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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Using your logic, it's OK to refer to white males as men, and black males as boys. Try it sometime.
  2. From the Houston Chronicle (May 16, 2008): James P. Lee, a Houston lawyer and photography enthusiast who helped preserve for future generations a large collection of historical photos of Houston, died Tuesday in his home, one day after his 82nd birthday. The collection, amassed over about 70 years by the Bailey brothers, Bob and Marvin, consists of about 500,000 photographs and movies. In 1998, Lee spearheaded the acquisition of the negatives and photos from Marvin Bailey by the Houston Architectural and Photographic Foundation Trust. "(Lee) set up and funded the foundation almost entirely himself," said Jim Saye, who worked with Lee in obtaining the pictures. Link What a wonderful legacy. Link to Bob Bailey collection
  3. So far as I know, Macy's Texas Stoves is still in business on Almeda. If repairs or parts are needed, it's a good local resource.
  4. Bricks were salvaged from several of the buildings demolished for this project. I wonder to what use they'll be put.
  5. Your spelling and grammar are an indication as to how seriously your sentiments should be taken.
  6. Merged topics Rasperry ants Rasberry ants Crazy ants Crazy raspberry ants crazy rasberry ants
  7. Lucky you! How did you attain this exemption? The rest of us grew up in America.
  8. I'm confused. Is marriage a matter of economics, or legal rights, or a social contract, or a spiritial union? Further, where do we single folk fit in? Or are we irrelevant? (Incidentally, I'm the product of a traditional marriage. My parents were each married once, to each other. For more than fifty years.) I'm reminded of Zsa Zsa Gabor, and her nine marriages. I seem to recall someone asking her if she wasn't making a mockery of marriage. She said something to the effect, "At least I married them. I didn't just (sleep) around." So, is Zsa Zsa an example we should emulate?
  9. From today's Chron: Little Bug Brings Big Mess The are called crazy because they wander erratically, instead of marching in line like other ants.
  10. KHOU has an article about the 'crazy raspberry ants' (link unavailable) The above is from an article entitled Fatal Electrical Attraction: Invasion of the insects from Hell by Richard B. Elsberry (Sept. 1997) Give credit where credit is due.
  11. Interesting article, especially the reference to Brunner. First mention I've seen of that community.
  12. Discussion on Walmart on this thread. Back on topic, please.
  13. You're correct. Facts for Salvage/Dismantlers As a participating AirCheckTexas dismantler you will receive vehicles from the dealer at no charge, however you must also provide the scrapped vehicle to the steel recycling facility for free. The advantage is that you may sell any salvageable parts other than the engine and emission equipment.
  14. TCEQ website: Trade Up to a Cleaner Ride Crushed, pounded, pulverized. That's what will happen to older polluting vehicles that are turned over to the Drive a Clean Machine program. The TCEQ wants to get these high-emitters off the road permanently. If Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's goal is to "get these high-emitters off the road permanently," why would they want salvagable parts to be available? That would only serve to encourage other high-emitters to stay on the road.
  15. Today on Oprah, Deborah Duncan appeared via satellite from Eleanor Tinsley Park (Allen Parkway). She and a group of dancers joined Oprah in doing the Cha Cha Slide. Very cute. and a nice shot of the skyline.
  16. How unfortunate that the jails occupy land which might have become a prime residential area. Imagine if they housed condos instead of prisoners: great access to downtown, rail, Buffalo Bayou jogging trail, etc.
  17. I can personally attest that, prior to reading rps324 and others remarks about Mid Century Modern architecture, that I had little understanding and less appreciation for the style. Like music, clothing or automobiles, styles change in architecture. When they do, there's always a backlash against that which immediately preceded them. For years, the style called Moderne or Streamline was considered corny and old-fashioned. Thankfully, people (some people) have revised their opinions and recognized its merits. The same will (I hope) be true for MCMs. That being said, sometimes the term MCM is used a bit optimistically. Some 50 year old ranch style houses were pretty blah when they were built, and age has not improved them.
  18. Lola's (on Fairview) is rumored to have been an industrial building of some sort that abutted the railroad. The entrance still resembles a loading dock.
  19. CVS on Elgin did the same, issuing already expired coupons for their grand opening.
  20. Very likely. Another factor might be the tragic death of Tom Jones, director of the Art Car Museum. He was struck and killed by a drunken driver early Sunday morning, only a few hours after the parade.
  21. Excellent topic. Further, why are abandoned buildings and overgrown vacant lots allowed to flourish in Houston? And why are tax delinquent properties not put up for auction in a timely fashion?
  22. I don't think so. That center was designed by Joseph Finger and built circa 1937; it does not have a residential componant. This is on the south side of Westheimer, between Yupon and Mulberry (across from Sliders). I think this is the location of a club that was closed down a couple of years ago for serving underage kids.
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