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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Disco Kroger for name brands, things for which I have coupons, meat, late-night, and interacting with the community . Fiesta for produce, seafood, exotic/ethnic fare. Spec's Warehouse for produce, cheese, condiments. Randall's, rarely; more out of pity than anything.
  2. Just noticed a sign with rendering at this location (northeast corner of Westheimer and Whitney). This is the lot where "Da House" hip-hop club used to be. Any info?
  3. I hope MFAH will consider going back to their former policy of not charging a general admission fee. Money hardly seems to be the issue anymore.
  4. Noticed a sign regarding variance hearing for this site (northeast corner of Westheimer and Helena, across from Legacy). Any info?
  5. I'll be darned...we agree! Wonder how come the plan on the website is upside down (south at the top of the page)? Are they from Down Under?
  6. You might want to rethink that, DJ. To quote from their website: Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace. (The prize for economics was added in 1958.) "Scientific discovery" was never a category. And "raising awareness" is certainly in the tradition of the Peace Prize. Of course, raising awareness in some people is akin to raising the dead.
  7. Could you please be a bit more specific?
  8. It's because of law-enforcement officers like this that I have Ray Hill' phone number memorized. (He was once arrested after arguing with a police officer, and then implying that said officer had a highly improper sexual relationship with his mother - in one word. Took it to the Supreme Court and won!)
  9. Just curious - what other 'mod' lifestyle choices do people make? Do you find yourselves leaning towards cool jazz? or macaroni and cheese? Vacuuming while wearing high heels and pearls?
  10. I remain unconvinced. If the batteries' longevity was so abysmal, word would have spread by now.
  11. Are you sure? What evidence do you have? It's my understanding that the batteries are guaranteed for 100,000 miles (actual life expectancy 150k - 200k miles.) Ref: HybridCars.com FAQ Eventually cars wear out; who would replace expensive batteries in a car that's already past its useful life? And my apologies for labeling your political leanings.
  12. From The New York Times: Gore Shares Peace Prize for Climate Change Work By WALTER GIBBS and SARAH LYALL Published: October 13, 2007 OSLO, Oct. 12
  13. Just curious - how does the Chronicle get away with this? Aren't there provisions for fining people who obstruct sidewalks for extended periods? And if not, why not? May be a good topic for the public comment session at City Hall.
  14. What rubbish. Hybrids have been on the market for ten years, and their popularity continues to grow. There has been plenty of time for any design failures to become apparent; they haven't. Toyota, a company known for producing some of the most reliable automobiles on the planet, isn't afraid to put their nameplate on a hybrid car. Do you think they would risk their reputation just to appease Al Gore? It's such fun to discount right-wing tripe, and so easy, too.
  15. Had a short chat with a demolition worker yesterday and he verified that the Main Street portion of the West Building will be dismantled brick-by-brick. I thought he said that the bricks may be saved, but that may be a mistaken impression. He also was unaware of any plans to save that Moderne/Streamline doorway. Also verified that the Montegu will be imploded sometime in January. I hope at least a few of the details from the West Building (terra-cotta brackets) and the Montegu (those fabulous lion's heads above the entry canapy) are saved.
  16. For more comments on Mai's, click here for an existing thread.
  17. So... well over five years, start to finish. Just curious - how come whole blocks can be demolished and redeveloped in less time than it takes to re-side an exisiting building?
  18. As an aside, seems I've read that the term 'security gates' has been replaced by the more ambiguous 'access gates'; the former implies that there's some assurance of security.
  19. Jeez, Red. Don't you know that good stories are more important than facts?
  20. Just out of curiousity, anyone know how many years (yes, literally years) that the scaffolding has been up, and the sidewalk reduced to single-file?
  21. From the article: "I believe controlling the color you paint your house is basically profiling the Hispanic community," said Elizabeth Villafranca, whose family owns a Mexican restaurant in Farmers Branch. "We all know who paints their homes tropical colors." Well golly, Ms Villafranca. Just because the trashy Hispanics you know have execrable taste and no regard for their neighbors doesn't mean all Hispanics fall into that category. Perhaps if she were to expand her circle of acquaintances, she might find that the use of inappropriate colors and unattractive landscaping doesn't define any one ethnic or racial group. If this is an issue of personal liberties vs. what's good for the community, then let's debate these points on their merits.
  22. I wonder why permission was granted to implode the Montague, but the William Penn had to be brought down by wrecking ball. I hope Kirby Lofts entrance is included in any future pressure washings. The "No Restrooms" sign on the front door is a fine piece of irony, given that the concentration of pee is enough to make ones eyes water.
  23. I suppose the bugaboo is the word 'effectively'. Surely we have some rough idea as to how much coal has been mined, barrels of oil pumped and cubic feet of natural gas tapped. There has been a dramatic rise in CO2 levels since humans started using wholesale quantities of fossil fuels. This strikes me as being more than coincidental.
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