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Everything posted by dbigtex56

  1. You weren't the only one - several passersby tried to enter the "Rusk St. Deli" and were rather disappointed, because it was the only place that appeared to be open in downtown on the weekend!
  2. So far as locations: I believe the house occupied by the rich old miser (Stacy Keach, practically unrecognizable under a ton of makeup) was the Lucia House on Bute Street.
  3. Elizabeth (is that her name? and who cares?) is so painfully dim-witted that it's really an act of cruelty to exhibit her in public. Aside from that, she's devious, two-faced and buys her clothes at Sluts 'R' Us. Not a fan.
  4. Nothing national, probably some local footage for Momentum or Advantage. Is this something you know, or are we speculating here? After all, if the German telecom companies come to Houston to make their ads, why shouldn't their auto makers?
  5. Well, shucks. I'm a bit disappointed. It's not like this building was Radio City Music Hall or anything, but it did have some pleasing Art Deco/Moderne details. What flavor of crap is Regions Bank's stock architecture?
  6. (CBS) This year, Houston Mayor Bill White and Doris Voitier, a school superintendent from Louisiana, will receive the prestigious Profile in Courage award for their public service in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The award, named for president John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer prize-winning book, "Profiles in Courage," was created in 1989 in honor of President Kennedy's commitment and contribution to public service. JFK's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, will present this year's awards. link to full article Saw Mayor White on television this morning, and thought he made a very good impression. How gratifying to know that the efforts of White and the people of Houston haven't been forgotten.
  7. The 'movie' being filmed at the corner of Rusk and Louisiana was a television commercial for Vodafone, and is scheduled to be shown only in its German market. I was employed by Southwest Casting as one of the extras over the weekend. Here's the storyline: a young man is standing within a group of people, waiting to cross the street in a busy city. He opens his cellphone, and someone looks down at and starts singing "He's got the whole world, in his hand...he's got the whole wide world in his hand.." Then a very large black woman standing next to him goes full-gospel with the song: "He's got shopping and music, in his hand, he's got information in his hand, he's got the whole world in his hand." Oh yes, lordy. The others find themselves unable to resist, and unwillingly (at first) join in. Soon they're caught up in the spirit, and passersby start to notice. Cars stop, drivers stare then run to join in. Bicyclists jump cars, skateboarders dodge through traffic. A hybrid Metro bus filled with flight attendants stops and they join in. Soon, the young man is lifted on the hands of the adoring crowd, their hero because of this wonderful telephone in his grasp. Then he closes the phone. Abruptly, the crowd drops him in the middle of the street, and go back about their business. It will take a sharp eye to recognize the setting as being downtown Houston. Most people will probably assume it's NYC because of the hot dog carts and pretzel stands that were brought in as props. Although it won't be shown in the US market, it almost certainly will be on IMDB, etc.
  8. According to a study (ok, me - percentage of error +/- 50%), this list ranks seventh on the "Most Dubious and Useless Studies of 2007" list.
  9. The armchair looks late 40's-early 50's, the end table and credenza maybe mid to late 50's. Definitely pre-Brady.
  10. Some of you may be following news reports regarding Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's testimony regarding the firing of federal prosecutors. From all appearances this was done for purely political reasons. However, when questioned about events leading up to the firings, it seems Mr. Gonzales's memory fails him. When ever asked a direct question he doesn't know, doesn't remember, has no recollection... Some of you may recall that Mr. Gonzales also stoutly defended tactics used to refresh prisoners' memories at Guantanamo Bay ("Gitmo") - tactics which constitute torture under the Geneva Convention. So here's my plan to make everyone happy: whenever Mr. Gonzales "can't recall" or "isn't permitted to talk about" something, just haul out the ol' water board, and see how long it takes his memory to return. Heck, even he's in favor of it; and it sure would make those C-SPAN hearings a hell of a lot more interesting.
  11. That building (1665 Westheimer) now houses American Apparel.
  12. Congrats to both Lisa and Robert on an article which will open many eyes. Sometimes we HAIFers forget that not everyone is as consumed with architecture, city planning, neighborhoods etc. as we. Ms Gray seems to have come under fire for her mention of T. C. Burton. I think anyone interested in the neighborhood would wonder what sort of charactor would behave as he does, or if he was in any way representative of its populance. She let his own words and actions portray himself as a vile but harmless nutcase.
  13. There's an existing thread here about this site. Don't have any info on the one near Cafe Brazil. Does it front on Westheimer or Dunlavy? Which side of the street?
  14. A parent who allows a television set or internet access in a pre-teen's bedroom is asking for trouble.
  15. Just a reminder - polls close at 7! Vote Melissa!
  16. For a moment I thought I was finally experiencing one of those flashbacks we've been promised for so many years.
  17. OK, not exactly on topic - but the ugliest street names in Houston? I nominate Gross and Hazard.
  18. A friend and I were riding down the Southwest Freeway, going maybe 60 mph. A car passed us on the left, going quite a lot faster. Then it slowed down suddenly; probably because it was on its roof! Oh, here's one where you really had to be there to believe it. I was standing behind a very large woman in the checkout line at Kroger. She was wearing a summer dress of some lightweight material. Without warning, she loudly expelled a huge quantity of gas, and the force was such as to cause the dress to flutter in the breeze! She continued to stand there looking straight ahead as if nothing had happened. I quickly changed lines.
  19. Yes...thank goodness.BTW, have you tried McDonald's upgraded coffee? Pretty good.
  20. For some reason, civic pride took a nosedive soon after WWII. The contrast is striking; courthouses, city halls, schools, bridges, fire houses and so on used to incorporate great design and substantial materials with impressive results. Heck, the average 19th century prison is more attractive than today's McMansions. Houston may not have a Chrysler Building or a Grand Central Station, but we do have a City Hall of which we can proud. I'm glad it's not being cheapened with substandard materials.
  21. Sign says hearing on variance is being held today. Current rumor is that it's going to be a midrise office tower.
  22. Jeez, thanks a lot, Puma...don't I rate?
  23. Had the Brady Bill been renewed, Mr. Cho would not have had the access he did to the weapons with which he did his killing. Unfortunately, President Bush lied (again) when he said that he would support the renewal of the Brady Bill.
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