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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Good question. Another long-term vacant block, especially considering its proximity to the superblock, sends a mixed message about Midtown; why all these huge empty lots if it's such a 'happening' place? If they're not going to start building within a reasonable time, I would rather they'd just let the existing building stand. An acceptable alternative would be to plant both blocks to prairie grasses and pasture a few longhorns on 'em.
  2. Still more good news for the Obama camp; wonder how the disgruntled Clinton supporters who now claim they'll vote for McCain will take to this quote? Edited for language. Cliff Schecter, a political blogger and erstwhile McCain admirer, relates in his book The Real McCain an incident from 1992 that he sourced from three journalists from the senator's home state of Arizona. McCain's wife Cindy was playfully twiddling with his hair one day. "You're getting a little thin up there," she said. McCain grew red in the face and replied: "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you ****." Link to the Guardian article
  3. The Tower Community Center has been discussed previously on this thread (Westheimer and Montrose) but deserves another mention. This is the strip center on the southwest corner of Westheimer and Montrose. Current tenants include Half Price Books, and Spec's; previously Blockbuster Video had an outlet there. So far as messing up a great design, it rivals the Main Street Sears.
  4. What a relief! I thought maybe Le Marche on Washington was a Gay Pride event.
  5. Not really. Cable doesn't work without the boxes. Anyone who cares to can easily learn to read the existing meters. Some people are willing to pay for convenience.
  6. I see what they're saying, and wish they'd shut the hell up.
  7. Speaking of fashion: 2301 Main St. (southeast corner of Main and Hadley, currently Houston Can! Academy) was given its red grid facade about 25 years ago, at the height of Post-Modernism. It was written up in one of the national architectural magazines as being an excellent example of adaptive re-use. If I recall correctly, the article also stated that the building had been constructed in the 1920's as a auto dealership. Can anyone verify that? Pictures would be great. Do you think its current appearance is hopelessly dated, or has it weathered the fashion trends?
  8. The consensus is that people who profess no regard for or obligation to future generations are, at best, sociopathic, and at worst...well, sociopathic.
  9. When Pennzoil Place was constructed, one of its unique features was the tracks designed into the building so window cleaning platforms could be suspended. In the '80s, two workers were on the platform when it was caught by a gust of wind, sweeping it down the track. The block at the end of the track failed, and the platform and workers plummeted hundreds of feet to the street. This happened close to the lunch hour on a beautiful day, and there were many people outside. Amazingly, the only fatalities were the workers and a woman who was waiting to cross the street. A woman standing next to her lost a toe.
  10. This should qualify as an "obitchuary": Bette Davis, commenting on Joan Crawford's death. "I have always been taught to speak well of the dead, well, she's dead...good!"
  11. Consult your congressman; when we pass a bill to subsidize cobwebs, the place will be a goldmine. It looms over lower Westheimer like the House of Usher. If there's ever a Weird and Creepy award for architecture, we have a wnner.
  12. On at least four seperate (non-HAIF) occasions, I've heard this sculpture referred to as "Big Head On Main Street". Thank goodness no one has marked the spot by writing these words on the sidewalk. That would be wrong.
  13. The very shots I would have taken. Even Big Head On Main Street. I'm going to forward these pictures, giving you credit. Thanks.
  14. You too, eh? What a charming (and practical) space this could have been....
  15. Not sure who 'we haifers' are, because no two people seem to agree on development in Midtown. The point that some people are trying to make is that we don't want more parking lots, or parking garages. Maybe people ought to live within walking, biking or public transit distance of their entertainment. Midtown is among the few places in Houston which holds that potential. Fans of surface parking and parking garages already have plenty of options in Houston.
  16. To Editor's credit, he and I have some basic philosophic differences, yet he lets me moderate. We both strive to be respectful and fair. It takes some mental exercise to be both passionate and polite. Back on topic....
  17. It's gone. I hope someone salvaged/stole some of the architectural elements. Any word on development of this site?
  18. One of the loudest (and definately the weirdest) struck only about 50 feet from where I was standing. Not only did it make my ears ring, it was green!
  19. One of his better known local designs is Tranquility Park in downtown Houston.
  20. I didn't say he succeeded at anything. The cause he supported has succeeded, which is to say that it has gained wider public acceptance - which I think was Twain's point.
  21. But he did. "When his cause succeeds.." Saying that Bush's cause has succeeded is, IMHO, premature. It was unclear to me whether you were questioning my logic or Twain's. Glad to hear it wasn't mine.
  22. Here's hoping the reports come in while details are still fuzzy in their minds...
  23. It sure does, especially when added to the costs of the interior repairs. Immediately after Katrina, there were doubts expressed regarding the cost-effectiveness of repairing the Superdome. Still, there would have been howls of protest if New Orleans got a new stadium out of the deal. And yes, I'd like to know who's paying for it, too. From the article: Instead they choose aluminum from a difficult manufacturer. Guess they're just gluttons for punishment...
  24. I'll include him when those weapons of mass destruction turn up. Until then, someone who yells "Fire!" in a crowded theater when there is none is, at best, a jerk, and at worst a criminal. Let me rephrase that: it makes him a criminal, period.
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