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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. It's murder. Period. Cases such as this is why there must be some latitude in sentencing guidelines. Did he have the right to murder those men? No. Does it bother me that he did? Not as much as it should...
  2. I cheerfully admit, had to look this one up: it's the plural of simulacrum, and a welcome addition to my vocabulary. "... by the late 19th century, it had gathered a secondary association of inferiority: an image without the substance or qualities of the original" Thanks, memebag.
  3. And if Fruit of the Loom had used x-ray machines...?
  4. Excellent idea. Perhaps the Woodlands Express could also be integrated into the system as well.
  5. Of course not. It makes a better story for channel 11 to take the "Ain't it awful!?" route. It's about time the police started mining this gold. Perhaps now, when buying or renting a house, people might put some thought into where they (and their guests) are going to park. And ticketing is probably a better idea than my solution (kick the hell out of the driver's door until they get the me$$age.) Another thing: if Mr. Redneck would clean out his garage, he could park his truck where it ought to be.
  6. An update: Still a vacant lot, but has been piecemeal paved for parking. The latest paving covered the last of the old Mexican tiles which were still imbedded in the floor and sidewalk of the demolished building.
  7. I mean the jukeboxes found in bars and restaurants which have internet connections, and allow users to search their database of tunes. It's fun to bring conversation to a halt in a C&W bar with a rousing rendition of Night Train by Alvino Rey
  8. Great program, and kudos to your Dad. Wish they'd expand the program to ticketing scofflaws who insist on parking their cars across sidewalks
  9. I like to play music on jukeboxes that's a little out of the ordinary. Here's a few favorites: Moonglow, Billiie Holiday Theme from Route 66, Nelson Riddle Mystery Babylon, My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult There is a Light that Never Goes Out /i], The Smiths I'm an Old Cowhand, Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks and there's more.. Your favorites?
  10. I certainly hope not. Compulsory would be preferable, ideally in tandem with ball gags.
  11. My understanding is that the Montagu is scheduled to be imploded sometime in January. Although I'll miss the place, there's no reason its demolition shouldn't be recorded. Any ideas/suggestions on a good vantage point to take photos, video, or just stand and cry?
  12. Another alternative is taking the shuttle from the Hyatt Regency. It's just as fast as a private cab, and costs about half as much.
  13. The West Building's exterior masonry has pretty well been stripped, so if any architectural details were to have been saved, it's a done deal by now. I did notice today that some of the bricks were neatly stacked in a corner of the worksite, so perhaps at least a few will be salvaged. (This should come as good news to at least one other HAIF-er, who's a brick pack-rat )
  14. It takes well over an hour from downtown to Terminal C. 102 Bush/IAH Schedule
  15. When was the last time you were bit by a mosquito? It's been quite a while since I have. The heat and humidity of Houston surely doesn't exceed that of New Orleans, yet the French Quarter continues to draw people who enjoy walking its streets. To take pride in Houstonians wallowing in their own filth seems peculiar.
  16. "The first one started late Thursday at a wood frame house on Crocker at Willard. The house was fully engulfed when HFD arrived, and they had to pull a second alarm. The main house was abandoned and burned to the ground." Link to KHOU article Both houses on either side of the destroyed house were heavily damaged as well. The reason this story caught my eye is because I briefly lived in one of the affected houses (2010 Crocker) back in '83, and have several amusing stories about some of the goings-on there.
  17. The mere fact that a law is on the books will make people think twice before overtly discriminating against or harrassing gay people at the workplace. Just look at the smoking ordinance. No arrests have been made, nor has any sort of enforcement been necessary to change people's habits.
  18. Put wine on your cereal instead. It's cheaper.
  19. Would this apply to things such as 'fixing' traffic tickets?
  20. Took time to really examine the rendering the other day, and the news isn't good for those who would like to see Lower Westheimer as a pedestrian destination. The rendering shows a building on stilts above a surface parking lot; very 1963. The decorations on the upper floors (two more floors plus what appears to be a penthouse) are a sort of timid 1983 Post Modern. Unless one is enamored of surface parking lots, this will be just another blot on the landscape.
  21. If someone's in the neighborhood and could take a picture of the rendering and post it, it would be appreciated.
  22. So, how long does it take to put a bike on, or remove it? Are locks allowed? I'd worry that a passerby could snatch it off at a red light.
  23. Per Public Meeting Agenda Summary: C2R Defer Additional information reqd Up for review again Thu 11/08/2007 at 02:30 PM
  24. From International Herald Tribune: Curtis is married and has children, according to his legislative Web site. Elected to the state House of Representatives in 2004, he voted in 2005 and 2006 against a bill that granted civil rights protections to gays and lesbians, and in 2007 voted against a bill that created domestic partnerships for same-sex couples. Both measures eventually passed the Democratic-controlled state Legislature and are now state law. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." What is it about hypocrisy that Republicans find so appealling?
  25. I feel my gorge rising... Does anyone think that this brand of 'architecture' will ever have defenders? Just plain nasty.
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