no name calling or personal attacks.
  6. Y'all, no offense, but it looks like we've strayed away from the topic at hand. While some of the issues being discussed here are interesting, the proper place to discuss them is in "Way Off Topic". A general reminder: please keep conversations on an intellectual (not personal) level. I'm closing this thread. If anyone wants it reopened, please contact me.
  7. Thanks for posting the pictures, sevfiv. BTW, does anyone know of what material those medallions (I guess that's what you'd call them - the circular decorative elements near the top of the walls) are made? Our guide didn't know.
  8. Thanks for posting this article. Some of us might remember seeing New Orleans people screaming "They're raping babies in there!" outside the SuperDome. Some people will say or do anything to get their point across, or even for the pleasure (?) of being on television. The day after evacuees arrived at the AstroDome, I went to a bar. A woman was loudly proclaiming that the rapes were continuing here, and that evacuees were vandalizing the Dome left and right. I've heard nothing to substantiate her claims since.
  9. I don't find fault with the word, but I do fault the context in which it's being used. 'Folks' suggests an informal, casual, familiar relationship. One doubts if newscasters have such a relationship with hundreds of thousands of evacuees or storm victims. Bank tellers who have the audacity to call me by my first name, rather than my title and surname also annoy me. There are times when formality is called for, and others when informality is permissable. I resent that language is being stripped of its subtleties.
  10. A couple of ideas; try estates sales, yard sales, or resale shops (such as BlueBird Circle on W. Alabama). Also, Craigslist might be helpful. I have several 78's, including an early Dinah Washington, and Doris Day singing "Sentimental Journey" with Les Brown's band. Unfortunately, my player's a wind-up (non-electronic) model. PS: Did you know you can make a really unusual black 'paint' with your unsalvageable 78s? Break 'em up and soak them in very strong denatured alcohol; they're made of shellac!
  11. Deleted qto250us's distasteful remark, and another in which it was quoted. I agree; this thread is disappointing. It started with NothingButMeAndMyCadillac asking a question about Montrose. May I weigh in? NBMAMC, I've lived in the Montrose for nearly 25 years. It's a diverse neighborhood, which means that people of various income, educational, and social levels live in close proximity. There are straight, white Christian Republicans who live in Montrose. You'll also find gay people, college students, drug addicts, artists, black, white, Asian, and Hispanic people. There are humble old bungalows and huge new townhomes. Some of the finest restaurants in Houston are in the Montrose area, mixed in with tattoo and piercing parlors. I understand your concern about living in a neighborhood which is mischaractorized as being predominantly gay. It's not. However, it's one of the few places in Houston where gay people are openly accepted (mostly). Montrose isn't one year-long Gay Pride Parade, however. The streets are not jammed with transvestites. And I doubt if anyone's going to grab your butt in Kroger. Houston's a wonderful city because it contains a great diversity of people and opinions. There's a lot to enjoy here, and much from which we continue to learn. I hope you find your stay in Houston as enjoyable as I've found mine.
  12. hehe! That crossed my mind, too. Another 'word of the day': folks. When did people, or motorists, or evacuees, or citizens all become 'folks'? There's only one person to blame for this, of course. He Who Knows Only One-Syllable Words.
  13. (DAMN! I'm old!) I'm 48, OK? When I was a kid in the early 60's, there was a huge national effort to protect its citizens. It was called Civil Defense, and in every city you'd see signs on buildings which designated them as Civil Defense shelters. Food and water were stockpiled, usually in the basements. At that time, the concern was nuclear weapons; it was the height of the Cold War. Scary times! Little things like hurricaines were the least of our worries. Since we're spending billions of dollars on...what's it called? Homeland Security? - I'd like to see some concrete bang for our bucks. Yes. Let's spend some of that money in your neighborhood. Better yet, encourage people to stockpile a few days' essentials in their own homes, always. Always. Not just when it's fashionable. Call me Gloomy Gus. Go ahead, I dare ya. But tell you what; we've been very lucky. The brief inconveniences of Rita should serve as a warning. 'It' (hurricaine? terrorist attack? avian flu?) is inevitable. In the mean time, life goes on, and we can enjoy it and be prepared at the same time.
  14. Outside of Vegas and Atlantic City, casinos spell L-O-S-E-R C-I-T-Y. I'd rather see a red light district than a casino in Houston. At least then you're guaranteed something for your investment. Permit me to be blunt; people who gamble are stupid and have too much money.
  15. Hey, you kiss up REAL good! Thanks, editor.
  16. Last time I 'bared that' I got arrested. (sorry, ssullivan - cheap shot! ) Seriously...there's no answer. If The Big One hits, we cannot evacuate everyone. Some of us are going to die. Sorry! Big cities are...well, BIG. To pick up and move such a huge number of people at a moment's notice just isn't practible. We cannot plan our cities around Doomsday scenerios. Life goes on, to coin a phrase. We make our choices, and we take our chances. Each of us can help himself. Keep a few cans of food, a couple gallons of water in reserve, always. It's a cheap investment.
  17. dbigtex56

    New Look

    The past several days I keep getting pop-up error messages: "Internet Explorer Script Error", followed by gobbledy-gook about Object Expected Line so-and-so, etc. In order for the page to load, I have to hit 'yes' repeatedly (depending on the length of the page, 20, 30 times!) before the error messages finally quit. And yes, I've unchecked the box in Internet Explorer under 'Options' ("Display a notification about every script error"). But, it being Microsoft and all, of course that has no effect. Anyone else having this problem? Can someone offer suggestions? thanks.
  18. I'm unclear as to how, exactly, one 'hunkers'. It sounds like it might cause cramps after a while. Do people hunker in polite society? Can one be arrested for Public Hunkering? And is it ever OK to hunker up?
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