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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. If this cryptic remark is in reference to the quoted link, it's account, singular. Yours. When you see me going in to the bank and walking out with my new gun in "Bowling for Columbine" – that is exactly as it happened. Nothing was done out of the ordinary other than to phone ahead and ask permission to let me bring a camera in to film me opening up my account. I walked into that bank in northern Michigan for the first time ever on that day in June 2001, and, with cameras rolling, gave the bank teller $1,000 – and opened up a 20-year CD account. After you see me filling out the required federal forms ("How do you spell Caucasian?") – which I am filling out here for the first time – the bank manager faxed it to the bank's main office for them to do the background check. The bank is a licensed federal arms dealer and thus can have guns on the premises and do the instant background checks (the ATF's Federal Firearms database—which includes all federally approved gun dealers—lists North Country Bank with Federal Firearms License #4-38-153-01-5C-39922). Within 10 minutes, the "OK" came through from the firearms background check agency and, 5 minutes later, just as you see it in the film, they handed me a Weatherby Mark V Magnum rifle (If you'd like to see the outtakes, click here). Link That doesn't seem "completely set up" to me.
  2. Saying he's a liar six times doesn't make the point six times as credible. I agree that some people will say anything (including citing dubious statistics to make a point), as can be seen in this post
  3. In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. -Mark Twain, 1905 The thoughts expressed in Mr. Moore's letter don't seem very radical today. At the time he wrote it, many people accused him of being traitorous. The person who yells "Fire!" in a crowded theater isn't beloved, either - until people see the flames for themselves.
  4. It's in the 800-900 block of Sul Ross, a block or so north and west of HSPVA (near the School for Young Children.) It was renovated about 15 years ago, and many people were aghast at the color scheme - I think it's held up very well.
  5. A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War by Michael Moore (published March 17, 2003) link "The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you -- are not fooled by your weapons of mass distraction. We know what the real issues are that affect our daily lives -- and none of them begin with I or end in Q. Here's what threatens us: two and a half million jobs lost since you took office, the stock market having become a cruel joke, no one knowing if their retirement funds are going to be there, gas now costs almost two dollars -- the list goes on and on. Bombing Iraq will not make any of this go away. Only you need to go away for things to improve." It didn't take a Nostradamus to proclaim that Bush's policies were doomed to failure. It did take a patriot, and Mr. Moore has served admirably in that capacity. PS: ricco, thanks for starting this as a new topic, rather than hijacking the Madonna thread!
  6. Ms Malkin is an equal-opportunity hater. If she had her way, this is what she'd do to herself:
  7. "Take out" from what - the email you received which contains all the other talking points in your post?
  8. Left-leaning, right-leaning: JohnCoby's political leanings are irrelevant. Yet, Silverman's (Chronicle) article was more concerned with listing his affiliations than the question of whether the Hatch Act was violated. Contrast his article with Federal Computer Week's and ask yourself again, "Why do people have such a low opinion of the Chronicle?" THe only purpose that could be served in describing JohnCoby's political slant is to show a pattern of uneven enforcement, and Mr. Silverman does not address that point.
  9. Agreed. In that same circumstance, the driver making the left turn from the proper (right-hand) lane also has to look out for impatient (idiotic?) drivers who ignore turn signals and the red X and attempt to pass. That's scared the socks off me a time or two.
  10. Do you mean the Dubuffet Monument au Fantome? That was in front of 1100 Louisiana. Claes Oldenburg's Geometric Mouse was in library's plaza. The Claes Oldenburg red sculpture, Geometric Mouse X, will be placed permanently on a new foundation at the corner of McKinney and Smith, in front of the Julia Ideson Building, where it will be more prominent. A civic art project will be added to the exterior of the building, facing the plaza. HPL press release
  11. Today, Turner Classic Movies showed The Houston Story, (at least) portions of which were shot in Houston, circa 1955. It opens outside the police station, showing the cornerstone with the date 1950. Is this the Riesner Street building? Other shots early in the movie include Hermann Park, South Main and the statue of Sam Houston. Since this was a William Castle movie I suspect that much of it was filmed in the LA area. However, there are also street level views of downtown (Main and McKinney?), the Gulf Freeway surrounded by nothing at all and quaint, pre-interstate roadsigns. Best shots were interiors and exteriors of the still unremuddled Houston International (now Hobby) airport terminal. The movie? A so-so story about mobsters in Houston trying to strike it rich by diverting oil from other drillers. With prices being what they are, maybe it's ripe for a remake!
  12. Walmart just seems to have a real talent for insensitivity. Locals apparently don't have the stomach to demolish this building; it takes a big-box corporation. For those who are unfamiliar with cobblestone construction, it's extremely rare, labor-intensive and beautiful. A walk around the Cobblestone Barn As it sits, the barn is just about where the new Walgreens will have its pharmacy. So... the barn remaining in its current place doesn't seem an option. Walgreens to Replace Rare Wisconsin Cobblestone Barn "The status of this special building always concerned me," says Steve Frevert, former chair of the Beloit landmarks commission. "Southeast Wisconsin has the only significant concentration of settlement-era cobblestone buildings outside of New York State. The city of Beloit has less than half a dozen left. I believe this is the only non-residential cobblestone building in the region."
  13. A year or so prior to the rebuilding of Hwy 59, designated bicycle lanes were established on West Alabama. Because of fears that highway reconstruction would cause traffic to spill over into residential neighborhoods, the bike lanes were eliminated and West Alabama reverted into a three-lane street. Years later, W. Alabama remains a three lane street. For those who are blissfully unfamiliar with this configuration, the middle lane switches direction based on the time of day. It's confusing even for local residents, and no longer serves any real purpose. May we please have our bike lanes back?
  14. Received this notice today: Shepherd's Harvest Farmers Market 600 Shepherd Drive Houston Texas 77007 On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, visit our market for fresh seasonal produce and organic goods. For more information please call (713)-861-3563
  15. There are a series of posts on this topic starting here. Someone help me out here - is Hwy 90 the same as Old Main Street Road? or does the title need to be corrected for this topic?
  16. That's the former Hollyfield Laundry building. It, the Empire Cafe building (formerly The Locker, Different Drum and Chutes) and the building to the west which is now also an antique sales space (the former Loading Dock) were all owned by Jay Hollyfield back in the day.
  17. The same - Vodafone (Germany) and Anta, featuring Houston Rocket Luis Scola (China) Speaking of Houston and film, The Houston Story (1956) will air for the first time on Turner Classic Movies tomorrow, May 28 3:30pm
  18. Central Library Grand Re-Opening Celebration Saturday, May 31st, 10am - 5pm & Sunday, June 1st, 2008 1pm - 5pm link
  19. until
    Date: Saturday, May 31, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, June 1, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. link
  20. 1964 NYC World's Fair's offical colors were turquoise and orange. At the time, the height of fashion for interior decoration was all black and white, with either an orange or turquoise accent.
  21. Like many brilliant design concepts, the concept has been perverted. If all strip centers had the dedication to good design so apparent at River Oaks Plaza, their presence would be less odious - even welcome - and we snide ameteur architecture critics could busy ourselves with other matters. With the exception of Highland Village, few strip centers in Houston have observed the simple rules that make River Oaks Plaza memorable: The architecture of the building, and the landscaping are attractive to motorists. The architecture of the building, and the landscaping are attractive to pedestrians. The courageousness of its design is what makes River Oaks Plaza work. I'll never forget my first sight of River Oaks Plaza, and how impressed I was that this sort of glamour exists in Houstion. It's exceptional.
  22. Oil exploration isn't always accurate, either. What's the point?
  23. Very true. But, after you see it, what then? Unless they promise to blast it off every time Aunt Marge visits, it might as well be a silo with bad posture. It just sits there.
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