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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. I think he means that he's afraid of gettin' burned by the ho.
  2. The Men's Center website. It helps men who are homeless and drug or alcohol dependant to get their act together. New Orleans Po' Boy thread. There were a couple of articles about Pete Hope, how he came to Houston with nothing and was saved from alcoholism by the 12-step program. He was (is) the driving force behind The Men's Center. Some of the links are broken - I'll try to update them.
  3. Ah. Thanks for clarifying that.
  4. 80,000 square feet is one hellava front end; and why would the CEO boast about seeing something "firsthand" if it's not firsthand?
  5. Do you mean Skylane? There are still two of them just north of here ( on W. Alabama). Not sure what the name of the apartments demolished on this site about 10-15 years ago. Noticed that 4208 Garrott is undergoing asbestos abatement prior to its demolition, so the same may be true for the Colquitt property (especially since much of the wood is termite-ridden). Hope they're able to salvage the bricks from the older structures - much more attractive than those currently available, IMO.
  6. What is the fascination with those awful fake Victorian doors? Gaudy, cheap and vulgar!
  7. My first assumption was that they meant River Oaks Blvd. (The Boulevard).
  8. From M. Teixeira Soapstone website: This natural quarried stone is softer than most other naturally occuring minerals. Although soft, Soapstone is a very dense (non-porous) stone ; more so than marble, slate, limestone and even granite. Since Soapstone is impenetrable , it will not stain, no liquid will permeate its surface. Other stones, including granite, have a propensity to soil; this is why Soapstone (Steatite) is widely used in chemistry lab-tops and acid rooms. I've heard of soapstone being used for kitchen sinks in 19th century houses, so they're durable. Not sure if that 'new' look can be maintained, due to its softness.
  9. Wonder what will become of the existing train and attendant fixtures. They have a certain retro charm.
  10. Thanks for posting the picture. This doesn't appear to be an architecturally significant house, praise be.
  11. The old "FOLEY'S" sign had spiky wires jutting out at crazy angles to discourage pigeons - somehow, I think Corporate would frown on Macy's going that route. Maybe electric fence technology could be adapted to zap roosting birds...
  12. From Nancy Sarnoff (Houston Chronicle, Dec. 14, 2007): Downtown's Bayou Place has landed a big tenant for its new office space component. Technology hosting company The Planet is relocating from the Greenspoint area to 80,000 square feet at the entertainment complex at 315 Capitol. To fill retail vacancies, developer Cordish Co. conceived two nightclubs and a new restaurant to add to the lineup, which includes Hard Rock Cafe, Angelika Film Center, Mingalone Bar & Grill and Slick Willie's Family Pool Hall. link to full article
  13. Still, wouldn't that be every Goth kid's dream apartment?
  14. Love the new red Macy's signs. They've even added festive artificial snow for Christmas! edit: Sorry. Those are pigeon droppings.
  15. Reminds me of those society women who insist on a 'slimming' angle for publicity photos...
  16. I swear, youth is wasted on the young. You look fine! Saw a show the other day contrasting original photos with the retouched ones that are printed in magazines, and the differences were startling. These create such unrealistic expectations of perfection.
  17. Merged with existing topic. Link to Houston Fire Museum website. The bronze fireman statue was erected several months ago. Looks like he's doing pilates.
  18. View New Posts; however, sometimes I'm unable to view all of the new posts at one sitting, and there seems to be no way to 'remember' which have been unread. I sometimes view posts by members' names; some of you have become required reading! Montrose, Downtown, Going UP!, Midtown, Historic Houston, Heights and the Off Topics tend to be my favs.
  19. Information about new development near Target moved from this thread to here (Going UP!)
  20. Topic given its own thread - moved from Target thread.
  21. The properties which currently have buildings standing are: 4202 Garrott (The Palmer), circa 1935 red brick four-plex - nice terra-cotta detail over the doorway. 4208 Garrott Similar to 4202, Tudor details 515 - 517 Colquitt 1950's frame garden apartments 519 - 523 Colquitt Franklin Court apartments, red brick circa 1926 (HCAD) 527 Colquitt Single family house, red brick 4205 Jack (not being demolished) 4211 Jack brick apartments, sister building to 526 Richmond 512 Richmond frame bungalow Interestingly, the Garrett properties are listed as being owned by Ed Wulfe.
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