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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. From some of the comments on this thread, one would think that ugliness is Houston's greatest asset, and that it should be jealously guarded. Believe me, we have enough ugly reserves to last another thousand years. It is not a scarce commodity. What's wrong with having a block or two downtown that looks as if it belongs in a civilized country in the 21st century?
  2. My understanding is that much of the demolition of older buildings in Midtown came about in the 1970s, when the EPA ordered the city of Houston to stop issuing new sewer permits due to the lack of sewage treatment facilities. A that time many neighborhoods (including River Oaks) simply dumped their raw sewage into Buffalo Bayou. However, existing permits were transferable, so developers bought low-cost properties in Midtown and reassigned the sewage permits to new buildings. Because the existing buildings were useless without sewer hookups, they were demolished wholesale. By the time I moved to Houston (1981) Midtown was already pretty much a vast wasteland.
  3. Is this the metallic early 80's drive-thru bank featured in the movie Paris, Texas?
  4. Vividly. Back in '81, soon after I moved to Houston, I suggested to a friend that we try HI. "I don't know," he said. "I ate there once and got sick." Unfortunately, I disregarded his advice; the roast beef sandwich seemed a bit 'off', but I ate it anyway. Afterward, we decided to go to Mary's for a beer; the place was always packed in those days. Pretty soon I didn't feel very good, and sat down on a bench near the door. "Tom," I said, "I'm gonna get sick." Before the words had left my mouth, the sandwich and beer had left my stomach at approximately 40 miles per hour. I'm sure at least a dozen people were unwilling recipients of Hungry International's cuisine that night.
  5. I thought that's what the little pocket (fob) on the right side of bluejeans was for. Who the hell uses it for a pocket watch these days? I feel guilty enough about smoking without adding littering to my vices. Worse littering offenders seem to be people who buy soft drinks at fast-food restaurants. Our storm sewers and bayous are clogged with them.
  6. Perhaps it's because 'this man' endorsed a specific candidate from the pulpit.
  7. 10. You can look forward to one day being artifically inseminated. 9. You spend a lot of time ruminating. 8. You're most comfortable being part of the herd. edit: Sorry, those are signs you might be a heifer.
  8. How about "The Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Far West Side"? Circumnavigate the problem.
  9. Everyone, of course, except for those who caused the crisis in the first place.
  10. The Chron had a nice article about Donna McKenzie yesterday. Hope she stays in Houston and continues her radio career. I met her about 20 years ago at Party on the Plaza, which she hosted at the time. Lovely person, and an easy voice to listen to.
  11. Good article. Many (most?) people don't realize that Freedman's Town (4th Ward) was like a city unto itself during the years of segragation in Houston. In the early 80's I used to walk down Andrews Street to my corporate job downtown every morning. My coworkers told me I was nuts to walk through that neighborhood alone, but no one ever gave me a hard time. In fact, the elderly people sitting on their porches would usually give me a friendly greeting as I walked by. This was before crack arrived and obliterated what little remained of Freedman's Town's former culture.
  12. I stumbled across HAIF while looking for info about the light rail. My first post addressed the issue of cars parking across sidewalks (a pet peeve of mine.)
  13. If you mean the red brick squarish apartment building towards the southwest corner of the property, I think it's still undergoing asbestos abatement.
  14. Look closely - it appears to me to be panels faced with some sort of brick-like texure, not true laid brick.
  15. For that matter, Hyde Park Crescent has a grim 8/44 (18.18%) - and wasn't that an enclave of mostly Tremont-built homes?
  16. Wasn't Edwards one of the cowards who allowed the redistricting in '02?
  17. Is The Mix going to occupy the entire block? I notice that the little apartment complex (411 Elgin) is still occupied.
  18. And, unfortunately, as soon as it had been rehabbed, someone crashed into the Elgin side, dislodging several concrete blocks. I like the angled glass on the corner of the 24 Hour Fitness building...but is that some sort of brick-like product on the exterior? It looks fake-y.
  19. Treehouse was open this past Saturday night, during the concert. Great view, tretcherous stairway to negotiate if one inbibes. The park looks like it has a great deal of potential to become a draw for downtown. Among the attractions listed was "interactive water features", which I'm guessing means it's OK to pee in the fountains. Anyone know the identity of the statue just outside the Grove? It's a dignified looking bronze man who appears to be playing pocket pool.
  20. dbigtex56

    Cab Fight!

    Nah...they just know trouble when they see it. Anyone else have the experience of having a cab driver claim "the meter is broken"? or one that sets the meter three mintues before picking you up, so that it's alreading clicking to the next price jump even before you've closed your door? No thanks, I'll walk.
  21. If I'm not mistaken, Mayor Bob Lanier wanted to tear out Market Square and build a jail there. It could have been worse.
  22. How tremendously unfair. I'm working at a polling place different from my own on election day, so will have to vote early. It appears I'm shut out of the caucus process.
  23. Channel 11 had a report today about scumbags who steal parking spaces from veterans: It
  24. There's still one open on Eagle St., just off Main (north of Sears parking lot). It's adjacent to Wig City, which always struck me as somehow funny. I guess if the students mess up your buzz cut, you can always zip next door to cover the damage.
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