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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Really?! Were you a child genius, or do you just look good for your age?
  2. The ad has already been pulled.
  3. For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'. - John Greenleaf Whittier
  4. Did you take a course in Illogic? First, I never mentioned nor alluded to a 'work ethic'. However, since you bring it up, there would be no illegal alien yard service industry if a work ethic was widespread among suburban kids. Second, your role model is widely rumored to have had only one testicle. "Balls" gives him undue credit.
  5. I won't hazard a quess as to the neighborhood, but the car (center) appears to be a '65 - '67 Ford.
  6. Detour (1945) Just the way Ann Savage barks out "Shut up!", repeatedly, makes this worth seeing. Also be on the lookout for a flipped negative, which causes cars to suddenly be right hand drive, and travelling down the left side of the road. Perhaps the only movie in which a woman is accidently strangled by a telephone cord. Showgirls Valley of the Dolls Peyton Place Anything by Russ Meyers, but especially Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! and Mudhoney Blackula Smashup: The Story of a Woman Gotta love those drunken rants. Trog Joan Crawford's final film: "Catch the ball, Trog!" She exited not with a bang but with a whimper. etc.
  7. I don't know who's throwing that stone, but the Astros need to recruit him. A ten-minute drive (at least) is closer to the truth.
  8. Not at all. Some find the superficial and sterile off-putting. Too bad these young people chose to rebel in such an inappropriate way.
  9. I wonder if these young men were reacting to an upbringing defined by gated communities, shopping malls, and consumerism. A disinterred skull might be real gross, but at least it's something real.
  10. If they were called "poets" instead of "rappers", young men would be a lot less interested, too.
  11. On a more serious note, yes I enjoy seeing cranes. My father was a crane operator. While he was employed as such (circa 1950-1980) cranes lacked many of the refinements of modern heavy construction machinery. A couple of months ago, I sat on the balcony outside the food court at Houston Center, and marveled at the ease with which the operator controlled his machine. So far as physical effort goes, a five year old could have done his job. Modern cranes are controlled not much differently than video games. In my father's day, clutches and brakes were applied by sheer muscle power. There was no such thing as a flabby crane operator. Further, his strength was all that stood between life and death to those who depended on him. When tons of steel or concrete are being moved, precisely, there's no room for inattention or weakness.
  12. Any specific items you're looking for?
  13. "Just"? It's nice enough to make me turn green. Besides, the photographer is always more important than the camera, and you've shown yourself to be very able in that regard.
  14. OK, I'm a nitpicker... He writes his name Stanley Marsh 3 (not III)
  15. Lisa Gray of the Chronicle (and sometimes HAIF contributor) recently wrote: When I first heard about the model of the Asia Society Texas' new headquarters, it sounded like something from a fairy tale, or a story by Borges: a full-scale model, built on the same site as the building itself. Reality turns out to be only a little less strange. At 1370 Southmore, men in hard hats are finishing a mock-up that's made of wood instead of stone, and replicates only a portion of the 38,000 square feet the Asia House will eventually occupy. But that's not to say that the mock-up is in any way small. Two stories high and 45 feet long, it's a full-scale, one-to-one model of the most complicated third of the building's facade
  16. Um...they're called 'crack dealers', and are very competative with one another in the 4th Ward/Freeman's Town area. If you were to stop, you'd hear a chorus of "Whachu need?"
  17. Southland Hardware on Westheimer has been around for a long time, but have no idea when it first opened.
  18. Ever since this post first appeared, I have kept an eye out for any evidence that early battery failure is, or ever has been, a problem with hybrids. No evidence or even credible allegations were to be found. Your account does not fall into the category of credible.
  19. RedScare! You're being offered free advice on humor from TheNiche! What's next...elecution lessons from George W. Bush?
  20. I must disagree. After the redevelopment of Times Square, the majority of visitors do not arrive wearing loincloths, and even the exaulted doctor or two has been known to enjoy the spectacle.
  21. I have a friend who recently worked on a National Geographic show ("Locked Up Abroad"), which was partially filmed in Houston. Several episodes of "Property Ladder" were also filmed in the Houston area.
  22. I was of the impression that the exisiting buildings are scheduled for demolition, and that The Mix will occupy the entire block.
  23. And if you're unsure what they represent, consult Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams.
  24. You been watching those Russ Meyers films again, Red?
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