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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. Ah, a little graffiti will fix that right up. Any guesses as to how long before that happens?
  2. Toda I verified with the desk clerk that the Montagu was sold (he said last week), and there are "HOTEL CLOSED" and "NO VACANCY" signs posted on the front doors. Check for more info here.
  3. Verified today that the Montegue has been sold (per the desk clerk, last week.) There are "HOTEL CLOSED" and "NO VACANCY" signs posted on the front door. It appears that they're remaining open only until existing tenants can be relocated. Adieu, Montegu... It's chock-full of early 20th century fixtures - wonder if they'll be salvaged?
  4. Modern elevators can be programmed to service different floors at different hours. Also, elevator key systems are common, effective and easily used.
  5. There's a parking garage in Rochester, NY which draws comparisons to Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim museum. (rather, it did draw comparisons, until its signature ramp abruptly collapsed. )
  6. And Mollie Ivins. And Ann Richards. Where are the new female Texas icons? Laura doesn't cut it.
  7. I wonder why Hines didn't follow through with that 'architecturally significant' parking garage hoopla. He's created a nasty view for the proposed new tower.
  8. Manhattan had even less restrictions than Houston when it was first settled. It's only through the efforts of its residents that the protections they have on the books came about. While there's a time for bowing and scraping, sometimes a bit of old-fashioned rabble-rousing rhetoric is called for, too.
  9. Is this how the Chronicle gets away with their building's seemingly eternal renovation process? Talk about your Never Ending Story...if you can remember when the sidewalk on Texas Ave. was still at full width, kids are calling you 'old-timer' behind your back. Perhaps that's part of the reason the Chron seems strangely silent about such matters - and so little gets done. (Gold wart, indeed! I thought it had a certain tacky charm, and was a nice foil to the Church of Christ Scientist building.)
  10. I stumbled across this show (Big Medicine) a couple of weeks ago, and it's really quite touching. The work that these doctors are doing is a matter of life and death to some of their patients, and significantly changes the quality of life for all of them. Some moments are a bit cheesy (the plastic surgeon offering to pierce a young woman's navel), but for the most part it's quite serious. And with our "Fattest City" reputation, this show will probably never run out of material.
  11. I like Gehry. His designs have the same "Jeez! What happened to that poor building!?" appeal as Gaudi.
  12. I'd rather blame those who submit inappropriate posts. Because of HAIF's success, there are now so many posts that we moderators can no longer review each one. If a HAIF member encounters a truly offensive post (and not merely one with which he disagrees), he's encouraged to bring it to a moderator's attention. Defining 'offensive' isn't an exact science. The editor and we moderators discuss, ponder and struggle with achieving a balance between civility and free expression. Generally, we tend to come down on the latter's side.
  13. If anyone has something substantial and related to the topic to add, please contact a moderator about re-opening this thread. Members are encouraged to settle personal differences privately and civally; not in open forum.
  14. Best role (IMO): Heavy, playing a slutty broke-down small town waitress (opposite Shelley Winters!)
  15. Yes, the loon is (the aptly named) O'Toole. Article can be read here, if you have time to waste.
  16. No, I already had the Teutonic specs. And this is not the first time the shirt I'm wearing has been seen in Germany. It's my father's WWII Army shirt. There's irony in there, somewhere... Pay 'em enough, even Houstonians will walk down the street. Believe me, I didn't want to.
  17. Here's a to (one version of) the commercial on YouTube. And yes, that's me.
  18. Sicko. Even Fox News gives a rave review: Filmmaker Michael Moore's brilliant and uplifting new documentary, "Sicko," deals with the failings of the U.S. healthcare system, both real and perceived. But this time around, the controversial documentarian seems to be letting the subject matter do the talking, and in the process shows a new maturity. Unlike many of his previous films ("Roger and Me," "Bowling for Columbine," "Fahrenheit 9-11"), "Sicko" works because in this one there are no confrontations. Moore smartly lets very articulate average Americans tell their personal horror stories at the hands of insurance companies. The film never talks down or baits the audience. Opening June 29th
  19. At the risk of being self-referential, here's what I said about Randall's in December of '04. I agree with many of the complaints about Randall's (especially that 2/$5 milk thing!) The prices are somewhat higher than Kroger for most items. For produce, they're easily double what you'd pay at Fiesta. Even Spec's produce is cheaper, and of noticably higher quality. In the interests of putting my money where my mouth is, I've tried to patronize the Midtown Randall's, but its shortcomings are too numerous. Hope someone else can make a go of it at that location.
  20. Just do us a favor and scrape that American flag off your bumper, sport. It makes a mockery of genuine patriots.
  21. No, the Witch's Hat house's turret was shaped differently (a sort of concave cone, if that makes sense.)
  22. Is that any way to talk about undocumented workers!?
  23. I'm astonished at the lack of interest in this topic. Here's our Attorney General, openly lying to Congress, (as are his underlings) and people would rather discuss a ladies' TV morning henfest.
  24. Oh puh-leeze. When Rosie pointed out how Bush thought reading "The Pet Goat" for seven minutes after he was informed of the WTC plane attack, Elisabeth's justification was (I paraphrase): "Oh! So you think he should have terrified the children, right? That's what he should have done, just thrown them into a panic!" Gee, Elisabeth - is that how you were raised, that adults couldn't excuse themselves without generating panic among children? That would explain a lot... IF you had watched the show, the bruhaha began because Elisabeth wouldn't answer a simple question - which is, does she think that Rosie believes our troups are terrorists. Yes or no would have done it. Please name one - just one - intelligent opinion Elisabeth has expressed. As of yet, I haven't heard any.
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