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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. More about Hathaway here. Other street name changes discussed on thread here.
  2. Wasn't there a Spanish-style 1920's restaurant building on that site? Prior to being demolished about 10 years ago it housed a restaurant called Adrien's. Or am I thinking of a different block? The Borden's plant that I recall (also demolished) was a Streamline structure on Waugh Drive, near what used to be called the American General Building.
  3. Merged with existing thread, moved from "Crater Houston" to "Downtown"
  4. Surest way to discredit yourself is by calling light rail a 'trolley' or a 'toy train'.
  5. danax and I spoke with the current occupant this past Sunday - very pleasant lady, who told us that the house next door was beyond salvaging. What little usable material that wasn't burned or termite-infested was incorporated into the new guest house at the rear of the property. Even as a staunch preservationist, I see her point; to have attempted to repair that building would have really amounted to creating a replica of something which wasn't that special to begin with. Hopefully, some pictures will be posted soon...
  6. Merged with existing topic. Thanks for the Preservation Online link, BenH.
  7. Topic moved from "Houston and the Media" Some members have expressed concerns about the language in the quoted lyrics.
  8. Welcome to HAIF, kingwilliam. The San Antonio River extention appears to be a wonderful addition to the city. Thanks for sharing the plans.
  9. Good question. Although I doubt that these houses are as old as the ones (formerly) in Freeman's Town/4th Ward, they might still contain some cypress or hard pine lumber worth salvaging. Better still if they could be relocated to infill lots in similar neighborhoods.
  10. The outer skin of the building is entirely gone, and the first section of structural steel has been removed from the Main Street side. Seems strange to see a gap in the facades of buildings in that part of Main Street. If you've ever been curious about how these old steel-framed buildings were constructed, better hurry downtown before it's completely gone. The West Building's steel beams were joined with rivets and bolts, a more time-consuming but sturdier method of fastening than welding. (The Empire State Building also was constructed in the same way, which is how it withstood an airplane crashing into it in 1945.)
  11. If you've ever had the urge to try crack, I think you've found a good place to start. Sounds like they're enterprising young people.
  12. Due to negative and inappropriate remarks, this thread is closed.
  13. From :Wikipedia "In heraldry, mantling or lambrequin is drapery tied to the helmet above the shield." That was no hawk...that was Christopher Lowell.
  14. But Red...that's a rich, famous black guy. Otherwise, why would the news media cover this issue? (/sarcasm)
  15. Anyone know what's going into this space? This is a circa 1935 Art Deco building (corner of Caroline and Dallas) that currently houses Josephine's Italian Ristorante, just to the east of Houston Pavillions. The paint has been stripped off the corner unit, revealing the original concrete walls and (on the Dallas side) wooden windowsills. Can't find anything listed in TABC permits, although it appears that it may be a bar/restaurant. Glad to see that this beautiful building apparently has a few good years left in it.
  16. Anyone seen what's being done with this house? The new owners are putting piles of money into it. They bought the house next door and demolished it to increase their lot size. Fortunately, the demolished house wasn't architecturally significant. What's interesting is the construction of a new garage and outbuilding (cabana?) which are in the same style as the main house; the same square columns have been reproduced faithfully. It's really exceptional. Interesting thing about those columns: although they appear to be constructed of solid wood, the inset panels are actually painted canvess!
  17. Great shots, Jax. Ever go on the balcony on EJ's patio? You can get some great views from up there, too.
  18. Jax, this is the Scouts building. It features walls made of rounded stones, very popular in the 60's. I've heard this style described as 'organic' - are there other names for this?
  19. Virtual tour of this building available here. I think this is an attractive addition to the UHD campus - the brick string courses compliment the existing industrial buildings in the neighborhood, and the angular atrium gives it a modern touch.
  20. Mr. Horn isn't your wife, and he wasn't carjacked, and he wasn't mugged. He's some ass trying to be a hero, as if that would make up for the terrible things that happened in those examples you gave.
  21. Anyone here see that "South Park" episode where the hunters justify killing game by first yelling "Look out! He's coming right at us!"? That's Mr. Horn. He didn't feel 'threatened' until it occurred to him that he had just murdered two men. Prior to that, he was out for blood. A few years ago, while crossing a street, I happened to glance over at a car stopped at the intersection. Inside, a very agitated looking woman was glaring over the barrel of a pistol, which was pointed straight at me. Why? Who knows? But if her trigger finger had twitched, I might not be here today. And she would be free to make up any tale that occcured to her, and this being Texas, would probably get away with it. I cannot understand the bloodthirst that pervades this 'culture'. It certainly hasn't made Texas a safer state.
  22. Commuter rail would terminate within easy walking distance of public transportation in Houston, and would spur other termini to follow suit. The automobile does not need to be factored into every equation.
  23. Wow. We're finally getting back to where we were 20+ years ago. Lights used to be timed so that if one travelled at exactly 24 mph on north-south downtown streets, he could hit every light green.
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