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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Longtime HAIF members might remember that this property was discussed on the 'old' (pre-crash) forum. It was occupied by a Christian woman who served meals and salvation to the homeless. A local developer (and sometimes HAIF contributor) had nearly put a deal together for this block when The Lord told the woman to hold onto her property. Well, apparently someone's met The Lord's price; it was sold this past June to Alabama Main Partners LP. The house is now vacant, and is rapidly falling into disrepair. Too bad - there's some nice details on this circa 1910 house (leaded glass windows, for example.) What makes this sale interesting is that this house is the last remaining structure on that block (bordered by Travis, Sul Ross, W. Alabama and Milam/Spur 527). It's located just west of the site discussed here:3800 Main. Any info on what might be built here? The street pattern is kind of screwy, which would be a design challenge.
  2. Rex "Ouiser" Gordon, former bartender, barback and bon vivant passed away this past Saturday, Dec. 8th. Memorial service to be held at Mary's, date yet to be determined. Witty, sarcastic, bitchy and intelligent, he will be greatly missed.
  3. Thanks! Not everyone can so clearly explain tortured logic. Can we look forward to the same level of scrutiny for football? In defense of A.N. (never thought I'd utter those words), she said "Screw you, Rusty." Throughout Houston it quickly became known as the "Anna and Rusty Show" thanks to a heated six-day cross-examination by Pierce Marshall's attorney. When he asked her on the stand if she'd been taking new acting lessons, she responded, "Screw you, Rusty." source: ABC News
  4. Federal employees are adequately compensated, IMO. But just in case, if the IRS ever calls me on the carpet, what's the appropriate amount to tip the auditor?
  5. There's a razor-thin difference between someone 'asking' for money, and someone demanding it. Recently, I haven't been receiving my morning paper. The distributor says the delivery person has been getting hit up for money, and is afraid to get out of his (or her) car. I'm thinking of pulling an all-nighter with pepper spray in hand...
  6. Hard water and soap scum sometimes can be removed using dishwasher (not dishwashing) detergent. Be sure to use rubber gloves, and test a small area first.
  7. I remember when those GMC buses first came out that people were hugely impressed at how sleek and modern they appeared. How strange to think they've already achieved 'retro' status.
  8. Among the comments in the Chronicle's website, urban1 writes: "...might have been helpful to those of us reading this article if you had mentioned "why" the City Council decided to delay consideration." Exactly. How are we supposed to get an accurate picture of those who represent us when the Chronicle repeatedly drops the ball on political reporting? It would be nice to know who makes what motion, and who votes for what, without spending eye-glazing hours watching the Municipal Channel.
  9. Lisa Gray has written an interesting article about Jim Stevenson, who killed a stray cat which he felt was threatening shore birds in Galveston. Also, city council recently passed an ordinance requiring those who feed stray animals to have them neutered and vaccinated. Are stray animals a problem in your neighborhood? Is this a sensible and humane solution?
  10. Would someone please explain how this ever became the business of the Senate? I thought baseball was a self-regulated game. Are musicians, artists and actors going to have to submit to drug testing, too?
  11. Any word on what's to become of the building temporarily housing Fire Station 8 (across the street from this one)?
  12. There's a street (Day St.) just off W. Alabama (between Brandt and Spur 527) which can't be more than about 30' long. This got me to wondering: is this the shortest street in Houston? Hardly seems worth erecting a sign for it.
  13. Yes, and strangely enough it's being taken down practically board-by-board, instead of the usual bulldozing.
  14. Here's a link to all five Vodafone commercials shot in Houston.
  15. From Click2Houston.com: PASADENA, Texas -- It could soon be illegal to protest in a Pasadena neighborhood after City Council passed the first of two votes needed to approve an ordinance, KPRC Local 2 reported. Residents upset by a large protest in their Pasadena neighborhood asked council members to pass an ordinance to prevent it from happening again. link to full article Where's the ACLU when you need them? Last I heard, Pasadena is still located in the United States.
  16. Unfortunately, this probably means that Transco Williams Tower will get another moniker. Why can't Houston buidings take a lesson from, say, the Chrysler Building, and just stick with the name under which it was built? These name changes get so confusing.
  17. Pretty common, even in dive bars; helps in odor reduction, and thwarts non-flushers. Also, it's rather like recreating some scenes from "An Inconvenient Truth", if you have sufficient bladder capacity.
  18. Could you please re-post the link? The one above doesn't seem to be working.
  19. Same could be said for Oh Boy! Boots (at Westheimer & Montrose). They're still not forgiven for selling me a defective pair of Justin's.
  20. No, that house is 215 Westmoreland. There's a thread discussing it here. We hope to have some pictures up of this house soon. It's located on the southwest corner of Emerson and Flora.
  21. 'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.' 'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.' 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master - that's all.' Alice was too much puzzled to say anything; so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again. 'They've a temper, some of them - particularly verbs: they're the proudest - adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs - however, I can manage the whole lot of them! Impenetrability! That's what I say!'
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